Site types
Iron age cave activity and medieval cave activity


Coordinates (degrees)
052.805° N, 009.011° W
Coordinates (DMS)
052° 48' 00" W, 009° 00' 00" N
Country (ISO 3166)
Ireland (IE)

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (3)

Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Beta-277395 NA NA 270±40 BP Dowd 2015, 213 Chapple 2019
OxA-3700 NA NA 1675±60 BP Dowd 2015, 163; Bendrey et al. 2013, 4; Woodman, McCarthy, & Monaghan 1997, 137 Chapple 2019
OxA-3703 NA NA 2270±60 BP Dowd 2015, 163; Woodman, McCarthy, & Monaghan 1997, 137; ORAU Datelist 24 ( Chapple 2019

typological date Typological dates (0)

Classification Estimated age References

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic references

@misc{Dowd 2015, 163; Woodman, McCarthy, & Monaghan 1997, 137; ORAU Datelist 24 (,
@misc{Dowd 2015, 163; Bendrey et al. 2013, 4; Woodman, McCarthy, & Monaghan 1997, 137,
@misc{Dowd 2015, 213,
  title = {Catalogue of Radiocarbon Determinations & Dendrochronology Dates (August 2019 Release)},
  author = {Chapple, Robert M},
  date = {2019},
  publisher = {Oculus Obscura Press},
  location = {Belfast},
  url = {}
{"bibtex_key":"Dowd 2015, 163; Woodman, McCarthy, & Monaghan 1997, 137; ORAU Datelist 24 (","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Dowd 2015, 163; Bendrey et al. 2013, 4; Woodman, McCarthy, & Monaghan 1997, 137","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Dowd 2015, 213","bibtex_type":"misc"}[{"bibtex_key":"IRDD","bibtex_type":"dataset","title":"{Catalogue of Radiocarbon Determinations & Dendrochronology Dates (August 2019 Release)}","author":"{Chapple, Robert M}","date":"{2019}","publisher":"{Oculus Obscura Press}","location":"{Belfast}","url":"{}"}]
:bibtex_key: Dowd 2015, 163; Woodman, McCarthy, & Monaghan 1997, 137; ORAU Datelist
  24 (
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: Dowd 2015, 163; Bendrey et al. 2013, 4; Woodman, McCarthy, & Monaghan
  1997, 137
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: Dowd 2015, 213
:bibtex_type: :misc
- :bibtex_key: IRDD
  :bibtex_type: :dataset
  :title: "{Catalogue of Radiocarbon Determinations & Dendrochronology Dates (August
    2019 Release)}"
  :author: "{Chapple, Robert M}"
  :date: "{2019}"
  :publisher: "{Oculus Obscura Press}"
  :location: "{Belfast}"
  :url: "{}"


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