Skeates, R. and Whitehouse, R., 1996. New radiocarbon dates for prehistoric Italy 1. The Accordia Research Papers, 5(1993-94), pp.137-150.; Nijboer, A.J, Van Der Plicht, J, Betti Sestieri, A.M., De Santis, A. 2000. A high chronology for the early Iron Age in central Italy. Palaeohistoria. Institute of Archaeology. A.A. Balkema Publishers. pp.163 - 182;

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

@misc{Skeates, R. and Whitehouse, R., 1996. New radiocarbon dates for prehistoric Italy 1. The Accordia Research Papers, 5(1993-94), pp.137-150.; Nijboer, A.J, Van Der Plicht, J, Betti Sestieri, A.M., De Santis, A. 2000. A high chronology for the early Iron Age in central Italy. Palaeohistoria. Institute of Archaeology. A.A. Balkema Publishers. pp.163 - 182;,
{"bibtex_key":"Skeates, R. and Whitehouse, R., 1996. New radiocarbon dates for prehistoric Italy 1. The Accordia Research Papers, 5(1993-94), pp.137-150.; Nijboer, A.J, Van Der Plicht, J, Betti Sestieri, A.M., De Santis, A. 2000. A high chronology for the early Iron Age in central Italy. Palaeohistoria. Institute of Archaeology. A.A. Balkema Publishers. pp.163 - 182;","bibtex_type":"misc"}
:bibtex_key: Skeates, R. and Whitehouse, R., 1996. New radiocarbon dates for prehistoric
  Italy 1. The Accordia Research Papers, 5(1993-94), pp.137-150.; Nijboer, A.J, Van
  Der Plicht, J, Betti Sestieri, A.M., De Santis, A. 2000. A high chronology for the
  early Iron Age in central Italy. Palaeohistoria. Institute of Archaeology. A.A.
  Balkema Publishers. pp.163 - 182;
:bibtex_type: :misc

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