Site type


Coordinates (degrees)
008.540° S, 037.194° W
Coordinates (DMS)
008° 32' 00" W, 037° 11' 00" S
Country (ISO 3166)
Brazil (BR)

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (24)

Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
/c14s/166599 Rock shelter with burials, including primary cremations in pits, accompanied by ceramics, macro-botanical remains and woven fibres. NA NA 888±25 BP Nascimento 2001
/c14s/166397 Rock shelter with burials, including primary cremations in pits, accompanied by ceramics, macro-botanical remains and woven fibres. NA NA 980±25 BP Nascimento 2001
/c14s/166198 Rock shelter with burials, including primary cremations in pits, accompanied by ceramics, macro-botanical remains and woven fibres. NA NA 1099±26 BP Nascimento 2001
/c14s/166174 Rock shelter with burials, including primary cremations in pits, accompanied by ceramics, macro-botanical remains and woven fibres. NA NA 1118±24 BP Nascimento 2001
/c14s/166094 Rock shelter with burials, including primary cremations in pits, accompanied by ceramics, macro-botanical remains and woven fibres. NA NA 1172±28 BP Nascimento 2001
/c14s/166066 Rock shelter with burials, including primary cremations in pits, accompanied by ceramics, macro-botanical remains and woven fibres. NA NA 1200±25 BP Nascimento 2001
/c14s/166007 Rock shelter with burials, including primary cremations in pits, accompanied by ceramics, macro-botanical remains and woven fibres. NA NA 1234±24 BP Nascimento 2001
/c14s/165739 Rock shelter with burials, including primary cremations in pits, accompanied by ceramics, macro-botanical remains and woven fibres. NA NA 1472±25 BP Nascimento 2001
/c14s/165673 Rock shelter with burials, including primary cremations in pits, accompanied by ceramics, macro-botanical remains and woven fibres. NA NA 1561±25 BP Nascimento 2001
CSIC-1026 Rock shelter with burials, including primary cremations in pits, accompanied by ceramics, macro-botanical remains and woven fibres. Charcoal NA NA 1766±24 BP Nascimento et al. 1996
CSIC-1026 Rock shelter with burials, including primary cremations in pits, accompanied by ceramics, macro-botanical remains and woven fibres. Charcoal NA NA 1785±49 BP Nascimento et al. 1996
/c14s/165470 Rock shelter with burials, including primary cremations in pits, accompanied by ceramics, macro-botanical remains and woven fibres. NA NA 1812±26 BP Nascimento 2001
/c14s/165424 Rock shelter with burials, including primary cremations in pits, accompanied by ceramics, macro-botanical remains and woven fibres. NA NA 1873±24 BP Nascimento 2001
/c14s/165314 Rock shelter with burials, including primary cremations in pits, accompanied by ceramics, macro-botanical remains and woven fibres. NA NA 2111±26 BP Nascimento 2001
/c14s/165293 Rock shelter with burials, including primary cremations in pits, accompanied by ceramics, macro-botanical remains and woven fibres. NA NA 2184±32 BP Nascimento 2001
/c14s/165252 Rock shelter with burials, including primary cremations in pits, accompanied by ceramics, macro-botanical remains and woven fibres. NA NA 2405±30 BP Nascimento 2001
/c14s/165236 Rock shelter with burials, including primary cremations in pits, accompanied by ceramics, macro-botanical remains and woven fibres. NA NA 2466±26 BP Nascimento 2001
/c14s/165194 Rock shelter with burials, including primary cremations in pits, accompanied by ceramics, macro-botanical remains and woven fibres. NA NA 2690±25 BP Nascimento 2001
/c14s/165097 Rock shelter with burials, including primary cremations in pits, accompanied by ceramics, macro-botanical remains and woven fibres. NA NA 3411±30 BP Nascimento 2001
/c14s/165041 Rock shelter with burials, including primary cremations in pits, accompanied by ceramics, macro-botanical remains and woven fibres. NA NA 4000±28 BP Nascimento 2001

typological date Typological dates (24)

Classification Estimated age References
Unclassified NA Nascimento 2001
Unclassified NA Nascimento 2001
Unclassified NA Nascimento 2001
Unclassified NA Nascimento 2001

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic references

@misc{Nascimento 2001,
@misc{Nascimento et al. 1996,
  url = {},
  note = {de Souza, Jonas Gregorio. 2021. rxpand: Radiocarbon dates for the spread of farming and ceramics in tropical South America.}
{"bibtex_key":"Nascimento 2001","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Nascimento et al. 1996","bibtex_type":"misc"}[{"bibtex_key":"rxpand","bibtex_type":"misc","url":"{}","note":"{de Souza, Jonas Gregorio. 2021. rxpand: Radiocarbon dates for the spread of farming and ceramics in tropical South America.}"}]
:bibtex_key: Nascimento 2001
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: Nascimento et al. 1996
:bibtex_type: :misc
- :bibtex_key: rxpand
  :bibtex_type: :misc
  :url: "{}"
  :note: "{de Souza, Jonas Gregorio. 2021. rxpand: Radiocarbon dates for the spread
    of farming and ceramics in tropical South America.}"


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