Vogel JC Fuls A and Visser E. 1986. Pretoria Radiocarbon dates III. Radiocarbon 28: 1133-117

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

@misc{Vogel JC Fuls A and Visser E. 1986. Pretoria Radiocarbon dates III. Radiocarbon 28: 1133-117,
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:bibtex_key: 'Vogel JC Fuls A and Visser E. 1986. Pretoria Radiocarbon dates III.
  Radiocarbon 28: 1133-117'
:bibtex_type: :misc

Citing records

There are 128 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.

Site Sites (49)

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (78)

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Wilde Als Put 2 Pta-4223 eggshell NA NA 5630±170 BP 6825–6000 cal BP Vogel JC Fuls A and Visser E. 1986. Pretoria Radiocarbon dates III. Radiocarbon 28: 1133-117 Bird et al. 2022
Batlharos 1 Pta-4451 charcoal NA NA 210±30 BP 306–143 cal BP Vogel JC Fuls A and Visser E. 1986. Pretoria Radiocarbon dates III. Radiocarbon 28: 1133-117 Bird et al. 2022
Oakhurst Pta-4467 bone NA NA 4900±60 BP 5853–5478 cal BP Vogel JC Fuls A and Visser E. 1986. Pretoria Radiocarbon dates III. Radiocarbon 28: 1133-117 Bird et al. 2022
Havens Cave Pta-4620 NA NA 9790±90 BP 11601–10787 cal BP Vogel JC Fuls A and Visser E. 1986. Pretoria Radiocarbon dates III. Radiocarbon 28: 1133-117 Bird et al. 2022
Bokvasmaak 4 Pta-4877 eggshell NA NA 1620±35 BP 1549–1404 cal BP Vogel JC Fuls A and Visser E. 1986. Pretoria Radiocarbon dates III. Radiocarbon 28: 1133-117 Bird et al. 2022
Border Cave Pta-4880 charcoal NA NA 39800±620 BP 44145–42478 cal BP Vogel JC Fuls A and Visser E. 1986. Pretoria Radiocarbon dates III. Radiocarbon 28: 1133-117 Bird et al. 2022
Strathalan B Pta-5059 plant remains NA NA 22800±530 BP 27895–25940 cal BP Vogel JC Fuls A and Visser E. 1986. Pretoria Radiocarbon dates III. Radiocarbon 28: 1133-117 Bird et al. 2022
Steenbokfontein Pta-7020 marine shell NA NA 3635±30 BP 4080–3850 cal BP Vogel JC Fuls A and Visser E. 1986. Pretoria Radiocarbon dates III. Radiocarbon 28: 1133-117 Bird et al. 2022
Kaditshwene second central court midden Pta-7039 charcoal NA NA 160±50 BP 289–161 cal BP Vogel JC Fuls A and Visser E. 1986. Pretoria Radiocarbon dates III. Radiocarbon 28: 1133-117 Bird et al. 2022
Strathalan A Pta-7144 plant remains NA NA 300±40 BP 470–290 cal BP Vogel JC Fuls A and Visser E. 1986. Pretoria Radiocarbon dates III. Radiocarbon 28: 1133-117 Bird et al. 2022
Rose Cottage Cave Pta-7184 charcoal NA NA 28800±450 BP 34176–31915 cal BP Vogel JC Fuls A and Visser E. 1986. Pretoria Radiocarbon dates III. Radiocarbon 28: 1133-117 Bird et al. 2022
Spoeg River Cave Pta-7200 NA NA 2400±25 BP 2665–2350 cal BP Vogel JC Fuls A and Visser E. 1986. Pretoria Radiocarbon dates III. Radiocarbon 28: 1133-117 Bird et al. 2022
Rose Cottage Cave Pta-7763 charcoal NA NA 30800±200 BP 35496–34690 cal BP Vogel JC Fuls A and Visser E. 1986. Pretoria Radiocarbon dates III. Radiocarbon 28: 1133-117 Bird et al. 2022
Kotha’s Field Pta-8182 charcoal NA NA 660±80 BP 723–527 cal BP Vogel JC Fuls A and Visser E. 1986. Pretoria Radiocarbon dates III. Radiocarbon 28: 1133-117 Bird et al. 2022
Shongweni South Pta-821 charcoal NA NA 1770±60 BP 1820–1536 cal BP Vogel JC Fuls A and Visser E. 1986. Pretoria Radiocarbon dates III. Radiocarbon 28: 1133-117 Bird et al. 2022
Munro Site Oppermansdrift Pta-87 bone NA NA 850±60 BP 909–674 cal BP Vogel JC Fuls A and Visser E. 1986. Pretoria Radiocarbon dates III. Radiocarbon 28: 1133-117 Bird et al. 2022
Kasteelberg G Pta-8719 marine shell NA NA 1685±20 BP 1688–1533 cal BP Vogel JC Fuls A and Visser E. 1986. Pretoria Radiocarbon dates III. Radiocarbon 28: 1133-117 Bird et al. 2022
Kasteelberg G Pta-8769 marine shell NA NA 4550±60 BP 5445–4979 cal BP Vogel JC Fuls A and Visser E. 1986. Pretoria Radiocarbon dates III. Radiocarbon 28: 1133-117 Bird et al. 2022


Record created in XRONOS on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. Last updated on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. See changelog for details.
Contributors: XRONOS development team
