Smith A.B. Sadr K. Gribble J. and Yates R. 1991. Excavations in the south-western Cape South Africa and the archaeological identity of prehistoric hunter-gatherers within the last 2000 years.The South African Archaeological Bulletin pp.71-91.

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

@misc{Smith A.B. Sadr K. Gribble J. and Yates R. 1991. Excavations in the south-western Cape South Africa and the archaeological identity of prehistoric hunter-gatherers within the last 2000 years.The South African Archaeological Bulletin pp.71-91.,
{"bibtex_key":"Smith A.B. Sadr K. Gribble J. and Yates R. 1991. Excavations in the south-western Cape South Africa and the archaeological identity of prehistoric hunter-gatherers within the last 2000 years.The South African Archaeological Bulletin pp.71-91.","bibtex_type":"misc"}
:bibtex_key: Smith A.B. Sadr K. Gribble J. and Yates R. 1991. Excavations in the south-western
  Cape South Africa and the archaeological identity of prehistoric hunter-gatherers
  within the last 2000 years.The South African Archaeological Bulletin pp.71-91.
:bibtex_type: :misc

Citing records

There are 16 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.

Site Sites (6)

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (9)

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Witklip Pta-4607 charcoal NA NA 3060±60 BP Smith A.B. Sadr K. Gribble J. and Yates R. 1991. Excavations in the south-western Cape South Africa and the archaeological identity of prehistoric hunter-gatherers within the last 2000 years.The South African Archaeological Bulletin pp.71-91. Bird et al. 2022
Witklip Pta-4608 charcoal NA NA 1380±50 BP Smith A.B. Sadr K. Gribble J. and Yates R. 1991. Excavations in the south-western Cape South Africa and the archaeological identity of prehistoric hunter-gatherers within the last 2000 years.The South African Archaeological Bulletin pp.71-91. Bird et al. 2022
/hei-/khomas Pta-5458 charcoal NA NA 420±50 BP Smith A.B. Sadr K. Gribble J. and Yates R. 1991. Excavations in the south-western Cape South Africa and the archaeological identity of prehistoric hunter-gatherers within the last 2000 years.The South African Archaeological Bulletin pp.71-91. Bird et al. 2022
Witklip Pta-5467 charcoal NA NA 330±45 BP Smith A.B. Sadr K. Gribble J. and Yates R. 1991. Excavations in the south-western Cape South Africa and the archaeological identity of prehistoric hunter-gatherers within the last 2000 years.The South African Archaeological Bulletin pp.71-91. Bird et al. 2022
Witklip Pta-5469 charcoal NA NA 500±50 BP Smith A.B. Sadr K. Gribble J. and Yates R. 1991. Excavations in the south-western Cape South Africa and the archaeological identity of prehistoric hunter-gatherers within the last 2000 years.The South African Archaeological Bulletin pp.71-91. Bird et al. 2022
Goergap 113 KR Pta-5512 NA NA 740±50 BP Smith A.B. Sadr K. Gribble J. and Yates R. 1991. Excavations in the south-western Cape South Africa and the archaeological identity of prehistoric hunter-gatherers within the last 2000 years.The South African Archaeological Bulletin pp.71-91. Bird et al. 2022
Kreeftebaai (Posberg Reserve) Pta-5517 charcoal NA NA 970±50 BP Smith A.B. Sadr K. Gribble J. and Yates R. 1991. Excavations in the south-western Cape South Africa and the archaeological identity of prehistoric hunter-gatherers within the last 2000 years.The South African Archaeological Bulletin pp.71-91. Bird et al. 2022
Toteng 1 Pta-5534 charcoal NA NA 1820±50 BP Smith A.B. Sadr K. Gribble J. and Yates R. 1991. Excavations in the south-western Cape South Africa and the archaeological identity of prehistoric hunter-gatherers within the last 2000 years.The South African Archaeological Bulletin pp.71-91. Bird et al. 2022
Bolahla Pta-5549 charcoal NA NA 910±45 BP Smith A.B. Sadr K. Gribble J. and Yates R. 1991. Excavations in the south-western Cape South Africa and the archaeological identity of prehistoric hunter-gatherers within the last 2000 years.The South African Archaeological Bulletin pp.71-91. Bird et al. 2022


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