Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

  url = {},
  note = {Reingruber, A., and Thissen, L. (2017). The 14SEA Project: A 14C database for Southeast Europe and Anatolia (10,000–3000 calBC). Updated 2017-01-31.}
[{"bibtex_key":"14SEA","bibtex_type":"misc","url":"{}","note":"{Reingruber, A., and Thissen, L. (2017). The 14SEA Project: A 14C database for Southeast Europe and Anatolia (10,000–3000 calBC). Updated 2017-01-31.}"}]
- :bibtex_key: 14SEA
  :bibtex_type: :misc
  :url: "{}"
  :note: "{Reingruber, A., and Thissen, L. (2017). The 14SEA Project: A 14C database
    for Southeast Europe and Anatolia (10,000–3000 calBC). Updated 2017-01-31.}"

Citing records

There are 3025 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (3025)

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Košarna Lyon-7657 Sac-22618 Sq. O9, bottom of pit 1; 4.50 m depth Charcoal NA NA 5655±50 BP Maniatis et al. 2016: Table 1
Košarna Lyon-7659 Sac-22620 Sq. O9, pit 1; 3.90 m depth Animal bone NA NA 5260±50 BP Maniatis et al. 2016: Table 1
Košarna Lyon-7660 Sac-22621 Sq. O9, pit 1; 2.40 m depth Animal bone NA NA 230±45 BP Maniatis et al. 2016: Table 1
Košarna Lyon-7658 Sac-22619 Sq. O7, pit 1; 3.75 m depth Animal bone NA NA 90±45 BP Maniatis et al. 2016: Table 1
Lişcoteanca-Movila Olarului Bln-2051 Seeds NA NA 5640±50 BP Lăzurcă 1991, Reingruber & Rassamakin 2016: Appendix
Pietrele MAMS-14565 P11/L/305 Grains (wheat) NA NA 6290±28 BP Hansen et al. 2012
Pietrele MAMS-14570 P11/N/743 Grains (wheat) NA NA 6215±29 BP Hansen et al. 2012
Pietrele MAMS-14571 P11/N/743 Grains (wheat) NA NA 6197±29 BP Hansen et al. 2012
Pietrele MAMS-14562 P11/H/630 Grains (emmer) NA NA 6185±25 BP Hansen et al. 2012
Pietrele MAMS-11101 P09/J/386 Animal bone, cattle (Phalanx) NA NA 6171±31 BP Hansen et al. 2012
Pietrele MAMS-12427 P09/J/386 Botanical sample NA NA 5783±87 BP Hansen & Toderaş 2012: 131
Pietrele KN-5988 P07/F/402 Charcoal NA NA 5770±33 BP Hansen et al. 2012: Fig. 59, Reingruber & Rassamakin 2016: Appendix
Pietrele MAMS-14563 P11/L/269 Grains (wheat) NA NA 5731±24 BP Hansen et al. 2012
Pietrele MAMS-14561 P10/F/418 Grains (barley) NA NA 5689±24 BP Hansen et al. 2012: Fig. 59, Reingruber 2015: Appendix, Reingruber & Rassamakin 2016: Appendix
Pietrele MAMS-14560 P10/F/415 Grains (barley) NA NA 5671±23 BP Hansen et al. 2012: Fig. 59, Reingruber 2015: Appendix, Reingruber & Rassamakin 2016: Appendix
Pietrele MAMS-14564 P11/L/293 Grains (barley) NA NA 5663±24 BP Hansen et al. 2012
Pietrele Bln-5844 P05/B/160 Charcoal NA NA 5641±37 BP Hansen et al. 2005: 388–389, Weninger et al. 2010: 143–151, Reingruber & Rassamakin 2016: Appendix
Pietrele MAMS-14559 P10/F/354 Grains (barley) NA NA 5632±24 BP Hansen et al. 2012: Fig. 59, Reingruber 2015: Appendix, Reingruber & Rassamakin 2016: Appendix
Pietrele KN-5985 P07/B/538 Charcoal NA NA 5621±44 BP Hansen et al. 2012: Fig. 59, Reingruber & Rassamakin 2016: Appendix
Pietrele KIA-29316 P05/B/132 Charcoal NA NA 5605±34 BP Weninger et al. 2010: 143–151, Hansen et al. 2008: Fig. 3, Reingruber & Rassamakin 2016: Appendix


Record created in XRONOS on 2022-12-02 00:40:38 UTC. Last updated on 2022-12-09 11:15:23 UTC. See changelog for details.
Contributors: XRONOS development team
