
Showing 73429 Sites.

Name Country Coordinates Radiocarbon dates Typological dates
Longa Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 000.248° S, 018.881° E 7 0
Baringa Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 000.729° N, 020.736° E 6 0
Bokuma Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 000.114° S, 018.698° E 12 0
Rurembo Rwanda 001.700° S, 029.250° E 4 0
Masango Burundi 004.069° S, 029.657° E 4 0
Ruzizi Burundi 003.085° S, 029.259° E 0 0
Liavela Angola 014.967° S, 015.367° E 2 0
Cyamakuza Rwanda 002.585° S, 029.823° E 2 0
Buru Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 003.739° N, 026.904° E 4 0
Mikweti Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 001.406° S, 028.594° E 2 0
Katoto Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 009.187° S, 025.885° E 2 0
Rya Murari Rwanda 001.400° S, 030.300° E 6 0
Akameru Rwanda 001.700° S, 030.000° E 4 0
Kabuye Rwanda 002.600° S, 029.833° E 4 0
Lingbangbo Central African Republic 003.633° N, 018.400° E 8 0
Abeke Cameroon 005.925° N, 010.158° E 2 0
Boma Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 005.850° S, 013.067° E 8 0
Mirama Burundi 003.383° S, 029.983° E 6 0
Ngoma III Rwanda 002.600° S, 029.717° E 2 0
Grotta Mora Cavorso Italy 041.878° N, 013.174° E 31 0