Hedges et al. 1989

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

@misc{Hedges et al. 1989,
{"bibtex_key":"Hedges et al. 1989","bibtex_type":"misc"}
:bibtex_key: Hedges et al. 1989
:bibtex_type: :misc

Citing records

There are 84 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.

Site Sites (15)

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (35)

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Ofnet OxA-1571 habitat bone, skull NA AMS 7360±80 BP 8341–8020 cal BP Hedges et al. 1989 “PACEA Geo-Referenced Radiocarbon Database” 2011
Paviland OxA-1815 burial bone, human, Paviland I NA AMS 26350±550 BP 31315–29316 cal BP Hedges et al. 1989 “PACEA Geo-Referenced Radiocarbon Database” 2011
Pin Hole OxA-1467 habitat bone, radius, cutmarks NA AMS 12350±120 BP 14945–14065 cal BP Hedges et al. 1989 “PACEA Geo-Referenced Radiocarbon Database” 2011
Robin Hood OxA-1616 habitat bone, arctic hare NA AMS 12600±170 BP 15445–14179 cal BP Hedges et al. 1989 “PACEA Geo-Referenced Radiocarbon Database” 2011
Robin Hood OxA-1618 habitat bone, arctic hare NA AMS 12480±170 BP 15225–14082 cal BP Hedges et al. 1989 “PACEA Geo-Referenced Radiocarbon Database” 2011
Robin Hood OxA-1619 habitat bone, arctic hare NA AMS 12450±150 BP 15130–14090 cal BP Hedges et al. 1989 “PACEA Geo-Referenced Radiocarbon Database” 2011
Robin Hood OxA-1617 habitat bone, arctic hare NA AMS 12420±200 BP 15265–13871 cal BP Hedges et al. 1989 “PACEA Geo-Referenced Radiocarbon Database” 2011
Robin Hood OxA-1462 habitat ivory NA AMS 12320±120 BP 14938–14040 cal BP Hedges et al. 1989 “PACEA Geo-Referenced Radiocarbon Database” 2011
Robin Hood OxA-1670 habitat bone, arctic hare NA AMS 12290±120 BP 14930–13880 cal BP Hedges et al. 1989 “PACEA Geo-Referenced Radiocarbon Database” 2011
Three Holes OxA-1500 habitat bone, cutmarks NA AMS 12350±160 BP 15084–13880 cal BP Hedges et al. 1989 “PACEA Geo-Referenced Radiocarbon Database” 2011
Three Holes OxA-1499 habitat tooth NA AMS 11970±150 BP 14195–13495 cal BP Hedges et al. 1989 “PACEA Geo-Referenced Radiocarbon Database” 2011
Three Holes OxA-1501 habitat burned bone NA AMS 11520±150 BP 13742–13110 cal BP Hedges et al. 1989 “PACEA Geo-Referenced Radiocarbon Database” 2011
Vale of Pickering OxA-1176 habitat antler NA AMS 9700±160 BP 11609–10575 cal BP Hedges et al. 1989 “PACEA Geo-Referenced Radiocarbon Database” 2011
Vale of Pickering OxA-1154 habitat antler NA AMS 9500±120 BP 11185–10445 cal BP Hedges et al. 1989 “PACEA Geo-Referenced Radiocarbon Database” 2011
Waltham (Fisher s Green) OxA-1427 habitat antler, uniserial point NA AMS 9790±100 BP 11606–10778 cal BP Hedges et al. 1989 “PACEA Geo-Referenced Radiocarbon Database” 2011


Record created in XRONOS on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. Last updated on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. See changelog for details.
Contributors: XRONOS development team
