Huckell Bruce B. (1977) Excavations at the Hastqin Site: A Multicomponent Preceramic Site Near Ganado Arizona. Report prepared by Arizona State Museum in cooperation with the Arizona Department of Transportation. MS on file at Arizona State Museum Library University of Arizona Tucson.

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

@misc{Huckell Bruce B.  (1977)  Excavations at the Hastqin Site: A Multicomponent Preceramic Site  Near Ganado Arizona.  Report prepared by Arizona State Museum in  cooperation with  the Arizona Department of Transportation.  MS on  file at Arizona State Museum Library University of Arizona  Tucson.,
{"bibtex_key":"Huckell Bruce B.  (1977)  Excavations at the Hastqin Site: A Multicomponent Preceramic Site  Near Ganado Arizona.  Report prepared by Arizona State Museum in  cooperation with  the Arizona Department of Transportation.  MS on  file at Arizona State Museum Library University of Arizona  Tucson.","bibtex_type":"misc"}
:bibtex_key: 'Huckell Bruce B.  (1977)  Excavations at the Hastqin Site: A Multicomponent
  Preceramic Site  Near Ganado Arizona.  Report prepared by Arizona State Museum in  cooperation
  with  the Arizona Department of Transportation.  MS on  file at Arizona State Museum
  Library University of Arizona  Tucson.'
:bibtex_type: :misc

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