Gonçalves 2003

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

@misc{Gonçalves 2003,
{"bibtex_key":"Gonçalves 2003","bibtex_type":"misc"}
:bibtex_key: Gonçalves 2003
:bibtex_type: :misc

Citing records

There are 85 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.

Site Sites (19)

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (65)

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Anta 2 dos Cebolinhos Beta-177471 L.12-36b, chamber, funerary deposition collagen, bone Homo sapiens NA 3840±40 BP Gonçalves 2003 Hinz et al. 2012
Anta 3 de Santa Margarida Beta-176897 I.8-267, chamber, possible deposition, X: 0,58; Y: 1,48; Z: 204,72 collagen, bone Fragement of a human longbone NA 4290±40 BP Gonçalves 2003 Hinz et al. 2012
Anta 3 de Santa Margarida Beta-166416 J.8-30, chamber, human bone of the group Cm-1, X: 0,59, Y: 0,48, Z: 205,38 collagen, bone Homo sapiens NA 4270±40 BP Gonçalves 2003 Hinz et al. 2012
Anta 3 de Santa Margarida Beta-166423 J.8-609, chamber, funeral deposition, Cm-6, X: 1,75, Y: 0,20, Z: 204,80 collagen, bone Homo sapiens NA 4100±40 BP Gonçalves 2003 Hinz et al. 2012
Anta 3 de Santa Margarida Beta-166417 J.8-71, chamber, funeral deposition,Cm-2, X: 0,95, Y: 0,80, Z: 205,34 collagen, bone Homo sapiens NA 3770±40 BP Gonçalves 2003 Hinz et al. 2012
Anta 3 de Santa Margarida Beta-166420 I.8-103 chamber, immediately underlying or integrated into funeral deposition, Cm-3, X: 0,55, Y: 1,70, Z: 205,15 collagen, bone phalanx of a dog, right hind limb NA 3720±50 BP Gonçalves 2003 Hinz et al. 2012
Anta 3 de Santa Margarida Beta-166424 J.8-572, chamber, X: 1,00, Y: 0,27, Z: 204,86. plant remains Arbutus unedo (carbonized fruit) NA 560±40 BP Gonçalves 2003 Hinz et al. 2012
Cabeço da Arruda 2 Sac-1613 collagen, bone Homo sapiens NA 4700±80 BP Gonçalves 2003 Hinz et al. 2012
Praia das Maçãs OxA-5509 western chamber hair pin, engraved shale plate NA 4410±75 BP Gonçalves 2003 Hinz et al. 2012
Furninha OxA-5505 grotto hair pin and a wig (cabeça postiça) NA 4335±65 BP Gonçalves 2003 Hinz et al. 2012
Algar do Barrão ICEN-740 grotto collagen, bone Homo sapiens NA 4460±70 BP Gonçalves 2003 Hinz et al. 2012
Anta 3 de Santa Margarida Beta-167208 H. 8-64, corridor, lower level than the vase, H.8-7, X: 079, Y: 162, Z:.204,84 charcoal Pistacia lentiscus NA 105±0 BP Gonçalves 2003 Hinz et al. 2012
Anta 3 de Santa Margarida Beta-166418 I.8-105,, chamber, funeral deposition, Cm-3, X: 047, Y: 160, Z: 205,21. collagen, bone Homo sapiens NA 3780±40 BP Gonçalves 2003 Hinz et al. 2012
Cabeço da Arruda 2 UBAR-538 collagen, bone Homo sapiens NA 4230±100 BP Gonçalves 2003 Hinz et al. 2012
Pai Mogo Sac-1556 Tholos collagen, bone Homo sapiens NA 4250±90 BP Gonçalves 2003 Hinz et al. 2012
Pai Mogo UBAR-539 collagen, bone Homo sapiens NA 4130±90 BP Gonçalves 2003 Hinz et al. 2012
Casa da Moura ICEN-5506 grotto collagen, bone hair pin, wig NA 4600±90 BP Gonçalves 2003 Hinz et al. 2012
Grutas dos Alqueves ICEN-64 grotto collagen, bone NA NA 4490±55 BP Gonçalves 2003 Hinz et al. 2012
Anta 3 de Santa Margarida Beta-166422 J.8-694, chamber, funeral deposition, Cm-5 with bones , X: 1,07; Y:0,60; Z: 204,70 collagen, bone Homo sapiens NA 4270±40 BP Gonçalves 2003 Hinz et al. 2012
Anta 3 de Santa Margarida Beta-166419 J.8-279, chamber, X: 1,43, Y: 0,44, Z: 205,04. plant remains Arbutus unedo (carbonized fruit) NA 730±40 BP Gonçalves 2003 Hinz et al. 2012


Record created in XRONOS on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. Last updated on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. See changelog for details.
Contributors: XRONOS development team
