Site type


Coordinates (degrees)
000.879° S, 048.946° W
Coordinates (DMS)
000° 52' 00" W, 048° 56' 00" S
Country (ISO 3166)
Brazil (BR)

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (19)

Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
SI-202 A mound with 2 ha, containing numerous stoves, trash middens, ash layers and features such as adobe and post holes, corresponding to house floors (at least 20 dwellings). NA NA 2020±280 BP Meggers and Danon 1988
SI-199 A mound with 2 ha, containing numerous stoves, trash middens, ash layers and features such as adobe and post holes, corresponding to house floors (at least 20 dwellings). NA NA 1260±200 BP Meggers and Danon 1988
GX-16075 A mound with 2 ha, containing numerous stoves, trash middens, ash layers and features such as adobe and post holes, corresponding to house floors (at least 20 dwellings). NA NA 1225±165 BP Roosevelt 1991
GX-16068 A mound with 2 ha, containing numerous stoves, trash middens, ash layers and features such as adobe and post holes, corresponding to house floors (at least 20 dwellings). NA NA 1210±50 BP Roosevelt 1991
GX-16076 A mound with 2 ha, containing numerous stoves, trash middens, ash layers and features such as adobe and post holes, corresponding to house floors (at least 20 dwellings). NA NA 1120±60 BP Roosevelt 1991
GX-16069 A mound with 2 ha, containing numerous stoves, trash middens, ash layers and features such as adobe and post holes, corresponding to house floors (at least 20 dwellings). NA NA 1110±60 BP Roosevelt 1991
GX-16067 A mound with 2 ha, containing numerous stoves, trash middens, ash layers and features such as adobe and post holes, corresponding to house floors (at least 20 dwellings). NA NA 1080±50 BP Roosevelt 1991
GX-10006 A mound with 2 ha, containing numerous stoves, trash middens, ash layers and features such as adobe and post holes, corresponding to house floors (at least 20 dwellings). NA NA 1075±290 BP Roosevelt 1991
GX-16065 A mound with 2 ha, containing numerous stoves, trash middens, ash layers and features such as adobe and post holes, corresponding to house floors (at least 20 dwellings). NA NA 1030±75 BP Roosevelt 1991
GX-16071 A mound with 2 ha, containing numerous stoves, trash middens, ash layers and features such as adobe and post holes, corresponding to house floors (at least 20 dwellings). NA NA 1000±90 BP Roosevelt 1991
GX-12516 A mound with 2 ha, containing numerous stoves, trash middens, ash layers and features such as adobe and post holes, corresponding to house floors (at least 20 dwellings). NA NA 955±195 BP Roosevelt 1991
GX-12517 A mound with 2 ha, containing numerous stoves, trash middens, ash layers and features such as adobe and post holes, corresponding to house floors (at least 20 dwellings). NA NA 955±220 BP Roosevelt 1991
GX-12515 A mound with 2 ha, containing numerous stoves, trash middens, ash layers and features such as adobe and post holes, corresponding to house floors (at least 20 dwellings). NA NA 930±190 BP Roosevelt 1991
GX-16070 A mound with 2 ha, containing numerous stoves, trash middens, ash layers and features such as adobe and post holes, corresponding to house floors (at least 20 dwellings). NA NA 925±75 BP Roosevelt 1991
GX-16064 A mound with 2 ha, containing numerous stoves, trash middens, ash layers and features such as adobe and post holes, corresponding to house floors (at least 20 dwellings). NA NA 860±110 BP Roosevelt 1991
GX-16066 A mound with 2 ha, containing numerous stoves, trash middens, ash layers and features such as adobe and post holes, corresponding to house floors (at least 20 dwellings). NA NA 755±110 BP Roosevelt 1991
GX-10005 A mound with 2 ha, containing numerous stoves, trash middens, ash layers and features such as adobe and post holes, corresponding to house floors (at least 20 dwellings). NA NA 755±160 BP Roosevelt 1991
SI-200 A mound with 2 ha, containing numerous stoves, trash middens, ash layers and features such as adobe and post holes, corresponding to house floors (at least 20 dwellings). NA NA 550±500 BP Roosevelt 1991
GX-10004 A mound with 2 ha, containing numerous stoves, trash middens, ash layers and features such as adobe and post holes, corresponding to house floors (at least 20 dwellings). NA NA 525±385 BP Roosevelt 1991

typological date Typological dates (19)

Classification Estimated age References
Marajoara NA Meggers and Danon 1988
Marajoara NA Meggers and Danon 1988
Marajoara NA Roosevelt 1991
Marajoara NA Roosevelt 1991
Marajoara NA Roosevelt 1991
Marajoara NA Roosevelt 1991
Marajoara NA Roosevelt 1991
Marajoara NA Roosevelt 1991
Marajoara NA Roosevelt 1991
Marajoara NA Roosevelt 1991
Marajoara NA Roosevelt 1991
Marajoara NA Roosevelt 1991
Marajoara NA Roosevelt 1991
Marajoara NA Roosevelt 1991
Marajoara NA Roosevelt 1991
Marajoara NA Roosevelt 1991
Marajoara NA Roosevelt 1991
Marajoara NA Roosevelt 1991
Teso NA Roosevelt 1991

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic references

@misc{Meggers and Danon 1988,
@misc{Roosevelt 1991,
  url = {},
  note = {de Souza, Jonas Gregorio. 2021. rxpand: Radiocarbon dates for the spread of farming and ceramics in tropical South America.}
{"bibtex_key":"Meggers and Danon 1988","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Roosevelt 1991","bibtex_type":"misc"}[{"bibtex_key":"rxpand","bibtex_type":"misc","url":"{}","note":"{de Souza, Jonas Gregorio. 2021. rxpand: Radiocarbon dates for the spread of farming and ceramics in tropical South America.}"}]
:bibtex_key: Meggers and Danon 1988
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: Roosevelt 1991
:bibtex_type: :misc
- :bibtex_key: rxpand
  :bibtex_type: :misc
  :url: "{}"
  :note: "{de Souza, Jonas Gregorio. 2021. rxpand: Radiocarbon dates for the spread
    of farming and ceramics in tropical South America.}"


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