Johnson LeRoy; 1995; Past Cultures and Climates at the Jonas Terrace Site 41ME29 of Medina County Texas; Office of the State Archaeologist Report 40; Texas Department of Transportation and Texas Historical Commision

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

@misc{Johnson LeRoy; 1995; Past Cultures and Climates at the Jonas Terrace Site 41ME29 of Medina County Texas; Office of the State Archaeologist Report 40; Texas Department of Transportation and Texas Historical Commision,
{"bibtex_key":"Johnson LeRoy; 1995; Past Cultures and Climates at the Jonas Terrace Site 41ME29 of Medina County Texas; Office of the State Archaeologist Report 40; Texas Department of Transportation and Texas Historical Commision","bibtex_type":"misc"}
:bibtex_key: Johnson LeRoy; 1995; Past Cultures and Climates at the Jonas Terrace
  Site 41ME29 of Medina County Texas; Office of the State Archaeologist Report 40;
  Texas Department of Transportation and Texas Historical Commision
:bibtex_type: :misc

Citing records

There are 18 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.

Site Sites (3)

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (14)

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Jonas Terrace Beta-11250 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 1830±110 BP Johnson LeRoy; 1995; Past Cultures and Climates at the Jonas Terrace Site 41ME29 of Medina County Texas; Office of the State Archaeologist Report 40; Texas Department of Transportation and Texas Historical Commision Bird et al. 2022
Jonas Terrace Beta-26345/CAMS-6504 CHARCOAL NA AMS 1430±60 BP Johnson LeRoy; 1995; Past Cultures and Climates at the Jonas Terrace Site 41ME29 of Medina County Texas; Office of the State Archaeologist Report 40; Texas Department of Transportation and Texas Historical Commision Bird et al. 2022
Jonas Terrace Beta-62339/ETH-10478 CHARCOAL NA AMS 2420±60 BP Johnson LeRoy; 1995; Past Cultures and Climates at the Jonas Terrace Site 41ME29 of Medina County Texas; Office of the State Archaeologist Report 40; Texas Department of Transportation and Texas Historical Commision Bird et al. 2022
Parker Beta-6234 charcoal; charbon de bois NA NA 3560±80 BP Johnson LeRoy; 1995; Past Cultures and Climates at the Jonas Terrace Site 41ME29 of Medina County Texas; Office of the State Archaeologist Report 40; Texas Department of Transportation and Texas Historical Commision Bird et al. 2022
Jonas Terrace Beta-62340 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 4480±80 BP Johnson LeRoy; 1995; Past Cultures and Climates at the Jonas Terrace Site 41ME29 of Medina County Texas; Office of the State Archaeologist Report 40; Texas Department of Transportation and Texas Historical Commision Bird et al. 2022
Jonas Terrace Beta-62341/CAMS-6501 CHARCOAL NA AMS 4180±60 BP Johnson LeRoy; 1995; Past Cultures and Climates at the Jonas Terrace Site 41ME29 of Medina County Texas; Office of the State Archaeologist Report 40; Texas Department of Transportation and Texas Historical Commision Bird et al. 2022
Jonas Terrace Beta-62342/CAMS-6502 CHARCOAL NA AMS 2400±70 BP Johnson LeRoy; 1995; Past Cultures and Climates at the Jonas Terrace Site 41ME29 of Medina County Texas; Office of the State Archaeologist Report 40; Texas Department of Transportation and Texas Historical Commision Bird et al. 2022
Jonas Terrace Beta-62343/CAMS-6503 CHARCOAL NA AMS 4370±90 BP Johnson LeRoy; 1995; Past Cultures and Climates at the Jonas Terrace Site 41ME29 of Medina County Texas; Office of the State Archaeologist Report 40; Texas Department of Transportation and Texas Historical Commision Bird et al. 2022
Jonas Terrace Beta-62346/CAMS-6505 CHARCOAL NA AMS 2420±60 BP Johnson LeRoy; 1995; Past Cultures and Climates at the Jonas Terrace Site 41ME29 of Medina County Texas; Office of the State Archaeologist Report 40; Texas Department of Transportation and Texas Historical Commision Bird et al. 2022
Jonas Terrace Beta-62347/CAMS-6506 CHARCOAL NA AMS 3870±60 BP Johnson LeRoy; 1995; Past Cultures and Climates at the Jonas Terrace Site 41ME29 of Medina County Texas; Office of the State Archaeologist Report 40; Texas Department of Transportation and Texas Historical Commision Bird et al. 2022
Jonas Terrace Beta-62348/CAMS-6507 CHARCOAL Live Oak Wood AMS 3140±80 BP Johnson LeRoy; 1995; Past Cultures and Climates at the Jonas Terrace Site 41ME29 of Medina County Texas; Office of the State Archaeologist Report 40; Texas Department of Transportation and Texas Historical Commision Bird et al. 2022
Jonas Terrace Beta-62349/CAMS-6508 CHARCOAL Live Oak Wood AMS 2600±70 BP Johnson LeRoy; 1995; Past Cultures and Climates at the Jonas Terrace Site 41ME29 of Medina County Texas; Office of the State Archaeologist Report 40; Texas Department of Transportation and Texas Historical Commision Bird et al. 2022
Ittatsoo North Beta-75888 charcoal; charbon de bois NA NA 1560±70 BP Johnson LeRoy; 1995; Past Cultures and Climates at the Jonas Terrace Site 41ME29 of Medina County Texas; Office of the State Archaeologist Report 40; Texas Department of Transportation and Texas Historical Commision Bird et al. 2022
Jonas Terrace Beta-75905/CAMS-15805 CHARCOAL NA AMS 1060±70 BP Johnson LeRoy; 1995; Past Cultures and Climates at the Jonas Terrace Site 41ME29 of Medina County Texas; Office of the State Archaeologist Report 40; Texas Department of Transportation and Texas Historical Commision Bird et al. 2022


Record created in XRONOS on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. Last updated on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. See changelog for details.
Contributors: XRONOS development team
