@misc{Ortmann and Kidder 2013; Kidder Tristram R. Lee J. Arco Anthony L. Ortmann Timothy Schilling Caroline Boeke Rachel Bielitz Tabitha Heet Katie A. Adelsberger Joe Suanders Thurman A. Allen2006 Poverty Point Mound A: Final Report of the 2005 Field Season. Submitted to the Louisiana Archaeological Surevy and Antiquities Commission. On file at the Louisiana Division of Archaeology Baton Rouge.,
{"bibtex_key":"Ortmann and Kidder 2013; Kidder Tristram R. Lee J. Arco Anthony L. Ortmann Timothy Schilling Caroline Boeke Rachel Bielitz Tabitha Heet Katie A. Adelsberger Joe Suanders Thurman A. Allen2006 Poverty Point Mound A: Final Report of the 2005 Field Season. Submitted to the Louisiana Archaeological Surevy and Antiquities Commission. On file at the Louisiana Division of Archaeology Baton Rouge.","bibtex_type":"misc"}
:bibtex_key: 'Ortmann and Kidder 2013; Kidder Tristram R. Lee J. Arco Anthony L. Ortmann
Timothy Schilling Caroline Boeke Rachel Bielitz Tabitha Heet Katie A. Adelsberger
Joe Suanders Thurman A. Allen2006 Poverty Point Mound A: Final Report of the 2005
Field Season. Submitted to the Louisiana Archaeological Surevy and Antiquities
Commission. On file at the Louisiana Division of Archaeology Baton Rouge.'
:bibtex_type: :misc
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