Copé 2006

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

@misc{Copé 2006,
{"bibtex_key":"Copé 2006","bibtex_type":"misc"}
:bibtex_key: Copé 2006
:bibtex_type: :misc

Citing records

There are 23 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.

Site Sites (1)

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (11)

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Darci Grazziotin (RS-AN-03) Beta-166587 Pit house village with 4 structures, including a very large pit with 18 m diameter. Excavations at the large structure uncovered a semi-circle of hearths around central post holes. A smaller structured contained a large central fire pit with a surrounding bench and domestic debris. Charcoal NA NA 2180±40 BP 2320–2055 cal BP Copé 2006
Darci Grazziotin (RS-AN-03) Beta-178135 Pit house village with 4 structures, including a very large pit with 18 m diameter. Excavations at the large structure uncovered a semi-circle of hearths around central post holes. A smaller structured contained a large central fire pit with a surrounding bench and domestic debris. Charcoal NA NA 1070±70 BP 1177–793 cal BP Copé 2006
Darci Grazziotin (RS-AN-03) Beta-166588 Pit house village with 4 structures, including a very large pit with 18 m diameter. Excavations at the large structure uncovered a semi-circle of hearths around central post holes. A smaller structured contained a large central fire pit with a surrounding bench and domestic debris. Charcoal NA NA 1000±40 BP 960–791 cal BP Copé 2006
Darci Grazziotin (RS-AN-03) Beta-183020 Pit house village with 4 structures, including a very large pit with 18 m diameter. Excavations at the large structure uncovered a semi-circle of hearths around central post holes. A smaller structured contained a large central fire pit with a surrounding bench and domestic debris. Charcoal NA NA 880±40 BP 909–693 cal BP Copé 2006
Darci Grazziotin (RS-AN-03) Beta-183022 Pit house village with 4 structures, including a very large pit with 18 m diameter. Excavations at the large structure uncovered a semi-circle of hearths around central post holes. A smaller structured contained a large central fire pit with a surrounding bench and domestic debris. Charcoal NA NA 870±50 BP 909–684 cal BP Copé 2006
Darci Grazziotin (RS-AN-03) Beta-178136 Pit house village with 4 structures, including a very large pit with 18 m diameter. Excavations at the large structure uncovered a semi-circle of hearths around central post holes. A smaller structured contained a large central fire pit with a surrounding bench and domestic debris. Charcoal NA NA 780±60 BP 897–566 cal BP Copé 2006
Darci Grazziotin (RS-AN-03) Beta-183021 Pit house village with 4 structures, including a very large pit with 18 m diameter. Excavations at the large structure uncovered a semi-circle of hearths around central post holes. A smaller structured contained a large central fire pit with a surrounding bench and domestic debris. Charcoal NA NA 690±60 BP 723–551 cal BP Copé 2006
Darci Grazziotin (RS-AN-03) Beta-166584 Pit house village with 4 structures, including a very large pit with 18 m diameter. Excavations at the large structure uncovered a semi-circle of hearths around central post holes. A smaller structured contained a large central fire pit with a surrounding bench and domestic debris. Charcoal NA NA 550±40 BP 643–511 cal BP Copé 2006
Darci Grazziotin (RS-AN-03) Beta-166584 Pit house village with 4 structures, including a very large pit with 18 m diameter. Excavations at the large structure uncovered a semi-circle of hearths around central post holes. A smaller structured contained a large central fire pit with a surrounding bench and domestic debris. Charcoal NA NA 370±50 BP 504–313 cal BP Copé 2006
Darci Grazziotin (RS-AN-03) Beta-178134 Pit house village with 4 structures, including a very large pit with 18 m diameter. Excavations at the large structure uncovered a semi-circle of hearths around central post holes. A smaller structured contained a large central fire pit with a surrounding bench and domestic debris. Charcoal NA NA 250±50 BP 468–139 cal BP Copé 2006
Darci Grazziotin (RS-AN-03) Beta-166586 Pit house village with 4 structures, including a very large pit with 18 m diameter. Excavations at the large structure uncovered a semi-circle of hearths around central post holes. A smaller structured contained a large central fire pit with a surrounding bench and domestic debris. Wood NA NA 80±50 BP 273–9 cal BP Copé 2006


Record created in XRONOS on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. Last updated on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. See changelog for details.
Contributors: XRONOS development team
