
radiocarbon date Radiocarbon date from Ferrassie, c. 30840–30028 cal BP
Record created in XRONOS on 2022-12-02 00:50:45 UTC. Last updated on 2022-12-02 00:50:45 UTC. See changelog for details.
Contributors: XRONOS development team


Age (uncal BP)
Error (±)
Sample material
Sample taxon


Calibration curve
IntCal20 (Reimer et al. 2020)
Calibrated age (2σ, cal BP)
  • 30840–30028


Sample position
Sample coordinates

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic references (31)

@misc{Delibrias G.  1968. Radiocarbon 28: 9-68.,
  title = {P3k14c, a Synthetic Global Database of Archaeological Radiocarbon Dates},
  author = {Bird, Darcy and Miranda, Lux and Vander Linden, Marc and Robinson, Erick and Bocinsky, R. Kyle and Nicholson, Chris and Capriles, José M. and Finley, Judson Byrd and Gayo, Eugenia M. and Gil, Adolfo and d’Alpoim Guedes, Jade and Hoggarth, Julie A. and Kay, Andrea and Loftus, Emma and Lombardo, Umberto and Mackie, Madeline and Palmisano, Alessio and Solheim, Steinar and Kelly, Robert L. and Freeman, Jacob},
  year = {2022},
  month = {jan},
  journal = {Scientific Data},
  volume = {9},
  number = {1},
  pages = {27},
  publisher = {Nature Publishing Group},
  issn = {2052-4463},
  doi = {10.1038/s41597-022-01118-7},
  abstract = {Archaeologists increasingly use large radiocarbon databases to model prehistoric human demography (also termed paleo-demography). Numerous independent projects, funded over the past decade, have assembled such databases from multiple regions of the world. These data provide unprecedented potential for comparative research on human population ecology and the evolution of social-ecological systems across the Earth. However, these databases have been developed using different sample selection criteria, which has resulted in interoperability issues for global-scale, comparative paleo-demographic research and integration with paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental data. We present a synthetic, global-scale archaeological radiocarbon database composed of 180,070 radiocarbon dates that have been cleaned according to a standardized sample selection criteria. This database increases the reusability of archaeological radiocarbon data and streamlines quality control assessments for various types of paleo-demographic research. As part of an assessment of data quality, we conduct two analyses of sampling bias in the global database at multiple scales. This database is ideal for paleo-demographic research focused on dates-as-data, bayesian modeling, or summed probability distribution methodologies.},
  copyright = {2022 The Author(s)},
  langid = {english},
  keywords = {Archaeology,Chemistry},
  month_numeric = {1}
@misc{Delibrias et al. 1986,
@misc{Rigaud 2000,
@misc{Delibrias 1984,
@misc{Gowlett et al. 1986b,
@misc{Delibrias and Evin 1980,
@misc{Banadora. Delibrias G.  1968. Radiocarbon 28: 9-68.,
@misc{Radiocarbon 1966 86,
@misc{Delibrias G.  1968. Radiocarbon 28: 9-68. Collins C.M. 2012. PhD University of Sheffield.,
@misc{Delibrias G.  1990. In: Paleolithique moyen recent et Paleolithique superieur ancien en Europe. Memoires du Musee de Prehist. d'Ile-de-France 3:39-42. Delibrias G.  1968. Radiocarbon 28: 9-68. Collins C.M. 2012. PhD University of Sheffield.,
@misc{Banadora. Delibrias G.  1968. Radiocarbon 28: 9-68. Collins C.M. 2012. PhD University of Sheffield.,
@misc{Cardoso 1993.Raposo L & Carcoso J.L. 1998. Trabajos de Prehistoria 55: 39-62. Bicho N.F. 1999. The Portugese Paleolithic Occupation and Environment during Isotopic Stages 2 & 3. Eraul 90: 43-55. Zilhao  QuartÔøΩr 58 (2011),
@misc{Delibrias G.  1990. In: Paleolithique moyen recent et Paleolithique superieur ancien en Europe. Memoires du Musee de Prehist. d'Ile-de-France 3:39-42.,
@misc{Djindjian F.  1999. Le Paleolithique superieur en Europe. Collin,
@misc{Delibrias G.  1990. In: Paleolithique moyen recent et Paleolithique superieur ancien en Europe. Memoires du Musee de Prehist. d'Ile-de-France 3:39-42. Delibrias G.  1968. Radiocarbon 28: 9-68.,
@misc{Higham T.F.G.  2006a. Radiocarbon 48(2): 179-95. Delibrias G.  1968. Radiocarbon 28: 9-68.,
@misc{de Maret 1985a,
@misc{Radiocarbon 28: 18.  Archaeology: Delporte H. 1984 Etudes Quaternaires Memoire No. 7) 1976 (UISPP Field Guide A4: 88-91); Peyrony D. 1934  Delibrias G.  1968. Radiocarbon 28: 9-68.(Prehistoire 3: 1-92).,
@misc{Paquereau M. M. 1978. Quaternaria XX : 123-164. Higham T.  2014. Nature 512: 306-309. Delibrias G.  1968. Radiocarbon 28: 9-68.,
@misc{Bertran P.  2008 QSR 27: 2048-2063,
  title = {Radiocarbon Palaeolithic Europe Database: A Regularly Updated Dataset of the Radiometric Data Regarding the Palaeolithic of Europe, Siberia Included},
  author = {Vermeersch, Pierre M},
  year = {2020},
  month = {aug},
  journal = {Data Brief},
  volume = {31},
  pages = {105793},
  issn = {2352-3409},
  doi = {10.1016/j.dib.2020.105793},
  abstract = {At the Berlin INQUA Congress (1995) a working group, European Late Pleistocene Isotopic Stages 2 & 3: Humans, Their Ecology & Cultural Adaptations, was established under the direction of J. Renault-Miskovsky (Institut de Paléontologie humaine, Paris). One of the objectives was building a database of the human occupation of Europe during this period. The database has been enlarged and now includes Lower, Middle and Upper Palaeolithic sites connecting them to their environmental conditions and the available chronometric dating. From version 14 on, only sites with chronometric data were included. In this database we have collected the available radiometric data from literature and from other more restricted databases. We try to incorporate newly published chronometric dates, collected from all kind of available publications. Only dates older than 9500 uncalibrated BP, correlated with a "cultural" level obtained by scientific excavations of European (Asian Russian Federation included) Palaeolithic sites, have been included. The dates are complemented with information related to cultural remains, stratigraphic, sedimentologic and palaeontologic information within a Microsoft Access database. For colleagues mainly interested in a list of all chronometric dates an Microsoft Excel list (with no details) is available (Tab. 1). A file, containing all sites with known coordinates, that can be opened for immediate use in Google Earth is available as a *.kmz file. It will give the possibility to introduce (by file open) in Google Earth the whole site list in "My Places". The database, version 27 (first version was available in 2002), contains now 13,202 site forms, (most of them with their geographical coordinates), comprising 17,022 radiometric data: Conv. 14C and AMS 14C (13,144 items), TL (678 items), OSL (1050 items), ESR, Th/U and AAR (2150 items) from the Lower, Middle and Upper Palaeolithic. All 14C dates are conventional dates BP. This improved version 27 replaces the older version 26.},
  month_numeric = {8}
@misc{van Noten 1982,
@misc{Burton & Levy 2001,
@misc{Bronk Ramsey C.  2002. Archaeometry 44: 1-149.,
@misc{Or: 36530 +/-720 BP: OxA datelist 24: 457.  Fortea Perez J. 1996 (UISPP Forli 1996 Commission Paleolithique Superieur bilan 1991-1996;,
@misc{Guerin G.  2015. JAS ip,
@misc{Guerin G.  2015. JAS  ip,
@misc{Cannon 1991;  Nelson and Hobson 1982;  Rutherford et al. 1984;  Chisholm 1986;  Hobson and Nelson 1984;  Cannon et al. 1999;  Carlson 1991 1996,
{"bibtex_key":"Delibrias G.  1968. Radiocarbon 28: 9-68.","bibtex_type":"misc"}[{"bibtex_key":"p3k14c","bibtex_type":"article","title":"{P3k14c, a Synthetic Global Database of Archaeological Radiocarbon Dates}","author":"{Bird, Darcy and Miranda, Lux and Vander Linden, Marc and Robinson, Erick and Bocinsky, R. Kyle and Nicholson, Chris and Capriles, José M. and Finley, Judson Byrd and Gayo, Eugenia M. and Gil, Adolfo and d’Alpoim Guedes, Jade and Hoggarth, Julie A. and Kay, Andrea and Loftus, Emma and Lombardo, Umberto and Mackie, Madeline and Palmisano, Alessio and Solheim, Steinar and Kelly, Robert L. and Freeman, Jacob}","year":"{2022}","month":"{jan}","journal":"{Scientific Data}","volume":"{9}","number":"{1}","pages":"{27}","publisher":"{Nature Publishing Group}","issn":"{2052-4463}","doi":"{10.1038/s41597-022-01118-7}","abstract":"{Archaeologists increasingly use large radiocarbon databases to model prehistoric human demography (also termed paleo-demography). Numerous independent projects, funded over the past decade, have assembled such databases from multiple regions of the world. These data provide unprecedented potential for comparative research on human population ecology and the evolution of social-ecological systems across the Earth. However, these databases have been developed using different sample selection criteria, which has resulted in interoperability issues for global-scale, comparative paleo-demographic research and integration with paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental data. We present a synthetic, global-scale archaeological radiocarbon database composed of 180,070 radiocarbon dates that have been cleaned according to a standardized sample selection criteria. This database increases the reusability of archaeological radiocarbon data and streamlines quality control assessments for various types of paleo-demographic research. As part of an assessment of data quality, we conduct two analyses of sampling bias in the global database at multiple scales. This database is ideal for paleo-demographic research focused on dates-as-data, bayesian modeling, or summed probability distribution methodologies.}","copyright":"{2022 The Author(s)}","langid":"{english}","keywords":"{Archaeology,Chemistry}","month_numeric":"{1}"}]{"bibtex_key":"Delibrias et al. 1986","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Rigaud 2000","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Delibrias 1984","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Gowlett et al. 1986b","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Delibrias and Evin 1980","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"CALPAL","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Banadora. Delibrias G.  1968. Radiocarbon 28: 9-68.","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Radiocarbon 1966 86","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Delibrias G.  1968. Radiocarbon 28: 9-68. Collins C.M. 2012. PhD University of Sheffield.","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Delibrias G.  1990. In: Paleolithique moyen recent et Paleolithique superieur ancien en Europe. Memoires du Musee de Prehist. d'Ile-de-France 3:39-42. Delibrias G.  1968. Radiocarbon 28: 9-68. Collins C.M. 2012. PhD University of Sheffield.","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Banadora. Delibrias G.  1968. Radiocarbon 28: 9-68. Collins C.M. 2012. PhD University of Sheffield.","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Cardoso 1993.Raposo L & Carcoso J.L. 1998. Trabajos de Prehistoria 55: 39-62. Bicho N.F. 1999. The Portugese Paleolithic Occupation and Environment during Isotopic Stages 2 & 3. Eraul 90: 43-55. Zilhao  QuartÔøΩr 58 (2011)","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Delibrias G.  1990. In: Paleolithique moyen recent et Paleolithique superieur ancien en Europe. Memoires du Musee de Prehist. d'Ile-de-France 3:39-42.","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Djindjian F.  1999. Le Paleolithique superieur en Europe. Collin","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Delibrias G.  1990. In: Paleolithique moyen recent et Paleolithique superieur ancien en Europe. Memoires du Musee de Prehist. d'Ile-de-France 3:39-42. Delibrias G.  1968. Radiocarbon 28: 9-68.","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Higham T.F.G.  2006a. Radiocarbon 48(2): 179-95. Delibrias G.  1968. Radiocarbon 28: 9-68.","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"de Maret 1985a","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Radiocarbon 28: 18.  Archaeology: Delporte H. 1984 Etudes Quaternaires Memoire No. 7) 1976 (UISPP Field Guide A4: 88-91); Peyrony D. 1934  Delibrias G.  1968. Radiocarbon 28: 9-68.(Prehistoire 3: 1-92).","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Paquereau M. M. 1978. Quaternaria XX : 123-164. Higham T.  2014. Nature 512: 306-309. Delibrias G.  1968. Radiocarbon 28: 9-68.","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Bertran P.  2008 QSR 27: 2048-2063","bibtex_type":"misc"}[{"bibtex_key":"Vermeersch2020","bibtex_type":"article","title":"{Radiocarbon Palaeolithic Europe Database: A Regularly Updated Dataset of the Radiometric Data Regarding the Palaeolithic of Europe, Siberia Included}","author":"{Vermeersch, Pierre M}","year":"{2020}","month":"{aug}","journal":"{Data Brief}","volume":"{31}","pages":"{105793}","issn":"{2352-3409}","doi":"{10.1016/j.dib.2020.105793}","abstract":"{At the Berlin INQUA Congress (1995) a working group, European Late Pleistocene Isotopic Stages 2 & 3: Humans, Their Ecology & Cultural Adaptations, was established under the direction of J. Renault-Miskovsky (Institut de Paléontologie humaine, Paris). One of the objectives was building a database of the human occupation of Europe during this period. The database has been enlarged and now includes Lower, Middle and Upper Palaeolithic sites connecting them to their environmental conditions and the available chronometric dating. From version 14 on, only sites with chronometric data were included. In this database we have collected the available radiometric data from literature and from other more restricted databases. We try to incorporate newly published chronometric dates, collected from all kind of available publications. Only dates older than 9500 uncalibrated BP, correlated with a \"cultural\" level obtained by scientific excavations of European (Asian Russian Federation included) Palaeolithic sites, have been included. The dates are complemented with information related to cultural remains, stratigraphic, sedimentologic and palaeontologic information within a Microsoft Access database. For colleagues mainly interested in a list of all chronometric dates an Microsoft Excel list (with no details) is available (Tab. 1). A file, containing all sites with known coordinates, that can be opened for immediate use in Google Earth is available as a *.kmz file. It will give the possibility to introduce (by file open) in Google Earth the whole site list in \"My Places\". The database, version 27 (first version was available in 2002), contains now 13,202 site forms, (most of them with their geographical coordinates), comprising 17,022 radiometric data: Conv. 14C and AMS 14C (13,144 items), TL (678 items), OSL (1050 items), ESR, Th/U and AAR (2150 items) from the Lower, Middle and Upper Palaeolithic. All 14C dates are conventional dates BP. This improved version 27 replaces the older version 26.}","month_numeric":"{8}"}]{"bibtex_key":"van Noten 1982","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Burton & Levy 2001","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Bronk Ramsey C.  2002. Archaeometry 44: 1-149.","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Or: 36530 +/-720 BP: OxA datelist 24: 457.  Fortea Perez J. 1996 (UISPP Forli 1996 Commission Paleolithique Superieur bilan 1991-1996;","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Guerin G.  2015. JAS ip","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Guerin G.  2015. JAS  ip","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Cannon 1991;  Nelson and Hobson 1982;  Rutherford et al. 1984;  Chisholm 1986;  Hobson and Nelson 1984;  Cannon et al. 1999;  Carlson 1991 1996","bibtex_type":"misc"}
:bibtex_key: 'Delibrias G.  1968. Radiocarbon 28: 9-68.'
:bibtex_type: :misc
- :bibtex_key: p3k14c
  :bibtex_type: :article
  :title: "{P3k14c, a Synthetic Global Database of Archaeological Radiocarbon Dates}"
  :author: "{Bird, Darcy and Miranda, Lux and Vander Linden, Marc and Robinson, Erick
    and Bocinsky, R. Kyle and Nicholson, Chris and Capriles, José M. and Finley, Judson
    Byrd and Gayo, Eugenia M. and Gil, Adolfo and d’Alpoim Guedes, Jade and Hoggarth,
    Julie A. and Kay, Andrea and Loftus, Emma and Lombardo, Umberto and Mackie, Madeline
    and Palmisano, Alessio and Solheim, Steinar and Kelly, Robert L. and Freeman,
  :year: "{2022}"
  :month: "{jan}"
  :journal: "{Scientific Data}"
  :volume: "{9}"
  :number: "{1}"
  :pages: "{27}"
  :publisher: "{Nature Publishing Group}"
  :issn: "{2052-4463}"
  :doi: "{10.1038/s41597-022-01118-7}"
  :abstract: "{Archaeologists increasingly use large radiocarbon databases to model
    prehistoric human demography (also termed paleo-demography). Numerous independent
    projects, funded over the past decade, have assembled such databases from multiple
    regions of the world. These data provide unprecedented potential for comparative
    research on human population ecology and the evolution of social-ecological systems
    across the Earth. However, these databases have been developed using different
    sample selection criteria, which has resulted in interoperability issues for global-scale,
    comparative paleo-demographic research and integration with paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental
    data. We present a synthetic, global-scale archaeological radiocarbon database
    composed of 180,070 radiocarbon dates that have been cleaned according to a standardized
    sample selection criteria. This database increases the reusability of archaeological
    radiocarbon data and streamlines quality control assessments for various types
    of paleo-demographic research. As part of an assessment of data quality, we conduct
    two analyses of sampling bias in the global database at multiple scales. This
    database is ideal for paleo-demographic research focused on dates-as-data, bayesian
    modeling, or summed probability distribution methodologies.}"
  :copyright: "{2022 The Author(s)}"
  :langid: "{english}"
  :keywords: "{Archaeology,Chemistry}"
  :month_numeric: "{1}"
:bibtex_key: Delibrias et al. 1986
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: Rigaud 2000
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: Delibrias 1984
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: Gowlett et al. 1986b
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: Delibrias and Evin 1980
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: CALPAL
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: 'Banadora. Delibrias G.  1968. Radiocarbon 28: 9-68.'
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: Radiocarbon 1966 86
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: 'Delibrias G.  1968. Radiocarbon 28: 9-68. Collins C.M. 2012. PhD University
  of Sheffield.'
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: 'Delibrias G.  1990. In: Paleolithique moyen recent et Paleolithique
  superieur ancien en Europe. Memoires du Musee de Prehist. d''Ile-de-France 3:39-42.
  Delibrias G.  1968. Radiocarbon 28: 9-68. Collins C.M. 2012. PhD University of Sheffield.'
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: 'Banadora. Delibrias G.  1968. Radiocarbon 28: 9-68. Collins C.M. 2012.
  PhD University of Sheffield.'
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: 'Cardoso 1993.Raposo L & Carcoso J.L. 1998. Trabajos de Prehistoria 55:
  39-62. Bicho N.F. 1999. The Portugese Paleolithic Occupation and Environment during
  Isotopic Stages 2 & 3. Eraul 90: 43-55. Zilhao  QuartÔøΩr 58 (2011)'
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: 'Delibrias G.  1990. In: Paleolithique moyen recent et Paleolithique
  superieur ancien en Europe. Memoires du Musee de Prehist. d''Ile-de-France 3:39-42.'
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: Djindjian F.  1999. Le Paleolithique superieur en Europe. Collin
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: 'Delibrias G.  1990. In: Paleolithique moyen recent et Paleolithique
  superieur ancien en Europe. Memoires du Musee de Prehist. d''Ile-de-France 3:39-42.
  Delibrias G.  1968. Radiocarbon 28: 9-68.'
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: 'Higham T.F.G.  2006a. Radiocarbon 48(2): 179-95. Delibrias G.  1968.
  Radiocarbon 28: 9-68.'
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: de Maret 1985a
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: 'Radiocarbon 28: 18.  Archaeology: Delporte H. 1984 Etudes Quaternaires
  Memoire No. 7) 1976 (UISPP Field Guide A4: 88-91); Peyrony D. 1934  Delibrias G.  1968.
  Radiocarbon 28: 9-68.(Prehistoire 3: 1-92).'
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: 'Paquereau M. M. 1978. Quaternaria XX : 123-164. Higham T.  2014. Nature
  512: 306-309. Delibrias G.  1968. Radiocarbon 28: 9-68.'
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: 'Bertran P.  2008 QSR 27: 2048-2063'
:bibtex_type: :misc
- :bibtex_key: Vermeersch2020
  :bibtex_type: :article
  :title: "{Radiocarbon Palaeolithic Europe Database: A Regularly Updated Dataset
    of the Radiometric Data Regarding the Palaeolithic of Europe, Siberia Included}"
  :author: "{Vermeersch, Pierre M}"
  :year: "{2020}"
  :month: "{aug}"
  :journal: "{Data Brief}"
  :volume: "{31}"
  :pages: "{105793}"
  :issn: "{2352-3409}"
  :doi: "{10.1016/j.dib.2020.105793}"
  :abstract: '{At the Berlin INQUA Congress (1995) a working group, European Late
    Pleistocene Isotopic Stages 2 & 3: Humans, Their Ecology & Cultural Adaptations,
    was established under the direction of J. Renault-Miskovsky (Institut de Paléontologie
    humaine, Paris). One of the objectives was building a database of the human occupation
    of Europe during this period. The database has been enlarged and now includes
    Lower, Middle and Upper Palaeolithic sites connecting them to their environmental
    conditions and the available chronometric dating. From version 14 on, only sites
    with chronometric data were included. In this database we have collected the available
    radiometric data from literature and from other more restricted databases. We
    try to incorporate newly published chronometric dates, collected from all kind
    of available publications. Only dates older than 9500 uncalibrated BP, correlated
    with a "cultural" level obtained by scientific excavations of European (Asian
    Russian Federation included) Palaeolithic sites, have been included. The dates
    are complemented with information related to cultural remains, stratigraphic,
    sedimentologic and palaeontologic information within a Microsoft Access database.
    For colleagues mainly interested in a list of all chronometric dates an Microsoft
    Excel list (with no details) is available (Tab. 1). A file, containing all sites
    with known coordinates, that can be opened for immediate use in Google Earth is
    available as a *.kmz file. It will give the possibility to introduce (by file
    open) in Google Earth the whole site list in "My Places". The database, version
    27 (first version was available in 2002), contains now 13,202 site forms, (most
    of them with their geographical coordinates), comprising 17,022 radiometric data:
    Conv. 14C and AMS 14C (13,144 items), TL (678 items), OSL (1050 items), ESR, Th/U
    and AAR (2150 items) from the Lower, Middle and Upper Palaeolithic. All 14C dates
    are conventional dates BP. This improved version 27 replaces the older version
  :month_numeric: "{8}"
:bibtex_key: van Noten 1982
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: Burton & Levy 2001
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: 'Bronk Ramsey C.  2002. Archaeometry 44: 1-149.'
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: 'Or: 36530 +/-720 BP: OxA datelist 24: 457.  Fortea Perez J. 1996 (UISPP
  Forli 1996 Commission Paleolithique Superieur bilan 1991-1996;'
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: Guerin G.  2015. JAS ip
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: Guerin G.  2015. JAS  ip
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: Cannon 1991;  Nelson and Hobson 1982;  Rutherford et al. 1984;  Chisholm
  1986;  Hobson and Nelson 1984;  Cannon et al. 1999;  Carlson 1991 1996
:bibtex_type: :misc
