McKillop 2002: Table 5.3

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

@misc{McKillop 2002: Table 5.3,
{"bibtex_key":"McKillop 2002: Table 5.3","bibtex_type":"misc"}
:bibtex_key: 'McKillop 2002: Table 5.3'
:bibtex_type: :misc

Citing records

There are 17 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.

Site Sites (5)

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (11)

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Uxbenka Beta-9426 Grp. B, SubOp 11-06, B10-south Unit 4 Level 3; associated with deposits above terminal pavers NA NA 1540±60 BP McKillop 2002: Table 5.3
Saki Tzul Beta-9425 C99-1/3/2/8 NA NA 1510±60 BP McKillop 2002: Table 5.3
Toqbil Roqikal Beta-9094 C00-5/C/1 NA NA 1510±60 BP McKillop 2002: Table 5.3
Port Honduras Beta-69905 Wild Cane Cay inundated midden NA NA 1400±50 BP McKillop 2002: Table 5.3
Port Honduras Beta-37037 Wild Cane Cay inundated midden NA NA 1270±60 BP McKillop 2002: Table 5.3
Port Honduras Beta-87007 Wild Cane Cay inundated midden NA NA 1270±50 BP McKillop 2002: Table 5.3
Port Honduras Beta-9095 Pelican site midden below peat NA NA 1200±80 BP McKillop 2002: Table 5.3
Port Honduras Beta-69869 Pork and Doughboy underwater midden NA NA 1180±50 BP McKillop 2002: Table 5.3
Putu Beta-69901 charcoal; charbon de bois NA NA 8810±60 BP McKillop 2002: Table 5.3 Bird et al. 2022
Toqbil Roqikal Beta-9094 Charcoal NA NA 1510±60 BP McKillop 2002: Table 5.3 Bird et al. 2022
Saki Tzul Beta-9425 Charcoal NA NA 1510±60 BP McKillop 2002: Table 5.3 Bird et al. 2022


Record created in XRONOS on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. Last updated on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. See changelog for details.
Contributors: XRONOS development team
