Robbins L.H. Murphy M.L. Brook G.A. Ivester A.H. Campbell A.C. Klein R.G. Milo R.G. Stewart K.M. Downey W.S. and Stevens N.J. 2000. Archaeology palaeoenvironment and chronology of the Tsodilo Hills White Paintings rock shelter northwest Kalahari Desert Botswana.Journal of Archaeological Science27(11) pp.1085-1113.

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

@misc{Robbins L.H. Murphy M.L. Brook G.A. Ivester A.H. Campbell A.C. Klein R.G. Milo R.G. Stewart K.M. Downey W.S. and Stevens N.J. 2000. Archaeology palaeoenvironment and chronology of the Tsodilo Hills White Paintings rock shelter northwest Kalahari Desert Botswana.Journal of Archaeological Science27(11) pp.1085-1113.,
{"bibtex_key":"Robbins L.H. Murphy M.L. Brook G.A. Ivester A.H. Campbell A.C. Klein R.G. Milo R.G. Stewart K.M. Downey W.S. and Stevens N.J. 2000. Archaeology palaeoenvironment and chronology of the Tsodilo Hills White Paintings rock shelter northwest Kalahari Desert Botswana.Journal of Archaeological Science27(11) pp.1085-1113.","bibtex_type":"misc"}
:bibtex_key: Robbins L.H. Murphy M.L. Brook G.A. Ivester A.H. Campbell A.C. Klein
  R.G. Milo R.G. Stewart K.M. Downey W.S. and Stevens N.J. 2000. Archaeology palaeoenvironment
  and chronology of the Tsodilo Hills White Paintings rock shelter northwest Kalahari
  Desert Botswana.Journal of Archaeological Science27(11) pp.1085-1113.
:bibtex_type: :misc

Citing records

There are 30 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.

Site Sites (7)

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (22)

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
White Paintings Shelter AA-31280 eggshell NA NA 31880±510 BP Robbins L.H. Murphy M.L. Brook G.A. Ivester A.H. Campbell A.C. Klein R.G. Milo R.G. Stewart K.M. Downey W.S. and Stevens N.J. 2000. Archaeology palaeoenvironment and chronology of the Tsodilo Hills White Paintings rock shelter northwest Kalahari Desert Botswana.Journal of Archaeological Science27(11) pp.1085-1113. Bird et al. 2022
White Paintings Shelter AA-31729 eggshell NA NA 26460±300 BP Robbins L.H. Murphy M.L. Brook G.A. Ivester A.H. Campbell A.C. Klein R.G. Milo R.G. Stewart K.M. Downey W.S. and Stevens N.J. 2000. Archaeology palaeoenvironment and chronology of the Tsodilo Hills White Paintings rock shelter northwest Kalahari Desert Botswana.Journal of Archaeological Science27(11) pp.1085-1113. Bird et al. 2022
White Paintings Shelter AA-35233 eggshell NA NA 3555±45 BP Robbins L.H. Murphy M.L. Brook G.A. Ivester A.H. Campbell A.C. Klein R.G. Milo R.G. Stewart K.M. Downey W.S. and Stevens N.J. 2000. Archaeology palaeoenvironment and chronology of the Tsodilo Hills White Paintings rock shelter northwest Kalahari Desert Botswana.Journal of Archaeological Science27(11) pp.1085-1113. Bird et al. 2022
Staffe Island 1 Beta-33047 charcoal; charbon de bois NA NA 870±70 BP Robbins L.H. Murphy M.L. Brook G.A. Ivester A.H. Campbell A.C. Klein R.G. Milo R.G. Stewart K.M. Downey W.S. and Stevens N.J. 2000. Archaeology palaeoenvironment and chronology of the Tsodilo Hills White Paintings rock shelter northwest Kalahari Desert Botswana.Journal of Archaeological Science27(11) pp.1085-1113. Bird et al. 2022
White Paintings Shelter Beta-33052 charcoal NA NA 500±60 BP Robbins L.H. Murphy M.L. Brook G.A. Ivester A.H. Campbell A.C. Klein R.G. Milo R.G. Stewart K.M. Downey W.S. and Stevens N.J. 2000. Archaeology palaeoenvironment and chronology of the Tsodilo Hills White Paintings rock shelter northwest Kalahari Desert Botswana.Journal of Archaeological Science27(11) pp.1085-1113. Bird et al. 2022
White Paintings Shelter Beta-33053 charcoal NA NA 3700±130 BP Robbins L.H. Murphy M.L. Brook G.A. Ivester A.H. Campbell A.C. Klein R.G. Milo R.G. Stewart K.M. Downey W.S. and Stevens N.J. 2000. Archaeology palaeoenvironment and chronology of the Tsodilo Hills White Paintings rock shelter northwest Kalahari Desert Botswana.Journal of Archaeological Science27(11) pp.1085-1113. Bird et al. 2022
White Paintings Shelter Beta-33055 charcoal NA NA 110±80 BP Robbins L.H. Murphy M.L. Brook G.A. Ivester A.H. Campbell A.C. Klein R.G. Milo R.G. Stewart K.M. Downey W.S. and Stevens N.J. 2000. Archaeology palaeoenvironment and chronology of the Tsodilo Hills White Paintings rock shelter northwest Kalahari Desert Botswana.Journal of Archaeological Science27(11) pp.1085-1113. Bird et al. 2022
Thompson Beta-3368 unknown; inconnu NA NA 920±100 BP Robbins L.H. Murphy M.L. Brook G.A. Ivester A.H. Campbell A.C. Klein R.G. Milo R.G. Stewart K.M. Downey W.S. and Stevens N.J. 2000. Archaeology palaeoenvironment and chronology of the Tsodilo Hills White Paintings rock shelter northwest Kalahari Desert Botswana.Journal of Archaeological Science27(11) pp.1085-1113. Bird et al. 2022
Drotsky's Cave Beta-47862 NA NA 12450±80 BP Robbins L.H. Murphy M.L. Brook G.A. Ivester A.H. Campbell A.C. Klein R.G. Milo R.G. Stewart K.M. Downey W.S. and Stevens N.J. 2000. Archaeology palaeoenvironment and chronology of the Tsodilo Hills White Paintings rock shelter northwest Kalahari Desert Botswana.Journal of Archaeological Science27(11) pp.1085-1113. Bird et al. 2022
White Paintings Shelter Beta-47864 charcoal NA NA 2260±80 BP Robbins L.H. Murphy M.L. Brook G.A. Ivester A.H. Campbell A.C. Klein R.G. Milo R.G. Stewart K.M. Downey W.S. and Stevens N.J. 2000. Archaeology palaeoenvironment and chronology of the Tsodilo Hills White Paintings rock shelter northwest Kalahari Desert Botswana.Journal of Archaeological Science27(11) pp.1085-1113. Bird et al. 2022
White Paintings Shelter Beta-47865 charcoal NA NA 4330±160 BP Robbins L.H. Murphy M.L. Brook G.A. Ivester A.H. Campbell A.C. Klein R.G. Milo R.G. Stewart K.M. Downey W.S. and Stevens N.J. 2000. Archaeology palaeoenvironment and chronology of the Tsodilo Hills White Paintings rock shelter northwest Kalahari Desert Botswana.Journal of Archaeological Science27(11) pp.1085-1113. Bird et al. 2022
White Paintings Shelter Beta-47866 bone NA NA 20340±520 BP Robbins L.H. Murphy M.L. Brook G.A. Ivester A.H. Campbell A.C. Klein R.G. Milo R.G. Stewart K.M. Downey W.S. and Stevens N.J. 2000. Archaeology palaeoenvironment and chronology of the Tsodilo Hills White Paintings rock shelter northwest Kalahari Desert Botswana.Journal of Archaeological Science27(11) pp.1085-1113. Bird et al. 2022
El Capitan Cave Beta-55709 fish bone collagen; collagène osseux de poisson NA NA 5770±130 BP Robbins L.H. Murphy M.L. Brook G.A. Ivester A.H. Campbell A.C. Klein R.G. Milo R.G. Stewart K.M. Downey W.S. and Stevens N.J. 2000. Archaeology palaeoenvironment and chronology of the Tsodilo Hills White Paintings rock shelter northwest Kalahari Desert Botswana.Journal of Archaeological Science27(11) pp.1085-1113. Bird et al. 2022
White Paintings Shelter Beta-55732 charcoal NA NA 3479±90 BP Robbins L.H. Murphy M.L. Brook G.A. Ivester A.H. Campbell A.C. Klein R.G. Milo R.G. Stewart K.M. Downey W.S. and Stevens N.J. 2000. Archaeology palaeoenvironment and chronology of the Tsodilo Hills White Paintings rock shelter northwest Kalahari Desert Botswana.Journal of Archaeological Science27(11) pp.1085-1113. Bird et al. 2022
Cabeco do Porto Marinho III SMU-2637 charcoal NA NA 11110±130 BP Robbins L.H. Murphy M.L. Brook G.A. Ivester A.H. Campbell A.C. Klein R.G. Milo R.G. Stewart K.M. Downey W.S. and Stevens N.J. 2000. Archaeology palaeoenvironment and chronology of the Tsodilo Hills White Paintings rock shelter northwest Kalahari Desert Botswana.Journal of Archaeological Science27(11) pp.1085-1113. Bird et al. 2022
Ogse 80 UCR-3285 plant NA NA 7960±60 BP Robbins L.H. Murphy M.L. Brook G.A. Ivester A.H. Campbell A.C. Klein R.G. Milo R.G. Stewart K.M. Downey W.S. and Stevens N.J. 2000. Archaeology palaeoenvironment and chronology of the Tsodilo Hills White Paintings rock shelter northwest Kalahari Desert Botswana.Journal of Archaeological Science27(11) pp.1085-1113. Bird et al. 2022
White Paintings Shelter UCR-3364 eggshell NA NA 28890±300 BP Robbins L.H. Murphy M.L. Brook G.A. Ivester A.H. Campbell A.C. Klein R.G. Milo R.G. Stewart K.M. Downey W.S. and Stevens N.J. 2000. Archaeology palaeoenvironment and chronology of the Tsodilo Hills White Paintings rock shelter northwest Kalahari Desert Botswana.Journal of Archaeological Science27(11) pp.1085-1113. Bird et al. 2022
White Paintings Shelter UCR-3365 eggshell NA NA 35510±560 BP Robbins L.H. Murphy M.L. Brook G.A. Ivester A.H. Campbell A.C. Klein R.G. Milo R.G. Stewart K.M. Downey W.S. and Stevens N.J. 2000. Archaeology palaeoenvironment and chronology of the Tsodilo Hills White Paintings rock shelter northwest Kalahari Desert Botswana.Journal of Archaeological Science27(11) pp.1085-1113. Bird et al. 2022
White Paintings Shelter UCR-3366 eggshell NA NA 3900±50 BP Robbins L.H. Murphy M.L. Brook G.A. Ivester A.H. Campbell A.C. Klein R.G. Milo R.G. Stewart K.M. Downey W.S. and Stevens N.J. 2000. Archaeology palaeoenvironment and chronology of the Tsodilo Hills White Paintings rock shelter northwest Kalahari Desert Botswana.Journal of Archaeological Science27(11) pp.1085-1113. Bird et al. 2022
White Paintings Shelter UCR-3367 eggshell NA NA 28360±240 BP Robbins L.H. Murphy M.L. Brook G.A. Ivester A.H. Campbell A.C. Klein R.G. Milo R.G. Stewart K.M. Downey W.S. and Stevens N.J. 2000. Archaeology palaeoenvironment and chronology of the Tsodilo Hills White Paintings rock shelter northwest Kalahari Desert Botswana.Journal of Archaeological Science27(11) pp.1085-1113. Bird et al. 2022


Record created in XRONOS on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. Last updated on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. See changelog for details.
Contributors: XRONOS development team
