Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

@misc{Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991,
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:bibtex_key: Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991
:bibtex_type: :misc

Citing records

There are 2500 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.

Site Sites (610)

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (1889)

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Chuandong PV-0232 Charred bones NA Conventional 8670±100 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Chuandong PV-0233 Charred bones NA Conventional 8540±100 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Chuandong PV-0234 Charred bones NA Conventional 9600±110 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Miaohoushan PV-0265 Charcoal NA Conventional 3200±80 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Miaohoushan PV-0266 Charcoal NA Conventional 3530±80 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Shuiquan PV-0283 Charred millet seeds NA NA 2270±80 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Shuidonggou PV-0316 Shell NA Conventional 8520±150 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Shuidonggou PV-0317 Carbonate concretions NA Conventional 25450±800 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Tianzimiao PV-0327 Wood NA Conventional 2090±80 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Tianzimiao PV-0328 Wood NA Conventional 2740±80 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Tianzimiao PV-0329 Shell NA Conventional 1810±80 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Shuidonggou PV-0330 Bone NA Conventional 5900±70 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Shuidonggou PV-0331 Deer bones NA Conventional 16760±210 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Longtanshan PV-0336 Charcoal pieces NA Conventional 17360±1430 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Longtanshan PV-0340 Bone NA Conventional 18300±250 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Miaohoushan PV-0366 Bear bones NA Conventional 27240±680 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Daxingtun PV-0368 Bone NA Conventional 9460±80 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Daxingtun PV-0369 Bone NA Conventional 11470±150 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Tengjiagang PV-0370 Human bones NA Conventional 7360±85 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Huotuoqitun PV-0371 Human bones NA Conventional 4690±80 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022


Record created in XRONOS on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. Last updated on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. See changelog for details.
Contributors: XRONOS development team
