
Showing 73429 Sites.

Name Country Coordinates Radiocarbon dates Typological dates
Gasiza I Rwanda 002.483° S, 029.650° E 2 0
Rwiyange Burundi 003.050° S, 030.083° E 4 0
Naviundu Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 011.734° S, 027.568° E 2 0
Imbonga Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 000.822° S, 019.788° E 12 0
Ndio Central African Republic 006.052° N, 015.398° E 4 0
Ndangayé Bai Cameroon 002.383° N, 015.800° E 1 0
Ndindan Cameroon 003.914° N, 011.504° E 14 0
Okolo Cameroon 003.933° N, 011.517° E 8 0
Mimboman Cameroon 003.850° N, 011.533° E 2 0
Lus Cameroon 006.683° N, 010.967° E 2 0
Bobélé 2 Central African Republic 004.030° N, 018.380° E 2 0
Kango 2 Gabon 000.158° N, 010.120° E 2 0
Nkondi Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 004.917° S, 012.967° E 2 0
Mbafu Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 005.430° S, 014.260° E 4 0
Vafio Central African Republic 007.407° N, 018.409° E 2 0
Ntende Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 004.330° S, 015.330° E 2 0
Lovo Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 005.733° S, 014.455° E 5 0
Bouri Central African Republic 007.128° N, 018.277° E 1 0
Komo Gabon 000.367° N, 010.117° E 2 0
Parco ""I Forti"", Chiusi Italy 043.018° N, 011.950° E 4 0