Robbins L.H. Murphy M.L. Brook G.A. Ivester A.H. Campbell A.C. Klein R.G. Milo R.G. Stewart K.M. Downey W.S. and Stevens N.J. 2000. Archaeology palaeoenvironment and chronology of the Tsodilo Hills White Paintings rock shelter northwest Kalahari Desert Botswana.Journal of Archaeological Science27(11) pp.1085-1113.

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

@misc{Robbins L.H. Murphy M.L. Brook G.A. Ivester A.H. Campbell A.C. Klein R.G. Milo R.G. Stewart K.M. Downey W.S. and Stevens N.J. 2000. Archaeology palaeoenvironment and chronology of the Tsodilo Hills White Paintings rock shelter northwest Kalahari Desert Botswana.Journal of Archaeological Science27(11) pp.1085-1113.,
{"bibtex_key":"Robbins L.H. Murphy M.L. Brook G.A. Ivester A.H. Campbell A.C. Klein R.G. Milo R.G. Stewart K.M. Downey W.S. and Stevens N.J. 2000. Archaeology palaeoenvironment and chronology of the Tsodilo Hills White Paintings rock shelter northwest Kalahari Desert Botswana.Journal of Archaeological Science27(11) pp.1085-1113.","bibtex_type":"misc"}
:bibtex_key: Robbins L.H. Murphy M.L. Brook G.A. Ivester A.H. Campbell A.C. Klein
  R.G. Milo R.G. Stewart K.M. Downey W.S. and Stevens N.J. 2000. Archaeology palaeoenvironment
  and chronology of the Tsodilo Hills White Paintings rock shelter northwest Kalahari
  Desert Botswana.Journal of Archaeological Science27(11) pp.1085-1113.
:bibtex_type: :misc

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