Site type


Coordinates (degrees)
000.036° S, 034.044° E
Coordinates (DMS)
000° 02' 00" E, 034° 02' 00" S
Country (ISO 3166)
Kenya (KE)

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (4)

Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Beta-186498 Usenge 3 charcoal NA NA 170±40 BP Lane, P., Ashley, C., Seitsonen, O., Harvey, P., Mire, S., & Odede, F. (2007). The transition to farming in eastern Africa: new faunal and dating evidence from Wadh Lang'o and Usenge, Kenya. Antiquity, 81(311), 62-81.
Beta-186499 Usenge 3 charcoal NA NA 3240±70 BP Lane, P., Ashley, C., Seitsonen, O., Harvey, P., Mire, S., & Odede, F. (2007). The transition to farming in eastern Africa: new faunal and dating evidence from Wadh Lang'o and Usenge, Kenya. Antiquity, 81(311), 62-81.
Beta-190746 Usenge 3 charcoal NA NA 1560±40 BP Lane, P., Ashley, C., Seitsonen, O., Harvey, P., Mire, S., & Odede, F. (2007). The transition to farming in eastern Africa: new faunal and dating evidence from Wadh Lang'o and Usenge, Kenya. Antiquity, 81(311), 62-81.
Beta-190747 Usenge 3 charcoal NA NA 3310±40 BP Lane, P., Ashley, C., Seitsonen, O., Harvey, P., Mire, S., & Odede, F. (2007). The transition to farming in eastern Africa: new faunal and dating evidence from Wadh Lang'o and Usenge, Kenya. Antiquity, 81(311), 62-81.

typological date Typological dates (0)

Classification Estimated age References

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic references

@misc{Lane, P., Ashley, C., Seitsonen, O., Harvey, P., Mire, S., & Odede, F. (2007). The transition to farming in eastern Africa: new faunal and dating evidence from Wadh Lang'o and Usenge, Kenya. Antiquity, 81(311), 62-81.,
@misc{KITE East Africa,
  url = {},
  note = {Courtney Mustaphi, Colin, 2016, "Radiocarbon dates from eastern Africa in the CARD2.0 format",, Harvard Dataverse, V5 }
{"bibtex_key":"Lane, P., Ashley, C., Seitsonen, O., Harvey, P., Mire, S., & Odede, F. (2007). The transition to farming in eastern Africa: new faunal and dating evidence from Wadh Lang'o and Usenge, Kenya. Antiquity, 81(311), 62-81.","bibtex_type":"misc"}[{"bibtex_key":"KITE East Africa","bibtex_type":"misc","url":"{}","note":"{Courtney Mustaphi, Colin, 2016, \"Radiocarbon dates from eastern Africa in the CARD2.0 format\",, Harvard Dataverse, V5 }"}]
:bibtex_key: 'Lane, P., Ashley, C., Seitsonen, O., Harvey, P., Mire, S., & Odede,
  F. (2007). The transition to farming in eastern Africa: new faunal and dating evidence
  from Wadh Lang''o and Usenge, Kenya. Antiquity, 81(311), 62-81.'
:bibtex_type: :misc
- :bibtex_key: KITE East Africa
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  :note: '{Courtney Mustaphi, Colin, 2016, "Radiocarbon dates from eastern Africa
    in the CARD2.0 format",, Harvard Dataverse,
    V5 }'


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