Tachà Karine and John P. Hart. 2013. Chronometric Hygiene of Radiocarbon Databases for Early Durable Cooking Vessel Technologies in Northeastern North America. American Antiquity 78(2): 359à372 with on-line supplement.

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

@misc{Tachà Karine and John P. Hart. 2013. Chronometric Hygiene of Radiocarbon Databases for Early Durable Cooking Vessel Technologies in Northeastern North America. American Antiquity 78(2): 359à372 with on-line supplement.,
{"bibtex_key":"Tachà Karine and John P. Hart. 2013. Chronometric Hygiene of Radiocarbon Databases for Early Durable Cooking Vessel Technologies in Northeastern North America. American Antiquity 78(2): 359à372 with on-line supplement.","bibtex_type":"misc"}
:bibtex_key: 'Tachà Karine and John P. Hart. 2013. Chronometric Hygiene of Radiocarbon
  Databases for Early Durable Cooking Vessel Technologies in Northeastern North America.
  American Antiquity 78(2): 359à372 with on-line supplement.'
:bibtex_type: :misc

Citing records

There are 21 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.

Site Sites (6)

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (14)

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Batiscan A-1373 charred cooking residue NA NA 2460±20 BP Tachà Karine and John P. Hart. 2013. Chronometric Hygiene of Radiocarbon Databases for Early Durable Cooking Vessel Technologies in Northeastern North America. American Antiquity 78(2): 359à372 with on-line supplement. Bird et al. 2022
Batiscan A-1374 charred cooking residue NA NA 2860±20 BP Tachà Karine and John P. Hart. 2013. Chronometric Hygiene of Radiocarbon Databases for Early Durable Cooking Vessel Technologies in Northeastern North America. American Antiquity 78(2): 359à372 with on-line supplement. Bird et al. 2022
Pointe-du-Buisson A-1376 charred cooking residue NA NA 2995±25 BP Tachà Karine and John P. Hart. 2013. Chronometric Hygiene of Radiocarbon Databases for Early Durable Cooking Vessel Technologies in Northeastern North America. American Antiquity 78(2): 359à372 with on-line supplement. Bird et al. 2022
Pointe-du-Buisson A-1377 charred cooking residue NA NA 2975±30 BP Tachà Karine and John P. Hart. 2013. Chronometric Hygiene of Radiocarbon Databases for Early Durable Cooking Vessel Technologies in Northeastern North America. American Antiquity 78(2): 359à372 with on-line supplement. Bird et al. 2022
Pointe-du-Buisson A-1378 charred cooking residue NA NA 2675±20 BP Tachà Karine and John P. Hart. 2013. Chronometric Hygiene of Radiocarbon Databases for Early Durable Cooking Vessel Technologies in Northeastern North America. American Antiquity 78(2): 359à372 with on-line supplement. Bird et al. 2022
Pointe-du-Buisson A-1380 charred cooking residue NA NA 2390±15 BP Tachà Karine and John P. Hart. 2013. Chronometric Hygiene of Radiocarbon Databases for Early Durable Cooking Vessel Technologies in Northeastern North America. American Antiquity 78(2): 359à372 with on-line supplement. Bird et al. 2022
Batiscan A-1381 charred cooking residue NA NA 3110±20 BP Tachà Karine and John P. Hart. 2013. Chronometric Hygiene of Radiocarbon Databases for Early Durable Cooking Vessel Technologies in Northeastern North America. American Antiquity 78(2): 359à372 with on-line supplement. Bird et al. 2022
Zimmerman A-2001 charred cooking residue NA NA 2440±20 BP Tachà Karine and John P. Hart. 2013. Chronometric Hygiene of Radiocarbon Databases for Early Durable Cooking Vessel Technologies in Northeastern North America. American Antiquity 78(2): 359à372 with on-line supplement. Bird et al. 2022
Lambert A-2002 charred cooking residue NA NA 2350±15 BP Tachà Karine and John P. Hart. 2013. Chronometric Hygiene of Radiocarbon Databases for Early Durable Cooking Vessel Technologies in Northeastern North America. American Antiquity 78(2): 359à372 with on-line supplement. Bird et al. 2022
Lambert A-2003 charred cooking residue NA NA 2370±15 BP Tachà Karine and John P. Hart. 2013. Chronometric Hygiene of Radiocarbon Databases for Early Durable Cooking Vessel Technologies in Northeastern North America. American Antiquity 78(2): 359à372 with on-line supplement. Bird et al. 2022
Lambert A-2004 charred cooking residue NA NA 2825±15 BP Tachà Karine and John P. Hart. 2013. Chronometric Hygiene of Radiocarbon Databases for Early Durable Cooking Vessel Technologies in Northeastern North America. American Antiquity 78(2): 359à372 with on-line supplement. Bird et al. 2022
Bruce Boyd A-2006 charred cooking residue NA NA 2690±15 BP Tachà Karine and John P. Hart. 2013. Chronometric Hygiene of Radiocarbon Databases for Early Durable Cooking Vessel Technologies in Northeastern North America. American Antiquity 78(2): 359à372 with on-line supplement. Bird et al. 2022
Eddy A-2009 charred cooking residue NA NA 2445±15 BP Tachà Karine and John P. Hart. 2013. Chronometric Hygiene of Radiocarbon Databases for Early Durable Cooking Vessel Technologies in Northeastern North America. American Antiquity 78(2): 359à372 with on-line supplement. Bird et al. 2022
Zimmerman A-2010 charred cooking residue NA NA 2435±20 BP Tachà Karine and John P. Hart. 2013. Chronometric Hygiene of Radiocarbon Databases for Early Durable Cooking Vessel Technologies in Northeastern North America. American Antiquity 78(2): 359à372 with on-line supplement. Bird et al. 2022


Record created in XRONOS on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. Last updated on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. See changelog for details.
Contributors: XRONOS development team
