Deacon J. 1984. The Later Stone Age of Southernmost Africa (Vol. 213). British Archaeological Reports: Oxford.

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

@misc{Deacon J. 1984. The Later Stone Age of Southernmost Africa (Vol. 213). British Archaeological Reports: Oxford.,
{"bibtex_key":"Deacon J. 1984. The Later Stone Age of Southernmost Africa (Vol. 213). British Archaeological Reports: Oxford.","bibtex_type":"misc"}
:bibtex_key: 'Deacon J. 1984. The Later Stone Age of Southernmost Africa (Vol. 213).
  British Archaeological Reports: Oxford.'
:bibtex_type: :misc

Citing records

There are 35 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.

Site Sites (9)

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (25)

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Cleveland I-6514 charcoal; charbon de bois NA NA 410±90 BP Deacon J. 1984. The Later Stone Age of Southernmost Africa (Vol. 213). British Archaeological Reports: Oxford. Bird et al. 2022
Grillenberg Huts Pta-1824 marine shell NA NA 1500±40 BP Deacon J. 1984. The Later Stone Age of Southernmost Africa (Vol. 213). British Archaeological Reports: Oxford. Bird et al. 2022
Boomplaas Pta-2274 charcoal NA NA 32670±240 BP Deacon J. 1984. The Later Stone Age of Southernmost Africa (Vol. 213). British Archaeological Reports: Oxford. Bird et al. 2022
Kangkara Cave Pta-2286 bone NA NA 5355±55 BP Deacon J. 1984. The Later Stone Age of Southernmost Africa (Vol. 213). British Archaeological Reports: Oxford. Bird et al. 2022
Boomplaas Pta-2302 NA NA 31680±550 BP Deacon J. 1984. The Later Stone Age of Southernmost Africa (Vol. 213). British Archaeological Reports: Oxford. Bird et al. 2022
Wonderwerk Pta-2798 charcoal NA NA 7430±60 BP Deacon J. 1984. The Later Stone Age of Southernmost Africa (Vol. 213). British Archaeological Reports: Oxford. Bird et al. 2022
Klasies River Cave 5 Pta-3906 charcoal NA NA 3900±50 BP Deacon J. 1984. The Later Stone Age of Southernmost Africa (Vol. 213). British Archaeological Reports: Oxford. Bird et al. 2022
Havens Cave Pta-3919 NA NA 6610±90 BP Deacon J. 1984. The Later Stone Age of Southernmost Africa (Vol. 213). British Archaeological Reports: Oxford. Bird et al. 2022
Bohunice-Kejbalay Q-1044 charcoal NA NA 40173±1200 BP Deacon J. 1984. The Later Stone Age of Southernmost Africa (Vol. 213). British Archaeological Reports: Oxford. Bird et al. 2022
Nelson Bay Cave UW-162 charcoal NA NA 11505±110 BP Deacon J. 1984. The Later Stone Age of Southernmost Africa (Vol. 213). British Archaeological Reports: Oxford. Bird et al. 2022
Nelson Bay Cave UW-175 sediments NA NA 18100±550 BP Deacon J. 1984. The Later Stone Age of Southernmost Africa (Vol. 213). British Archaeological Reports: Oxford. Bird et al. 2022
Nelson Bay Cave UW-176 charcoal NA NA 6020±160 BP Deacon J. 1984. The Later Stone Age of Southernmost Africa (Vol. 213). British Archaeological Reports: Oxford. Bird et al. 2022
Nelson Bay Cave UW-177 charcoal NA NA 11950±150 BP Deacon J. 1984. The Later Stone Age of Southernmost Africa (Vol. 213). British Archaeological Reports: Oxford. Bird et al. 2022
Nelson Bay Cave UW-178 sediments NA NA 10540±110 BP Deacon J. 1984. The Later Stone Age of Southernmost Africa (Vol. 213). British Archaeological Reports: Oxford. Bird et al. 2022
Nelson Bay Cave UW-181 other NA NA 8070±240 BP Deacon J. 1984. The Later Stone Age of Southernmost Africa (Vol. 213). British Archaeological Reports: Oxford. Bird et al. 2022
Nelson Bay Cave UW-184 marine shell NA NA 8570±170 BP Deacon J. 1984. The Later Stone Age of Southernmost Africa (Vol. 213). British Archaeological Reports: Oxford. Bird et al. 2022
Nelson Bay Cave UW-186 sediments NA NA 6050±80 BP Deacon J. 1984. The Later Stone Age of Southernmost Africa (Vol. 213). British Archaeological Reports: Oxford. Bird et al. 2022
Nelson Bay Cave UW-216 charcoal NA NA 5830±115 BP Deacon J. 1984. The Later Stone Age of Southernmost Africa (Vol. 213). British Archaeological Reports: Oxford. Bird et al. 2022
Nelson Bay Cave UW-217 Marine shell NA NA 4860±65 BP Deacon J. 1984. The Later Stone Age of Southernmost Africa (Vol. 213). British Archaeological Reports: Oxford. Bird et al. 2022
Boomplaas UW-304 charcoal NA NA 32400±700 BP Deacon J. 1984. The Later Stone Age of Southernmost Africa (Vol. 213). British Archaeological Reports: Oxford. Bird et al. 2022


Record created in XRONOS on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. Last updated on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. See changelog for details.
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