Kanivetz V.I. Palaeolithic of the North-East of Europe Moscow 1976 (in russian). Pavlov P.Yu. IN: From Kostionki to Clovis Plenum-press N-Y 1992. Magerud J. 1999. Boreas 28: 46-80. Slimak 2011. Science 332 841: 841-845.

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

@misc{Kanivetz V.I. Palaeolithic of the North-East of Europe Moscow 1976 (in russian). Pavlov P.Yu. IN: From Kostionki to Clovis Plenum-press N-Y 1992. Magerud J.  1999. Boreas 28: 46-80. Slimak 2011. Science 332 841: 841-845.,
{"bibtex_key":"Kanivetz V.I. Palaeolithic of the North-East of Europe Moscow 1976 (in russian). Pavlov P.Yu. IN: From Kostionki to Clovis Plenum-press N-Y 1992. Magerud J.  1999. Boreas 28: 46-80. Slimak 2011. Science 332 841: 841-845.","bibtex_type":"misc"}
:bibtex_key: 'Kanivetz V.I. Palaeolithic of the North-East of Europe Moscow 1976 (in
  russian). Pavlov P.Yu. IN: From Kostionki to Clovis Plenum-press N-Y 1992. Magerud
  J.  1999. Boreas 28: 46-80. Slimak 2011. Science 332 841: 841-845.'
:bibtex_type: :misc

Citing records

There are 37 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.

Site Sites (7)

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (29)

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Ushki-5 LE-3024 charcoal NA NA 9960±100 BP Kanivetz V.I. Palaeolithic of the North-East of Europe Moscow 1976 (in russian). Pavlov P.Yu. IN: From Kostionki to Clovis Plenum-press N-Y 1992. Magerud J. 1999. Boreas 28: 46-80. Slimak 2011. Science 332 841: 841-845. Bird et al. 2022
Zapovednaya cave Bore pit 1 LU-3861 charcoal NA NA 12380±260 BP Kanivetz V.I. Palaeolithic of the North-East of Europe Moscow 1976 (in russian). Pavlov P.Yu. IN: From Kostionki to Clovis Plenum-press N-Y 1992. Magerud J. 1999. Boreas 28: 46-80. Slimak 2011. Science 332 841: 841-845. Bird et al. 2022
Byzovaya VI LU-3979 bone NA NA 29160±430 BP Kanivetz V.I. Palaeolithic of the North-East of Europe Moscow 1976 (in russian). Pavlov P.Yu. IN: From Kostionki to Clovis Plenum-press N-Y 1992. Magerud J. 1999. Boreas 28: 46-80. Slimak 2011. Science 332 841: 841-845. Bird et al. 2022
Byzovaya VI LU-3983 ivory NA NA 29170±340 BP Kanivetz V.I. Palaeolithic of the North-East of Europe Moscow 1976 (in russian). Pavlov P.Yu. IN: From Kostionki to Clovis Plenum-press N-Y 1992. Magerud J. 1999. Boreas 28: 46-80. Slimak 2011. Science 332 841: 841-845. Bird et al. 2022
Byzovaya VI LU-3989 bone Coelodonta antiquitatis Linty NA NA 27490±330 BP Kanivetz V.I. Palaeolithic of the North-East of Europe Moscow 1976 (in russian). Pavlov P.Yu. IN: From Kostionki to Clovis Plenum-press N-Y 1992. Magerud J. 1999. Boreas 28: 46-80. Slimak 2011. Science 332 841: 841-845. Bird et al. 2022
Mamontovaya Kur'ya - Mamontova Kur'ya LU-3994 ivory NA NA 34920±1040 BP Kanivetz V.I. Palaeolithic of the North-East of Europe Moscow 1976 (in russian). Pavlov P.Yu. IN: From Kostionki to Clovis Plenum-press N-Y 1992. Magerud J. 1999. Boreas 28: 46-80. Slimak 2011. Science 332 841: 841-845. Bird et al. 2022
Mamontovaya Kur'ya - Mamontova Kur'ya LU-4001 bone NA NA 37360±970 BP Kanivetz V.I. Palaeolithic of the North-East of Europe Moscow 1976 (in russian). Pavlov P.Yu. IN: From Kostionki to Clovis Plenum-press N-Y 1992. Magerud J. 1999. Boreas 28: 46-80. Slimak 2011. Science 332 841: 841-845. Bird et al. 2022
Byzovaya VI LU-4573 bone NA NA 28500±340 BP Kanivetz V.I. Palaeolithic of the North-East of Europe Moscow 1976 (in russian). Pavlov P.Yu. IN: From Kostionki to Clovis Plenum-press N-Y 1992. Magerud J. 1999. Boreas 28: 46-80. Slimak 2011. Science 332 841: 841-845. Bird et al. 2022
Byzovaya VI LU-4574 bone NA NA 28640±570 BP Kanivetz V.I. Palaeolithic of the North-East of Europe Moscow 1976 (in russian). Pavlov P.Yu. IN: From Kostionki to Clovis Plenum-press N-Y 1992. Magerud J. 1999. Boreas 28: 46-80. Slimak 2011. Science 332 841: 841-845. Bird et al. 2022
Byzovaya VI LU-4575 ivory NA NA 29710±520 BP Kanivetz V.I. Palaeolithic of the North-East of Europe Moscow 1976 (in russian). Pavlov P.Yu. IN: From Kostionki to Clovis Plenum-press N-Y 1992. Magerud J. 1999. Boreas 28: 46-80. Slimak 2011. Science 332 841: 841-845. Bird et al. 2022
Byzovaya VI LU-4576 bone NA NA 27800±440 BP Kanivetz V.I. Palaeolithic of the North-East of Europe Moscow 1976 (in russian). Pavlov P.Yu. IN: From Kostionki to Clovis Plenum-press N-Y 1992. Magerud J. 1999. Boreas 28: 46-80. Slimak 2011. Science 332 841: 841-845. Bird et al. 2022
Byzovaya VI LU-4581 bone NA NA 28590±380 BP Kanivetz V.I. Palaeolithic of the North-East of Europe Moscow 1976 (in russian). Pavlov P.Yu. IN: From Kostionki to Clovis Plenum-press N-Y 1992. Magerud J. 1999. Boreas 28: 46-80. Slimak 2011. Science 332 841: 841-845. Bird et al. 2022
Byzovaya VI LU-4582 bone NA NA 29680±900 BP Kanivetz V.I. Palaeolithic of the North-East of Europe Moscow 1976 (in russian). Pavlov P.Yu. IN: From Kostionki to Clovis Plenum-press N-Y 1992. Magerud J. 1999. Boreas 28: 46-80. Slimak 2011. Science 332 841: 841-845. Bird et al. 2022
Byzovaya VI LU-4583 bone NA NA 28690±250 BP Kanivetz V.I. Palaeolithic of the North-East of Europe Moscow 1976 (in russian). Pavlov P.Yu. IN: From Kostionki to Clovis Plenum-press N-Y 1992. Magerud J. 1999. Boreas 28: 46-80. Slimak 2011. Science 332 841: 841-845. Bird et al. 2022
Byzovaya VI LU-4584 bone NA NA 29930±1840 BP Kanivetz V.I. Palaeolithic of the North-East of Europe Moscow 1976 (in russian). Pavlov P.Yu. IN: From Kostionki to Clovis Plenum-press N-Y 1992. Magerud J. 1999. Boreas 28: 46-80. Slimak 2011. Science 332 841: 841-845. Bird et al. 2022
Byzovaya VI LU-4589 bone NA NA 27100±380 BP Kanivetz V.I. Palaeolithic of the North-East of Europe Moscow 1976 (in russian). Pavlov P.Yu. IN: From Kostionki to Clovis Plenum-press N-Y 1992. Magerud J. 1999. Boreas 28: 46-80. Slimak 2011. Science 332 841: 841-845. Bird et al. 2022
Byzovaya VI LU-4590 bone NA NA 29980±470 BP Kanivetz V.I. Palaeolithic of the North-East of Europe Moscow 1976 (in russian). Pavlov P.Yu. IN: From Kostionki to Clovis Plenum-press N-Y 1992. Magerud J. 1999. Boreas 28: 46-80. Slimak 2011. Science 332 841: 841-845. Bird et al. 2022
Isegran T-1149 Wood NA NA 210±110 BP Kanivetz V.I. Palaeolithic of the North-East of Europe Moscow 1976 (in russian). Pavlov P.Yu. IN: From Kostionki to Clovis Plenum-press N-Y 1992. Magerud J. 1999. Boreas 28: 46-80. Slimak 2011. Science 332 841: 841-845. Bird et al. 2022
Byzovaya VI T-13438 boneàWooly rhinoceros NA NA 30700±260 BP Kanivetz V.I. Palaeolithic of the North-East of Europe Moscow 1976 (in russian). Pavlov P.Yu. IN: From Kostionki to Clovis Plenum-press N-Y 1992. Magerud J. 1999. Boreas 28: 46-80. Slimak 2011. Science 332 841: 841-845. Bird et al. 2022
Byzovaya VI T-13439 bone NA NA 28490±290 BP Kanivetz V.I. Palaeolithic of the North-East of Europe Moscow 1976 (in russian). Pavlov P.Yu. IN: From Kostionki to Clovis Plenum-press N-Y 1992. Magerud J. 1999. Boreas 28: 46-80. Slimak 2011. Science 332 841: 841-845. Bird et al. 2022


Record created in XRONOS on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. Last updated on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. See changelog for details.
Contributors: XRONOS development team
