Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53.

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

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  Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53.'
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Citing records

There are 92 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.

Site Sites (42)

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (49)

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Yana RHS YMAM (Yana Mass Accumulation of Mammoths) LE-8574 bone Coelodonta antiquitatis Linty NA NA 28600±800 BP 34384–31225 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Ust-Timpton LE-898 charcoal NA NA 10650±80 BP 12750–12483 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Verkholenskaia Gora 1 Verkholenskaya LE-905 wood NA NA 18300±180 BP 22575–21783 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Dyuktai Cave LE-907 wood NA NA 12100±120 BP 14785–13608 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Ilin-Syalakh LE-9507 bone NA NA 12260±220 BP 15119–13619 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Ust-Mil 2 LE-953 wood NA NA 12200±170 BP 14935–13762 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Berelekh LE-998 wood NA NA 10600±90 BP 12750–12109 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Ushki-5 MAG-637 charcoal NA NA 9750±100 BP 11395–10760 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Bolshoi Kemchug SOAN-1126 charcoal NA NA 10890±60 BP 12920–12732 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Sokmarskaya cave SOAN-1138 charcoal NA NA 26110±150 BP 30770–30078 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Malaya Vorontcovskaya Malaya Vorontsovskaya SOAN-1286 bone NA NA 34500±450 BP 40708–38420 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Vasi levka Vasilyevka III SOAN-1524 bone NA NA 34900±780 BP 41379–37805 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Ust-Kiakhta IV Ust-Kyakhta 4 SOAN-1552 bone NA NA 11505±100 BP 13579–13175 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Studenoe I SOAN-1648 charcoal NA NA 10400±155 BP 12718–11745 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Kara-Tenesh SOAN-2135 bone NA NA 34760±1240 BP 41877–36900 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Anui II Anyi II SOAN-2863 charcoal NA NA 20350±290 BP 25165–23830 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Denisova Cave entrance SOAN-2864 charcoal NA NA 9890±40 BP 11396–11220 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Denisova Cave entrance SOAN-2865 charcoal NA NA 10800±40 BP 12818–12718 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Birseck-Ermitage SOAN-2978 NA NA 10160±130 BP 12456–11279 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Kamenna st SOAN-3032 bone NA NA 28815±150 BP 33779–32390 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022


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