van der Pflicht 2009, 237

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

@misc{van der Pflicht 2009, 237,
{"bibtex_key":"van der Pflicht 2009, 237","bibtex_type":"misc"}
:bibtex_key: van der Pflicht 2009, 237
:bibtex_type: :misc

Citing records

There are 17 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.

Site Sites (1)

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (8)

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Tel Rehov GrN-22523 charcoal Charcoal (coarse fraction); Basket: 10153/2; Locus: 593 (634); Stratum: V; area: B 9-10; In destruction layer above stone pavement. Square C-17. NA 2960±15 BP van der Pflicht 2009, 237 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014
Tel Rehov GrN-22530 charcoal Basket: 10376/1; Locus: 675; stratum: V; area: B 9-10; In destruction layer on stone pavement. NA 2965±15 BP van der Pflicht 2009, 237 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014
Tel Rehov GrN-22527 charcoal basket: 10359/1; locus: 593 (694); stratum: V; area: B 9-10; One large charcoal piece. In destruction layer above stone pavement, next to W4330. NA 2990±15 BP van der Pflicht 2009, 237 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014
Tel Rehov GrN-22532 charcoal Basket: 13521; Locus: 3127 (3127); Stratum: V; area: Y 5 or 6; Sealed pit. The original pit 3127 was probably made in Phase Y7 (Stratum VI) but at least some of the contents are later, from Stratum V or IVB. NA 2985±25 BP van der Pflicht 2009, 237 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014
Tel Rehov GrN-22967 charcoal Charcoal (fine fraction); Basket: 10153/2; Locus: 593 (624); Stratum: V; area: B 9-10; In destruction layer above stone pavement. Square C-17. NA 2995±20 BP van der Pflicht 2009, 237 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014
Tel Rehov GrN-22534 charcoal Basket: 10xxx, Locus: 1202; stratum: V; area: B 9-10; Initially associated with MB-IIA. However, the radiocarbon date suggests Iron I. The sample must be from Area B, where there is a L1203 (paved street excavated in 1975), and basket that begins with 10xxx, but the last 3 digits are wrong. NA 2960±50 BP van der Pflicht 2009, 237 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014
Tel Rehov GrN-22526 charcoal Basket: 10302/1; Locus: 675; stratum: V; area: B 9-10; In destruction layer on stone pavement. Few soil crumbs adhered to charcoal. NA 2980±15 BP van der Pflicht 2009, 237 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014
Tel Rehov GrN-22517 charcoal Basket: 23867; Locus: 7147; stratum: V; area: A-B, B 9-10; Amongst collapsed mudbrick and plaster from destruction. NA 2985±20 BP van der Pflicht 2009, 237 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014


Record created in XRONOS on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. Last updated on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. See changelog for details.
Contributors: XRONOS development team
