Hedges et al. 1993a

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

@misc{Hedges et al. 1993a,
{"bibtex_key":"Hedges et al. 1993a","bibtex_type":"misc"}
:bibtex_key: Hedges et al. 1993a
:bibtex_type: :misc

Citing records

There are 74 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.

Site Sites (12)

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (34)

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Irthlingborough OxA-3054 charcoal 291-33308 NA 4460±70 BP Hedges et al. 1993a Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014
Irthlingborough OxA-3055 charcoal 291-33421 charcoal Alnus/Corylus NA 4480±70 BP Hedges et al. 1993a Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014
Irthlingborough OxA-3056 seed (pip of fruit) Corylus avellana NA 4210±70 BP Hedges et al. 1993a Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014
Irthlingborough OxA-3121 antler Sperata NA 4450±90 BP Hedges et al. 1993a Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014
Rectory Farm OxA-3491 charcoal 432-8049/8051 NA 4360±75 BP Hedges et al. 1993a Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014
Stanwick South OxA-3002 seed (pip of fruit) ST 131 NA 4560±140 BP Hedges et al. 1993a Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014
Shulishader Axe Haft OxA-3537 wood NMS AF 1097 rosaceae NA 4470±95 BP Hedges et al. 1993a Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014
Coleoptere OxA-3635 habitat bone, phalange 1, cutmarks NA AMS 12870±95 BP Hedges et al. 1993a “PACEA Geo-Referenced Radiocarbon Database” 2011
Coleoptere OxA-3636 habitat tooth, human NA AMS 4695±65 BP Hedges et al. 1993a “PACEA Geo-Referenced Radiocarbon Database” 2011
Ludersdorf OxA-3615 habitat antler, modified NA AMS 11600±105 BP Hedges et al. 1993a “PACEA Geo-Referenced Radiocarbon Database” 2011
Marolles sur Seine OxA-3139 habitat bone NA AMS 12650±130 BP Hedges et al. 1993a “PACEA Geo-Referenced Radiocarbon Database” 2011
Marolles sur Seine OxA-3671 habitat bone NA AMS 11030±105 BP Hedges et al. 1993a “PACEA Geo-Referenced Radiocarbon Database” 2011
Miesenheim OxA-2615 habitat mollusc NA AMS 11640±120 BP Hedges et al. 1993a “PACEA Geo-Referenced Radiocarbon Database” 2011
Miesenheim OxA-2616 habitat mollusc NA AMS 11370±110 BP Hedges et al. 1993a “PACEA Geo-Referenced Radiocarbon Database” 2011
Miesenheim OxA-3585 habitat bone NA AMS 11310±950 BP Hedges et al. 1993a “PACEA Geo-Referenced Radiocarbon Database” 2011
Miesenheim OxA-3584 habitat bone NA AMS 11190±900 BP Hedges et al. 1993a “PACEA Geo-Referenced Radiocarbon Database” 2011
Miesenheim OxA-3586 habitat bone NA AMS 11190±100 BP Hedges et al. 1993a “PACEA Geo-Referenced Radiocarbon Database” 2011
Miesenheim OxA-3587 habitat moss NA AMS 11170±100 BP Hedges et al. 1993a “PACEA Geo-Referenced Radiocarbon Database” 2011
Miesenheim OxA-2611 habitat wood NA AMS 11030±110 BP Hedges et al. 1993a “PACEA Geo-Referenced Radiocarbon Database” 2011
Miesenheim OxA-2609 habitat wood NA AMS 10960±110 BP Hedges et al. 1993a “PACEA Geo-Referenced Radiocarbon Database” 2011


Record created in XRONOS on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. Last updated on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. See changelog for details.
Contributors: XRONOS development team
