Salazar D. Salinas H. Guendon J. K. Jackson D. Figueroa V. (2013). Hunter-gatherer-fisher mining during the archaic period in coastal northern Chile. In: Mining and quarrying in the ancient Andes: sociopolitical economic and symbolic dimensions. (Eds. Vaughn K. Tripevich N.). Springer New York. pp 137-156.

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

@misc{Salazar D. Salinas H. Guendon J. K. Jackson D. Figueroa V. (2013). Hunter-gatherer-fisher mining during the archaic period in coastal northern Chile. In: Mining and quarrying in the ancient Andes: sociopolitical economic and symbolic dimensions. (Eds. Vaughn K. Tripevich N.). Springer New York. pp 137-156.,
{"bibtex_key":"Salazar D. Salinas H. Guendon J. K. Jackson D. Figueroa V. (2013). Hunter-gatherer-fisher mining during the archaic period in coastal northern Chile. In: Mining and quarrying in the ancient Andes: sociopolitical economic and symbolic dimensions. (Eds. Vaughn K. Tripevich N.). Springer New York. pp 137-156.","bibtex_type":"misc"}
:bibtex_key: 'Salazar D. Salinas H. Guendon J. K. Jackson D. Figueroa V. (2013). Hunter-gatherer-fisher
  mining during the archaic period in coastal northern Chile. In: Mining and quarrying
  in the ancient Andes: sociopolitical economic and symbolic dimensions. (Eds. Vaughn
  K. Tripevich N.). Springer New York. pp 137-156.'
:bibtex_type: :misc

Citing records

There are 10 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.

Site Sites (4)

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (5)

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Salar de Punta Negra 1 POZ-3274 NA NA 9450±50 BP Salazar D. Salinas H. Guendon J. K. Jackson D. Figueroa V. (2013). Hunter-gatherer-fisher mining during the archaic period in coastal northern Chile. In: Mining and quarrying in the ancient Andes: sociopolitical economic and symbolic dimensions. (Eds. Vaughn K. Tripevich N.). Springer New York. pp 137-156. Bird et al. 2022
Chuquicamata POZ-37209 Wood shavings from the hammer handle NA NA 890±30 BP Salazar D. Salinas H. Guendon J. K. Jackson D. Figueroa V. (2013). Hunter-gatherer-fisher mining during the archaic period in coastal northern Chile. In: Mining and quarrying in the ancient Andes: sociopolitical economic and symbolic dimensions. (Eds. Vaughn K. Tripevich N.). Springer New York. pp 137-156. Bird et al. 2022
Baño Nuevo UGAMS-5002 human tooth NA NA 8960±40 BP Salazar D. Salinas H. Guendon J. K. Jackson D. Figueroa V. (2013). Hunter-gatherer-fisher mining during the archaic period in coastal northern Chile. In: Mining and quarrying in the ancient Andes: sociopolitical economic and symbolic dimensions. (Eds. Vaughn K. Tripevich N.). Springer New York. pp 137-156. Bird et al. 2022
San Ramón 15 UGAMS-5440 charcoal NA NA 9250±30 BP Salazar D. Salinas H. Guendon J. K. Jackson D. Figueroa V. (2013). Hunter-gatherer-fisher mining during the archaic period in coastal northern Chile. In: Mining and quarrying in the ancient Andes: sociopolitical economic and symbolic dimensions. (Eds. Vaughn K. Tripevich N.). Springer New York. pp 137-156. Bird et al. 2022
San Ramón 15 UGAMS-5441 charcoal NA NA 9360±30 BP Salazar D. Salinas H. Guendon J. K. Jackson D. Figueroa V. (2013). Hunter-gatherer-fisher mining during the archaic period in coastal northern Chile. In: Mining and quarrying in the ancient Andes: sociopolitical economic and symbolic dimensions. (Eds. Vaughn K. Tripevich N.). Springer New York. pp 137-156. Bird et al. 2022


Record created in XRONOS on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. Last updated on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. See changelog for details.
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