@misc{Best/Woodward 2011, 220,
{"bibtex_key":"Best/Woodward 2011, 220","bibtex_type":"misc"}
:bibtex_key: Best/Woodward 2011, 220
:bibtex_type: :misc
There are 27 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.
Site | Lab ID | Context | Material | Taxon | Method | Uncalibrated age | Calibrated age | References |
Sherborne | SUERC-9669 | Basal fill [1028] large sub- circular pit [1029] containing 153 sherds inc. Wasters | charcoal | Prunus spinosa | NA | 2795±35 BP | 2991–2783 cal BP | Best/Woodward 2011, 220 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014 |
Sherborne | SUERC-9672 | Bonfire base [803] | charcoal | Fraxinus excelsior | NA | 2870±35 BP | 3136–2878 cal BP | Best/Woodward 2011, 220 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014 |
Sherborne | SUERC-9659 | Middle fill [614] pit [616], backfilled with 'industrial waste' | charcoal | Quercus sp. Sapwood | NA | 2915±35 BP | 3160–2963 cal BP | Best/Woodward 2011, 220 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014 |
Sherborne | SUERC-9660 | Lower fill [617] pit [616] backfilled with 'industrial' waste | charcoal | Corylus avellana | NA | 2880±35 BP | 3147–2880 cal BP | Best/Woodward 2011, 220 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014 |
Sherborne | SUERC-9679 | Middle fill [2461] large pit [649] containing waste material from pottery manufacture | charcoal | Fraxinus excelsior | NA | 2920±35 BP | 3165–2962 cal BP | Best/Woodward 2011, 220 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014 |
Sherborne | SUERC-9662 | Main fill [611] pit [612] part of 'industrial' feature [626] | charcoal | Sorbus | NA | 2875±35 BP | 3141–2879 cal BP | Best/Woodward 2011, 220 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014 |
Sherborne | SUERC-9657 | Basal fill [598] small pit/post- hole part of 'industrial' feature [626] | charcoal | Alnus glutinosa | NA | 2950±35 BP | 3210–2999 cal BP | Best/Woodward 2011, 220 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014 |
Sherborne | SUERC-9678 | Bonfire deposit [2248] | charcoal | Sorbus | NA | 3090±35 BP | 3375–3215 cal BP | Best/Woodward 2011, 220 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014 |
Sherborne | SUERC-9668 | Basal fill [1028] large sub- circular pit [1029] containing 153 sherds inc. Wasters | charcoal | Sorbus | NA | 2755±35 BP | 2933–2768 cal BP | Best/Woodward 2011, 220 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014 |
Sherborne | SUERC-9658 | Basal fill [598] small pit/post- hole part of 'industrial' feature [626] | charcoal | Corylus avellana | NA | 2960±35 BP | 3219–3000 cal BP | Best/Woodward 2011, 220 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014 |
Sherborne | SUERC-9652 | Basal fill [603] small pit/post- hole part of industrial' feature [626] | charcoal | Ulmus sp | NA | 2920±35 BP | 3165–2962 cal BP | Best/Woodward 2011, 220 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014 |
Sherborne | SUERC-9656 | Basal fill [603] small pit/post- hole part of 'industrial' feature [626] | charcoal | Corylus avellana | NA | 2910±35 BP | 3160–2960 cal BP | Best/Woodward 2011, 220 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014 |
Sherborne | SUERC-9661 | Lower fill [617] pit [616] backfilled with 'industrial' waste | charcoal | Acer campestre | NA | 2855±35 BP | 3070–2872 cal BP | Best/Woodward 2011, 220 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014 |