Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53.

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

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  Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53.'
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Citing records

There are 92 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.

Site Sites (42)

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (49)

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Ust-Menza II AA-67834 charcoal NA NA 17770±130 BP 21975–21110 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Ust-Menza II AA-67838 charcoal NA NA 17900±100 BP 22023–21430 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Ust-Belaia GIN-0483 NA NA 9850±500 BP 12746–9961 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Berelekh GIN-1021 wood NA NA 12930±80 BP 15680–15245 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Byki GIN-1754 NA NA 16600±140 BP 20400–19621 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Studenoe I GIN-2932 charcoal NA NA 11340±200 BP 13595–12830 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Studenoe I GIN-2934 charcoal NA NA 12140±150 BP 14832–13609 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Novoselovo 6 GIN-403 charcoal NA NA 11600±500 BP 15130–12492 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Ust-Menza II GIN-5464A bone NA NA 17190±120 BP 20968–20485 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Kostenki (Kostienki) 1 (Polyakova site) GIN-6249 bone NA NA 22600±300 BP 27392–26092 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Ust-Mil 2 LE-1000 wood NA NA 33000±500 BP 39115–36440 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Golyi Mys IV LE-1101d charcoal NA NA 13650±180 BP 17029–16005 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Pergourie LE-1565 NA NA 11150±100 BP 13237–12833 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Kostenki (Kostienki) 2 (Zamyatnin site) LE-1599 bone NA NA 16190±150 BP 19905–19145 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Nizhny Idzhyr 1 LE-1951 charcoal NA NA 8980±80 BP 10256–9777 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Nizhniaia Dzhilinda I LE-1952 charcoal NA NA 11280±120 BP 13410–12925 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Kapovaya Kapova Shulgan-Tash LE-3443 charcoal NA NA 14680±150 BP 18235–17480 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Zhornov LE-3530 NA NA 12600±250 BP 15645–14058 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Bolshoi Iakor I LE-4172A NA NA 12400±150 BP 15085–14061 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022
Belloy-sur-Somme Plaisance LE-763 wood NA NA 9180±80 BP 10564–10215 cal BP Kuzmin Y.V. & Orlova L.A. 1998. Radiocarbon chronology of the SiberianPaleolithic. Journal of World Prehistory 12(1): 1-53. Bird et al. 2022


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