Site type


Coordinates (degrees)
009.977° S, 034.230° E
Coordinates (DMS)
009° 58' 00" E, 034° 13' 00" S
Country (ISO 3166)
Malawi (MW)

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (8)

Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
NOSAMS-20475 bulk sediment NA NA 2510±50 BP Johnson, T. C., Brown, E. T., McManus, J., Barry, S., Barker, P., & Gasse, F. (2002). A high-resolution paleoclimate record spanning the past 25,000 years in southern East Africa. Science, 296(5565), 113-132.
NOSAMS-20476 bulk sediment NA NA 4020±65 BP Johnson, T. C., Brown, E. T., McManus, J., Barry, S., Barker, P., & Gasse, F. (2002). A high-resolution paleoclimate record spanning the past 25,000 years in southern East Africa. Science, 296(5565), 113-132.
NOSAMS-20477 bulk sediment NA NA 6260±65 BP Johnson, T. C., Brown, E. T., McManus, J., Barry, S., Barker, P., & Gasse, F. (2002). A high-resolution paleoclimate record spanning the past 25,000 years in southern East Africa. Science, 296(5565), 113-132.
NOSAMS-20480 bulk sediment NA NA 8820±110 BP Johnson, T. C., Brown, E. T., McManus, J., Barry, S., Barker, P., & Gasse, F. (2002). A high-resolution paleoclimate record spanning the past 25,000 years in southern East Africa. Science, 296(5565), 113-132.
NOSAMS-20478 bulk sediment NA NA 9550±120 BP Johnson, T. C., Brown, E. T., McManus, J., Barry, S., Barker, P., & Gasse, F. (2002). A high-resolution paleoclimate record spanning the past 25,000 years in southern East Africa. Science, 296(5565), 113-132.
NOSAMS-19968 bulk sediment NA NA 11450±100 BP Johnson, T. C., Brown, E. T., McManus, J., Barry, S., Barker, P., & Gasse, F. (2002). A high-resolution paleoclimate record spanning the past 25,000 years in southern East Africa. Science, 296(5565), 113-132.
NOSAMS-20485 bulk sediment NA NA 15150±130 BP Johnson, T. C., Brown, E. T., McManus, J., Barry, S., Barker, P., & Gasse, F. (2002). A high-resolution paleoclimate record spanning the past 25,000 years in southern East Africa. Science, 296(5565), 113-132.
NOSAMS-20481 bulk sediment NA NA 21000±240 BP Johnson, T. C., Brown, E. T., McManus, J., Barry, S., Barker, P., & Gasse, F. (2002). A high-resolution paleoclimate record spanning the past 25,000 years in southern East Africa. Science, 296(5565), 113-132.

typological date Typological dates (0)

Classification Estimated age References

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic references

@misc{Johnson, T. C., Brown, E. T., McManus, J., Barry, S., Barker, P., & Gasse, F. (2002). A high-resolution paleoclimate record spanning the past 25,000 years in southern East Africa. Science, 296(5565), 113-132.,
@misc{KITE East Africa,
  url = {},
  note = {Courtney Mustaphi, Colin, 2016, "Radiocarbon dates from eastern Africa in the CARD2.0 format",, Harvard Dataverse, V5 }
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:bibtex_key: Johnson, T. C., Brown, E. T., McManus, J., Barry, S., Barker, P., & Gasse,
  F. (2002). A high-resolution paleoclimate record spanning the past 25,000 years
  in southern East Africa. Science, 296(5565), 113-132.
:bibtex_type: :misc
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  :note: '{Courtney Mustaphi, Colin, 2016, "Radiocarbon dates from eastern Africa
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    V5 }'


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