Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

  url = {},
  note = {Reingruber, A., and Thissen, L. (2017). The 14SEA Project: A 14C database for Southeast Europe and Anatolia (10,000–3000 calBC). Updated 2017-01-31.}
[{"bibtex_key":"14SEA","bibtex_type":"misc","url":"{}","note":"{Reingruber, A., and Thissen, L. (2017). The 14SEA Project: A 14C database for Southeast Europe and Anatolia (10,000–3000 calBC). Updated 2017-01-31.}"}]
- :bibtex_key: 14SEA
  :bibtex_type: :misc
  :url: "{}"
  :note: "{Reingruber, A., and Thissen, L. (2017). The 14SEA Project: A 14C database
    for Southeast Europe and Anatolia (10,000–3000 calBC). Updated 2017-01-31.}"

Citing records

There are 3025 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (3025)

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Lepenski Vir OxA-25210 Burial 54e, Building 65, adult, female, L femur Human bone Homo sapiens NA 7180±52 BP Bonsall et al. 2015: 37 Table 1, Bonsall et al. 2008: 178 Table 1, Borić 2011: 193
Lepenski Vir AA-63177 Burial 7/I Human bone Homo sapiens NA 7148±77 BP Borić & Price 2013: SI Table 1
Lepenski Vir OxA-16078 Building 28, floor Red deer skull NA NA 7191±40 BP Borić & Dimitrijević 2007: Table 1, Borić 2011: 194
Lepenski Vir Z-143 Building 54, ash and timber from hearth Charcoal (Quercus sp.) NA NA 7300±124 BP Quitta & Kohl 1969: 234f.
Lepenski Vir KN-407 Building 54, ash and timber from hearth Charcoal (Quercus sp.) NA NA 7280±160 BP Quitta & Kohl 1969: 234f.
Lepenski Vir Bln-738 Building 54, ash and timber from hearth Charcoal (Quercus sp.) NA NA 7225±100 BP Quitta & Kohl 1969: 234f.
Lepenski Vir Z-115 Building 54, ash and timber from hearth Charcoal (Quercus sp.) NA NA 6984±94 BP Quitta & Kohl 1969: 234f., Borić 2011: 196
Lepenski Vir Z-143 + KN-407 + Bln-738 + Z-115 Building 54, ash and timber from hearth Charcoal (Quercus sp.) NA NA 7165±57 BP
Lepenski Vir OxA-25091 Burial 79a, square e/4, spits 11–13 Human scapula NA NA 7135±71 BP Bonsall et al. 2015: 37 Table 1, Bonsall et al. 2008: 178 Table 1, Borić 2011: 193
Lepenski Vir OxA-16005 Burial 122, between Buildings 47 and 47’ Human skull NA NA 7190±45 BP Borić & Dimitrijević 2007: Table 1, Borić & Price 2013: SI Table 1
Lepenski Vir OxA-16006 Burial 122, between Buildings 47 and 47’ Human skull NA NA 7190±40 BP Borić & Dimitrijević 2007: Table 1, Borić & Price 2013: SI Table 1
Borovan Lyon-7483 Sac-21371 Central sect., Sq. L17-2, 2.05-2.15 m depth Animal bone NA NA 5065±35 BP Maniatis et al. 2016: Table 1
Lepenski Vir OxA-16005 + OxA-16006 Burial 122, between Buildings 47 and 47’ Human skull NA NA 7190±30 BP
Lepenski Vir OxA-16001 Below floor Building 26 Red deer vertebra NA NA 7235±40 BP Borić & Dimitrijević 2007: Table 1, Borić 2011: 194
Lepenski Vir OxA-16002 Below floor Building 26 Red deer vertebra NA NA 7160±40 BP Borić & Dimitrijević 2007: Table 1, Borić 2011: 194
Borovan Lyon-7482 Sac-21370 South sect., Sq. M10-1/2, 1.4 m depth Animal bone NA NA 4975±30 BP Maniatis et al. 2016: Table 1
Borovan Lyon-7553 Sac-22060 South sect., Sq. M10-1, 1.45-1.65 m depth Animal bone NA NA 3860±30 BP Maniatis et al. 2016: Table 1
Lepenski Vir Oxa-16001 + OxA-16002 Below floor Building 26 Red deer vertebra NA NA 7198±29 BP
Cârcea-Viaduct Bln-1981 Nd Nd NA NA 6540±60 BP Mantu 1995: 226, Mantu 1999–2000: 98
Lepenski Vir OxA-16003 Building 36, hearth Pig phalanx NA NA 7170±40 BP Borić & Dimitrijević 2007: Table 1, Borić 2011: 194


Record created in XRONOS on 2022-12-02 00:40:38 UTC. Last updated on 2022-12-09 11:15:23 UTC. See changelog for details.
Contributors: XRONOS development team
