@misc{StreetMaspects of Late Upper Palaeolithic settlement and chronology in northern Central Europe(after Chollet1989 ;Delibrias 1976 and Lorblanchet1989.. Petillon J.-M. 2012. JHE 62: 435-465.,
{"bibtex_key":"StreetMaspects of Late Upper Palaeolithic settlement and chronology in northern Central Europe(after Chollet1989 ;Delibrias 1976 and Lorblanchet1989.. Petillon J.-M. 2012. JHE 62: 435-465.","bibtex_type":"misc"}
:bibtex_key: 'StreetMaspects of Late Upper Palaeolithic settlement and chronology
in northern Central Europe(after Chollet1989 ;Delibrias 1976 and Lorblanchet1989..
Petillon J.-M. 2012. JHE 62: 435-465.'
:bibtex_type: :misc
There are 3 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.
Site | Lab ID | Context | Material | Taxon | Method | Uncalibrated age | Calibrated age | References |
Le Cuzoul | OxA-24963 | flaked antler base avec negatifs d'eclats | NA | NA | 18660±100 BP | 22878–22400 cal BP | StreetMaspects of Late Upper Palaeolithic settlement and chronology in northern Central Europe(after Chollet1989 ;Delibrias 1976 and Lorblanchet1989.. Petillon J.-M. 2012. JHE 62: 435-465. Bird et al. 2022 |