Pistorius J.C. 1995. Radio-carbon dates from the Mabyanamatshwaana complex.South African Journal of Ethnology18(3) pp.123-127.

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

@misc{Pistorius J.C. 1995. Radio-carbon dates from the Mabyanamatshwaana complex.South African Journal of Ethnology18(3) pp.123-127.,
{"bibtex_key":"Pistorius J.C. 1995. Radio-carbon dates from the Mabyanamatshwaana complex.South African Journal of Ethnology18(3) pp.123-127.","bibtex_type":"misc"}
:bibtex_key: Pistorius J.C. 1995. Radio-carbon dates from the Mabyanamatshwaana complex.South
  African Journal of Ethnology18(3) pp.123-127.
:bibtex_type: :misc

Citing records

There are 16 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.

Site Sites (5)

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (10)

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Melkhoutboom Pta-666 NA NA 7660±80 BP Pistorius J.C. 1995. Radio-carbon dates from the Mabyanamatshwaana complex.South African Journal of Ethnology18(3) pp.123-127. Bird et al. 2022
ZK001 (Mabyanamatshwaana) Pta-6667 bone NA NA 130±30 BP Pistorius J.C. 1995. Radio-carbon dates from the Mabyanamatshwaana complex.South African Journal of Ethnology18(3) pp.123-127. Bird et al. 2022
ZK001 (Mabyanamatshwaana) Pta-6676 charcoal NA NA 110±45 BP Pistorius J.C. 1995. Radio-carbon dates from the Mabyanamatshwaana complex.South African Journal of Ethnology18(3) pp.123-127. Bird et al. 2022
ZK001 (Mabyanamatshwaana) Pta-6677 charcoal NA NA 220±50 BP Pistorius J.C. 1995. Radio-carbon dates from the Mabyanamatshwaana complex.South African Journal of Ethnology18(3) pp.123-127. Bird et al. 2022
ZK001 (Mabyanamatshwaana) Pta-6678 charcoal NA NA 180±45 BP Pistorius J.C. 1995. Radio-carbon dates from the Mabyanamatshwaana complex.South African Journal of Ethnology18(3) pp.123-127. Bird et al. 2022
K2 Greefswald Pta-6680 bone NA NA 1250±40 BP Pistorius J.C. 1995. Radio-carbon dates from the Mabyanamatshwaana complex.South African Journal of Ethnology18(3) pp.123-127. Bird et al. 2022
ZK001 (Mabyanamatshwaana) Pta-6681 charcoal NA NA 210±30 BP Pistorius J.C. 1995. Radio-carbon dates from the Mabyanamatshwaana complex.South African Journal of Ethnology18(3) pp.123-127. Bird et al. 2022
Mike Taylor's Midden Pta-6683 marine shell NA NA 2100±30 BP Pistorius J.C. 1995. Radio-carbon dates from the Mabyanamatshwaana complex.South African Journal of Ethnology18(3) pp.123-127. Bird et al. 2022
ZK001 (Mabyanamatshwaana) Pta-6684 charcoal NA NA 170±20 BP Pistorius J.C. 1995. Radio-carbon dates from the Mabyanamatshwaana complex.South African Journal of Ethnology18(3) pp.123-127. Bird et al. 2022
Matjies River Pta-6688 charcoal NA NA 7920±100 BP Pistorius J.C. 1995. Radio-carbon dates from the Mabyanamatshwaana complex.South African Journal of Ethnology18(3) pp.123-127. Bird et al. 2022


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