@misc{Copé 2006,
{"bibtex_key":"Copé 2006","bibtex_type":"misc"}
:bibtex_key: Copé 2006
:bibtex_type: :misc
There are 23 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.
Site | Lab ID | Context | Material | Taxon | Method | Uncalibrated age | Calibrated age | References |
Darci Grazziotin (RS-AN-03) | Beta-166587 | Pit house village with 4 structures, including a very large pit with 18 m diameter. Excavations at the large structure uncovered a semi-circle of hearths around central post holes. A smaller structured contained a large central fire pit with a surrounding bench and domestic debris. | Charcoal | NA | NA | 2180±40 BP | 2320–2055 cal BP | Copé 2006 |
Darci Grazziotin (RS-AN-03) | Beta-178135 | Pit house village with 4 structures, including a very large pit with 18 m diameter. Excavations at the large structure uncovered a semi-circle of hearths around central post holes. A smaller structured contained a large central fire pit with a surrounding bench and domestic debris. | Charcoal | NA | NA | 1070±70 BP | 1177–793 cal BP | Copé 2006 |
Darci Grazziotin (RS-AN-03) | Beta-166588 | Pit house village with 4 structures, including a very large pit with 18 m diameter. Excavations at the large structure uncovered a semi-circle of hearths around central post holes. A smaller structured contained a large central fire pit with a surrounding bench and domestic debris. | Charcoal | NA | NA | 1000±40 BP | 960–791 cal BP | Copé 2006 |
Darci Grazziotin (RS-AN-03) | Beta-183020 | Pit house village with 4 structures, including a very large pit with 18 m diameter. Excavations at the large structure uncovered a semi-circle of hearths around central post holes. A smaller structured contained a large central fire pit with a surrounding bench and domestic debris. | Charcoal | NA | NA | 880±40 BP | 909–693 cal BP | Copé 2006 |
Darci Grazziotin (RS-AN-03) | Beta-183022 | Pit house village with 4 structures, including a very large pit with 18 m diameter. Excavations at the large structure uncovered a semi-circle of hearths around central post holes. A smaller structured contained a large central fire pit with a surrounding bench and domestic debris. | Charcoal | NA | NA | 870±50 BP | 909–684 cal BP | Copé 2006 |
Darci Grazziotin (RS-AN-03) | Beta-178136 | Pit house village with 4 structures, including a very large pit with 18 m diameter. Excavations at the large structure uncovered a semi-circle of hearths around central post holes. A smaller structured contained a large central fire pit with a surrounding bench and domestic debris. | Charcoal | NA | NA | 780±60 BP | 897–566 cal BP | Copé 2006 |
Darci Grazziotin (RS-AN-03) | Beta-183021 | Pit house village with 4 structures, including a very large pit with 18 m diameter. Excavations at the large structure uncovered a semi-circle of hearths around central post holes. A smaller structured contained a large central fire pit with a surrounding bench and domestic debris. | Charcoal | NA | NA | 690±60 BP | 723–551 cal BP | Copé 2006 |
Darci Grazziotin (RS-AN-03) | Beta-166584 | Pit house village with 4 structures, including a very large pit with 18 m diameter. Excavations at the large structure uncovered a semi-circle of hearths around central post holes. A smaller structured contained a large central fire pit with a surrounding bench and domestic debris. | Charcoal | NA | NA | 550±40 BP | 643–511 cal BP | Copé 2006 |
Darci Grazziotin (RS-AN-03) | Beta-166584 | Pit house village with 4 structures, including a very large pit with 18 m diameter. Excavations at the large structure uncovered a semi-circle of hearths around central post holes. A smaller structured contained a large central fire pit with a surrounding bench and domestic debris. | Charcoal | NA | NA | 370±50 BP | 504–313 cal BP | Copé 2006 |
Darci Grazziotin (RS-AN-03) | Beta-178134 | Pit house village with 4 structures, including a very large pit with 18 m diameter. Excavations at the large structure uncovered a semi-circle of hearths around central post holes. A smaller structured contained a large central fire pit with a surrounding bench and domestic debris. | Charcoal | NA | NA | 250±50 BP | 468–139 cal BP | Copé 2006 |
Darci Grazziotin (RS-AN-03) | Beta-166586 | Pit house village with 4 structures, including a very large pit with 18 m diameter. Excavations at the large structure uncovered a semi-circle of hearths around central post holes. A smaller structured contained a large central fire pit with a surrounding bench and domestic debris. | Wood | NA | NA | 80±50 BP | 273–9 cal BP | Copé 2006 |