Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

  • [rxpand]
  url = {},
  note = {de Souza, Jonas Gregorio. 2021. rxpand: Radiocarbon dates for the spread of farming and ceramics in tropical South America.}
[{"bibtex_key":"rxpand","bibtex_type":"misc","url":"{}","note":"{de Souza, Jonas Gregorio. 2021. rxpand: Radiocarbon dates for the spread of farming and ceramics in tropical South America.}"}]
- :bibtex_key: rxpand
  :bibtex_type: :misc
  :url: "{}"
  :note: "{de Souza, Jonas Gregorio. 2021. rxpand: Radiocarbon dates for the spread
    of farming and ceramics in tropical South America.}"

Citing records

There are 2794 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (2794)

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Taperinha (PA-ST-27) OxA-1546 Shell mound ca. 4 m high. Excavations revealed superimposed strata with charcoal, ashes, hearths, burnt rocks and ceramic debris. Rare human bones were found. Freshwater shell NA NA 7090±80 BP 8029–7720 cal BP Roosevelt et al. 1991
Taperinha (PA-ST-27) OxA-1547 Shell mound ca. 4 m high. Excavations revealed superimposed strata with charcoal, ashes, hearths, burnt rocks and ceramic debris. Rare human bones were found. Freshwater shell NA NA 7080±80 BP 8024–7720 cal BP Roosevelt et al. 1991
Taperinha (PA-ST-27) OxA-1542 Shell mound ca. 4 m high. Excavations revealed superimposed strata with charcoal, ashes, hearths, burnt rocks and ceramic debris. Rare human bones were found. Freshwater shell NA NA 7010±90 BP 8005–7673 cal BP Roosevelt et al. 1991
Taperinha (PA-ST-27) OxA-1545 Shell mound ca. 4 m high. Excavations revealed superimposed strata with charcoal, ashes, hearths, burnt rocks and ceramic debris. Rare human bones were found. Freshwater shell NA NA 7000±80 BP 7963–7680 cal BP Roosevelt et al. 1991
Taperinha (PA-ST-27) OxA-1544 Shell mound ca. 4 m high. Excavations revealed superimposed strata with charcoal, ashes, hearths, burnt rocks and ceramic debris. Rare human bones were found. Charcoal NA NA 6980±80 BP 7956–7672 cal BP Roosevelt et al. 1991
Taperinha (PA-ST-27) OxA-1543 Shell mound ca. 4 m high. Excavations revealed superimposed strata with charcoal, ashes, hearths, burnt rocks and ceramic debris. Rare human bones were found. Charcoal NA NA 6930±80 BP 7932–7618 cal BP Roosevelt et al. 1991
Taperinha (PA-ST-27) OxA-1760 Shell mound ca. 4 m high. Excavations revealed superimposed strata with charcoal, ashes, hearths, burnt rocks and ceramic debris. Rare human bones were found. Charcoal NA NA 6880±80 BP 7920–7581 cal BP Roosevelt et al. 1991
Taperinha (PA-ST-27) OxA-1541 Shell mound ca. 4 m high. Excavations revealed superimposed strata with charcoal, ashes, hearths, burnt rocks and ceramic debris. Rare human bones were found. Charcoal NA NA 6860±100 BP 7930–7515 cal BP Roosevelt et al. 1991
Taperinha (PA-ST-27) OxA-2432 Shell mound ca. 4 m high. Excavations revealed superimposed strata with charcoal, ashes, hearths, burnt rocks and ceramic debris. Rare human bones were found. Humic/fulvic acids NA NA 6640±80 BP 7665–7422 cal BP Roosevelt et al. 1991
Taperinha (PA-ST-27) OxA-2431 Shell mound ca. 4 m high. Excavations revealed superimposed strata with charcoal, ashes, hearths, burnt rocks and ceramic debris. Rare human bones were found. Ceramic residue NA NA 6590±100 BP 7661–7310 cal BP Roosevelt et al. 1991
Taperinha (PA-ST-27) OxA-1540 Shell mound ca. 4 m high. Excavations revealed superimposed strata with charcoal, ashes, hearths, burnt rocks and ceramic debris. Rare human bones were found. Freshwater shell NA NA 6300±90 BP 7422–6995 cal BP Roosevelt et al. 1991
Barabina SI-4333 Shell mound. Charcoal NA NA 5965±50 BP 6935–6671 cal BP Roosevelt 1995
Taperinha (PA-ST-27) GX-12844 Shell mound ca. 4 m high. Excavations revealed superimposed strata with charcoal, ashes, hearths, burnt rocks and ceramic debris. Rare human bones were found. Freshwater shell NA NA 5705±80 BP 6665–6311 cal BP Roosevelt et al. 1991
Agüerito I-10009 NA NA 5680±165 BP 6890–6022 cal BP Roosevelt 1997
Justino (SE00021) Beta-86744 Large funerary site with over 160 burials. Both primary inhumations and secondary urn burials were found, accompanied by ceramics, adornments and hearths. Cremations and disarticulated bones were also recorded. Charcoal NA NA 5570±70 BP 6493–6215 cal BP Vergne 2004
Uruá (PA-SA-23) SI-1034 Shell mound. Charcoal NA NA 5570±125 BP 6660–6009 cal BP Roosevelt 1995
Barabina SI-5743 Shell mound. Peat NA NA 5460±65 BP 6397–6017 cal BP Roosevelt 1995
Agüerito GX-5181 NA NA 5425±195 BP 6642–5747 cal BP Roosevelt 1997
Porto da Mina (PA-SA-05) GX-2472 Shell mound 4 m high with layers of charcoal, ash and debris intercalated with layers of burnt shell. A primary burial was uncovered, accompanied by a polished axe. Charcoal NA NA 5115±195 BP 6295–5471 cal BP Simões 1981
Urupá (RO-JI-15) /c14s/164999 NA NA 5070±60 BP 5925–5659 cal BP Miller 2009


Record created in XRONOS on 2022-12-02 00:40:38 UTC. Last updated on 2022-12-09 11:49:05 UTC. See changelog for details.
Contributors: XRONOS development team
