Site type


Coordinates (degrees)
014.884° S, 064.488° W
Coordinates (DMS)
014° 53' 00" W, 064° 29' 00" S
Country (ISO 3166)
Bolivia (BO)

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (41)

Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
KIA-31856 A 2-ha platform topped by a mound, surrounded by an hexagonal wall connected to canals and reservoirs. An individual adorned with jaguar teeth and copper artefacts was buried in the mound. A further 120 burials were recovered, including inhumations and urn depositions. NA NA 1623±30 BP Prümers and Jaimes Betancourt 2014
KIA-32720 A 2-ha platform topped by a mound, surrounded by an hexagonal wall connected to canals and reservoirs. An individual adorned with jaguar teeth and copper artefacts was buried in the mound. A further 120 burials were recovered, including inhumations and urn depositions. NA NA 1489±27 BP Prümers and Jaimes Betancourt 2014
Bln-5945-L A 2-ha platform topped by a mound, surrounded by an hexagonal wall connected to canals and reservoirs. An individual adorned with jaguar teeth and copper artefacts was buried in the mound. A further 120 burials were recovered, including inhumations and urn depositions. NA NA 1389±30 BP Prümers and Jaimes Betancourt 2014
SI-5391 A 2-ha platform topped by a mound, surrounded by an hexagonal wall connected to canals and reservoirs. An individual adorned with jaguar teeth and copper artefacts was buried in the mound. A further 120 burials were recovered, including inhumations and urn depositions. NA NA 1380±65 BP Dougherty and Calandra 1984
KIA-31854 A 2-ha platform topped by a mound, surrounded by an hexagonal wall connected to canals and reservoirs. An individual adorned with jaguar teeth and copper artefacts was buried in the mound. A further 120 burials were recovered, including inhumations and urn depositions. NA NA 1350±20 BP Prümers and Jaimes Betancourt 2014
KIA-31855 A 2-ha platform topped by a mound, surrounded by an hexagonal wall connected to canals and reservoirs. An individual adorned with jaguar teeth and copper artefacts was buried in the mound. A further 120 burials were recovered, including inhumations and urn depositions. NA NA 1341±24 BP Prümers and Jaimes Betancourt 2014
Bln-5860 A 2-ha platform topped by a mound, surrounded by an hexagonal wall connected to canals and reservoirs. An individual adorned with jaguar teeth and copper artefacts was buried in the mound. A further 120 burials were recovered, including inhumations and urn depositions. NA NA 1337±39 BP Prümers and Jaimes Betancourt 2014
KIA-38804 A 2-ha platform topped by a mound, surrounded by an hexagonal wall connected to canals and reservoirs. An individual adorned with jaguar teeth and copper artefacts was buried in the mound. A further 120 burials were recovered, including inhumations and urn depositions. NA NA 1335±26 BP Prümers and Jaimes Betancourt 2014
SI-5393 A 2-ha platform topped by a mound, surrounded by an hexagonal wall connected to canals and reservoirs. An individual adorned with jaguar teeth and copper artefacts was buried in the mound. A further 120 burials were recovered, including inhumations and urn depositions. NA NA 1325±50 BP Dougherty and Calandra 1984
KIA-38803 A 2-ha platform topped by a mound, surrounded by an hexagonal wall connected to canals and reservoirs. An individual adorned with jaguar teeth and copper artefacts was buried in the mound. A further 120 burials were recovered, including inhumations and urn depositions. NA NA 1316±27 BP Jaimes Betancourt 2010
Bln-5861 A 2-ha platform topped by a mound, surrounded by an hexagonal wall connected to canals and reservoirs. An individual adorned with jaguar teeth and copper artefacts was buried in the mound. A further 120 burials were recovered, including inhumations and urn depositions. NA NA 1311±26 BP Prümers and Jaimes Betancourt 2014
KIA-38805 A 2-ha platform topped by a mound, surrounded by an hexagonal wall connected to canals and reservoirs. An individual adorned with jaguar teeth and copper artefacts was buried in the mound. A further 120 burials were recovered, including inhumations and urn depositions. NA NA 1300±23 BP Jaimes Betancourt 2010
Erl-8016 A 2-ha platform topped by a mound, surrounded by an hexagonal wall connected to canals and reservoirs. An individual adorned with jaguar teeth and copper artefacts was buried in the mound. A further 120 burials were recovered, including inhumations and urn depositions. NA NA 1278±53 BP Prümers and Jaimes Betancourt 2014
Bln-5947 LI A 2-ha platform topped by a mound, surrounded by an hexagonal wall connected to canals and reservoirs. An individual adorned with jaguar teeth and copper artefacts was buried in the mound. A further 120 burials were recovered, including inhumations and urn depositions. NA NA 1275±39 BP Prümers and Jaimes Betancourt 2014
Erl-8014 A 2-ha platform topped by a mound, surrounded by an hexagonal wall connected to canals and reservoirs. An individual adorned with jaguar teeth and copper artefacts was buried in the mound. A further 120 burials were recovered, including inhumations and urn depositions. NA NA 1275±46 BP Prümers and Jaimes Betancourt 2014
KIA-38802 A 2-ha platform topped by a mound, surrounded by an hexagonal wall connected to canals and reservoirs. An individual adorned with jaguar teeth and copper artefacts was buried in the mound. A further 120 burials were recovered, including inhumations and urn depositions. NA NA 1240±28 BP Prümers and Jaimes Betancourt 2014
KIA-32718 A 2-ha platform topped by a mound, surrounded by an hexagonal wall connected to canals and reservoirs. An individual adorned with jaguar teeth and copper artefacts was buried in the mound. A further 120 burials were recovered, including inhumations and urn depositions. NA NA 1239±31 BP Prümers and Jaimes Betancourt 2014
KIA-38813 A 2-ha platform topped by a mound, surrounded by an hexagonal wall connected to canals and reservoirs. An individual adorned with jaguar teeth and copper artefacts was buried in the mound. A further 120 burials were recovered, including inhumations and urn depositions. NA NA 1228±23 BP Jaimes Betancourt 2010
KIA-38808 A 2-ha platform topped by a mound, surrounded by an hexagonal wall connected to canals and reservoirs. An individual adorned with jaguar teeth and copper artefacts was buried in the mound. A further 120 burials were recovered, including inhumations and urn depositions. NA NA 1224±24 BP Jaimes Betancourt 2010
KIA-38812 A 2-ha platform topped by a mound, surrounded by an hexagonal wall connected to canals and reservoirs. An individual adorned with jaguar teeth and copper artefacts was buried in the mound. A further 120 burials were recovered, including inhumations and urn depositions. NA NA 1223±26 BP Jaimes Betancourt 2010

typological date Typological dates (41)

Classification Estimated age References
Casarabe NA Prümers and Jaimes Betancourt 2014
Casarabe NA Prümers and Jaimes Betancourt 2014
Casarabe NA Prümers and Jaimes Betancourt 2014
Casarabe NA Dougherty and Calandra 1984
Casarabe NA Prümers and Jaimes Betancourt 2014
Casarabe NA Prümers and Jaimes Betancourt 2014
Casarabe NA Prümers and Jaimes Betancourt 2014
Casarabe NA Prümers and Jaimes Betancourt 2014
Casarabe NA Dougherty and Calandra 1984
Casarabe NA Jaimes Betancourt 2010
Casarabe NA Prümers and Jaimes Betancourt 2014
Casarabe NA Jaimes Betancourt 2010
Casarabe NA Prümers and Jaimes Betancourt 2014
Casarabe NA Prümers and Jaimes Betancourt 2014
Casarabe NA Prümers and Jaimes Betancourt 2014
Casarabe NA Prümers and Jaimes Betancourt 2014
Casarabe NA Prümers and Jaimes Betancourt 2014
Casarabe NA Jaimes Betancourt 2010
Casarabe NA Jaimes Betancourt 2010
Casarabe NA Jaimes Betancourt 2010

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic references

@misc{Prümers and Jaimes Betancourt 2014,
@misc{Dougherty and Calandra 1984,
@misc{Jaimes Betancourt 2010,
  url = {},
  note = {de Souza, Jonas Gregorio. 2021. rxpand: Radiocarbon dates for the spread of farming and ceramics in tropical South America.}
{"bibtex_key":"Prümers and Jaimes Betancourt 2014","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Dougherty and Calandra 1984","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Jaimes Betancourt 2010","bibtex_type":"misc"}[{"bibtex_key":"rxpand","bibtex_type":"misc","url":"{}","note":"{de Souza, Jonas Gregorio. 2021. rxpand: Radiocarbon dates for the spread of farming and ceramics in tropical South America.}"}]
:bibtex_key: Prümers and Jaimes Betancourt 2014
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: Dougherty and Calandra 1984
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: Jaimes Betancourt 2010
:bibtex_type: :misc
- :bibtex_key: rxpand
  :bibtex_type: :misc
  :url: "{}"
  :note: "{de Souza, Jonas Gregorio. 2021. rxpand: Radiocarbon dates for the spread
    of farming and ceramics in tropical South America.}"


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