@misc{Lanting/Mook 1977, 98,
{"bibtex_key":"Lanting/Mook 1977, 98","bibtex_type":"misc"}
:bibtex_key: Lanting/Mook 1977, 98
:bibtex_type: :misc
There are 13 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.
Site | Lab ID | Context | Material | Taxon | Method | Uncalibrated age | Calibrated age | References |
Velsen | GrN-5975 | peat | "Lower surface of the same peat layer." Vgl. GrN-5974. | NA | 3620±35 BP | 4076–3838 cal BP | Lanting/Mook 1977, 98 Hinz et al. 2012 | |
Anloo | GrN-1977 | Zylindrische Siedlungsgrube. | charcoal | "find no. 69". | NA | 3595±85 BP | 4148–3645 cal BP | Lanting/Mook 1977, 98 Hinz et al. 2012 |
Molenaarsgraaf | GrN-5176 | charcoal | "Charcoal concentration (2x2 m) at the base of a peat layer in the filling of the break-through gully". | NA | 3640±30 BP | 4082–3877 cal BP | Lanting/Mook 1977, 98 Hinz et al. 2012 | |
Velsen | GrN-5974 | peat | "Upper surface of peat layer merging into humous layer, both covered by wind-deposited layers of sand." | NA | 3490±35 BP | 3843–3645 cal BP | Lanting/Mook 1977, 98 Hinz et al. 2012 | |
Molenaarsgraaf | GrN-5566 | Flachgrab II. | collagen, bone | Menschlicher Femur. | NA | 3630±40 BP | 4083–3840 cal BP | Lanting/Mook 1977, 98 Hinz et al. 2012 |