Site type


Coordinates (degrees)
Coordinates (DMS)
Country (ISO 3166)
Romania (RO)

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (3)

Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Nd NA NA 5110±70 BP Bem 2000: 347 Table 1, Reingruber & Rassamakin 2016: Appendix
GrN-1987 Charcoal NA NA 5360±70 BP Vogel & Waterbolk 1963: 185, Dumitrescu 1974: 23–39, Reingruber & Rassamakin 2016: Appendix
GrN-1987 NA 14C 5360±70 BP Bojadziev 1998 Weninger 2022

typological date Typological dates (4)

Classification Estimated age References
Gumelniţa A2 NA Vogel & Waterbolk 1963: 185, Dumitrescu 1974: 23–39, Reingruber & Rassamakin 2016: Appendix
Gumelniţa A2 NA Bem 2000: 347 Table 1, Reingruber & Rassamakin 2016: Appendix
Chalcolithic NA Bojadziev 1998

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic references

@misc{Vogel & Waterbolk 1963: 185, Dumitrescu 1974: 23–39, Reingruber & Rassamakin 2016: Appendix,
@misc{Bem 2000: 347 Table 1, Reingruber & Rassamakin 2016: Appendix,
@misc{Bojadziev 1998,
  url = {},
  note = {Reingruber, A., and Thissen, L. (2017). The 14SEA Project: A 14C database for Southeast Europe and Anatolia (10,000–3000 calBC). Updated 2017-01-31.}
  title = {CalPal Edition 2022.9},
  author = {Weninger, Bernie},
  year = {2022},
  month = {sep},
  doi = {1010.5281/zenodo.7422618},
  url = {},
  abstract = {CalPal is scientific freeware for 14C-based chronological research for Holocene and Palaeolithic Archaeology.},
  copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International, Open Access},
  howpublished = {Zenodo},
  month_numeric = {9}
{"bibtex_key":"Vogel & Waterbolk 1963: 185, Dumitrescu 1974: 23–39, Reingruber & Rassamakin 2016: Appendix","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Bem 2000: 347 Table 1, Reingruber & Rassamakin 2016: Appendix","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Bojadziev 1998","bibtex_type":"misc"}[{"bibtex_key":"14SEA","bibtex_type":"misc","url":"{}","note":"{Reingruber, A., and Thissen, L. (2017). The 14SEA Project: A 14C database for Southeast Europe and Anatolia (10,000–3000 calBC). Updated 2017-01-31.}"}][{"bibtex_key":"CalPal","bibtex_type":"misc","title":"{CalPal Edition 2022.9}","author":"{Weninger, Bernie}","year":"{2022}","month":"{sep}","doi":"{1010.5281/zenodo.7422618}","url":"{}","abstract":"{CalPal is scientific freeware for 14C-based chronological research for Holocene and Palaeolithic Archaeology.}","copyright":"{Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International, Open Access}","howpublished":"{Zenodo}","month_numeric":"{9}"}]
:bibtex_key: 'Vogel & Waterbolk 1963: 185, Dumitrescu 1974: 23–39, Reingruber & Rassamakin
  2016: Appendix'
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: 'Bem 2000: 347 Table 1, Reingruber & Rassamakin 2016: Appendix'
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: Bojadziev 1998
:bibtex_type: :misc
- :bibtex_key: 14SEA
  :bibtex_type: :misc
  :url: "{}"
  :note: "{Reingruber, A., and Thissen, L. (2017). The 14SEA Project: A 14C database
    for Southeast Europe and Anatolia (10,000–3000 calBC). Updated 2017-01-31.}"
- :bibtex_key: CalPal
  :bibtex_type: :misc
  :title: "{CalPal Edition 2022.9}"
  :author: "{Weninger, Bernie}"
  :year: "{2022}"
  :month: "{sep}"
  :doi: "{1010.5281/zenodo.7422618}"
  :url: "{}"
  :abstract: "{CalPal is scientific freeware for 14C-based chronological research
    for Holocene and Palaeolithic Archaeology.}"
  :copyright: "{Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International, Open Access}"
  :howpublished: "{Zenodo}"
  :month_numeric: "{9}"
