Katsianis et al. 2020

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

  • Katsianis, M., Bevan, A., Styliaras, G., & Maniatis, Y. (2020). An Aegean History and Archaeology Written through Radiocarbon Dates. Journal of Open Archaeology Data, 8(1). https://doi.org/10.5334/joad.65 [Katsianis et al. 2020]
  title = {An Aegean History and Archaeology Written through Radiocarbon Dates},
  author = {Katsianis, Markos and Bevan, Andrew and Styliaras, Giorgos and Maniatis, Yannis},
  year = {2020},
  month = {aug},
  journal = {Journal of Open Archaeology Data},
  volume = {8},
  number = {1},
  issn = {2049-1565},
  doi = {10.5334/joad.65},
  abstract = {The Journal of Open Archaeology Data (JOAD) features peer reviewed data papers describing archaeology datasets with high reuse potential. We work with a number of specialist and institutional data repositories to ensure that the associated data are professionally archived, preserved, and openly available. Equally importantly, the data and the papers are citable, and reuse is tracked. JOAD data papers are relatively quick to create, and provide you with a peer-reviewed publication to gain credit for your data. Submit a paper today! JOAD is indexed by the following services: Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index), Scopus, European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences, Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Chronos, Center for Open Science, OpenAIRE, ExLibris, academia.edu, Journal TOCs, CNKI, sparrho, ~CrossRef, JISC KB+, SHERPA RoMEO,  EBSCOHost, Cengage Learning, ANVUR and Google Scholar.},
  langid = {american},
  month_numeric = {8}
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  :year: "{2020}"
  :month: "{aug}"
  :journal: "{Journal of Open Archaeology Data}"
  :volume: "{8}"
  :number: "{1}"
  :issn: "{2049-1565}"
  :doi: "{10.5334/joad.65}"
  :abstract: "{The Journal of Open Archaeology Data (JOAD) features peer reviewed
    data papers describing archaeology datasets with high reuse potential. We work
    with a number of specialist and institutional data repositories to ensure that
    the associated data are professionally archived, preserved, and openly available.
    Equally importantly, the data and the papers are citable, and reuse is tracked.
    JOAD data papers are relatively quick to create, and provide you with a peer-reviewed
    publication to gain credit for your data. Submit a paper today! JOAD is indexed
    by the following services: Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index), Scopus,
    European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences, Norwegian
    Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers, Directory of Open Access
    Journals (DOAJ), Chronos, Center for Open Science, OpenAIRE, ExLibris, academia.edu, Journal
    TOCs, CNKI, sparrho, ~CrossRef, JISC KB+, SHERPA RoMEO,  EBSCOHost, Cengage Learning,
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Citing records

There are 3159 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (3159)

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Tsoungiza. Nemea AA-10822 charcoal NA AMS 4039±80 BP 4823–4296 cal BP ArvanitiManiatis2018;JungWeninger2015 Katsianis et al. 2020
Tsoungiza. Nemea AA-10823 charcoal NA AMS 3920±60 BP 4520–4155 cal BP ArvanitiManiatis2018;JungWeninger2015 Katsianis et al. 2020
Halai AA-25328 Trench F9. W and SW of Bld III, h:1.49-1.61 asl charcoal NA AMS 5395±65 BP 6299–6000 cal BP BramiZanotti2015;FacorellisColeman2012;Weninger2017 Katsianis et al. 2020
Halai AA-25329 Trench F9. Bld. III, h:1.09 asl charcoal NA AMS 7230±55 BP 8173–7960 cal BP BramiZanotti2015;FacorellisColeman2012;Weninger2017 Katsianis et al. 2020
Halai AA-25330 Trench F9. Room 22, Lower levels, h:0.72-0.75 asl charcoal NA AMS 7340±55 BP 8318–8020 cal BP BramiZanotti2015;FacorellisColeman2012 Katsianis et al. 2020
Halai AA-25331 Trench F101. SE strip, h:1.65-2.00 asl, 1.87 asl charcoal NA AMS 6550±70 BP 7571–7324 cal BP BramiZanotti2015;FacorellisColeman2012;Weninger2017 Katsianis et al. 2020
Kleonai valley AA-2739 Kleonai Core NA AMS 3345±70 BP 3822–3402 cal BP Wrightetal1990 Katsianis et al. 2020
Kleonai valley AA-2740 Kleonai Core NA AMS 3820±50 BP 4405–4090 cal BP Wrightetal1990 Katsianis et al. 2020
Kleonai valley AA-2741 Kleonai Core NA AMS 4770±70 BP 5600–5321 cal BP Wrightetal1990 Katsianis et al. 2020
Kleonai valley AA-2742 Kleonai Core NA AMS 6150±70 BP 7248–6805 cal BP Wrightetal1990 Katsianis et al. 2020
Kleonai valley AA-2743 Kleonai Core NA AMS 7495±60 BP 8390–8186 cal BP Wrightetal1990 Katsianis et al. 2020
Kleonai valley AA-2744 Kleonai Core NA AMS 7475±60 BP 8385–8180 cal BP Wrightetal1990 Katsianis et al. 2020
Kleonai valley AA-2745 Kleonai Core NA AMS 9030±100 BP 10490–9790 cal BP Wrightetal1990 Katsianis et al. 2020
Franchthi Koilada Bay AA-31 FC1. d:5.40-5.60 charcoal NA AMS 6220±130 BP 7420–6796 cal BP BramiZanotti2015;ReingruberThissen2005 Katsianis et al. 2020
Franchthi Koilada Bay AA-32 FC2. d:5.45-5.65 charcoal NA AMS 7610±150 BP 8771–8032 cal BP BramiZanotti2015;ReingruberThissen2005 Katsianis et al. 2020
Paleopolis (roadcut). Kythera AA-41845 Soil profile from agricultural terrace. 2.1 mbs charcoal NA AMS 3390±42 BP 3817–3489 cal BP KrahtopoulouFrederick2008 Katsianis et al. 2020
Livadi (section). Kythera AA-41846 2.6 mbs charcoal NA AMS 79±71 BP 280–5 cal BP KrahtopoulouFrederick2008 Katsianis et al. 2020
Livadi (section). Kythera AA-41847 1.2 mbs charcoal NA AMS 3512±43 BP 3894–3647 cal BP KrahtopoulouFrederick2008 Katsianis et al. 2020
Livadi (section). Kythera AA-41848 0.48 mbs charcoal NA AMS 187±36 BP 302–67 cal BP KrahtopoulouFrederick2008 Katsianis et al. 2020
Tourla. Goules AA-58172 2. Tomb 40 bone Homo sapiens AMS 3591±52 BP 4080–3721 cal BP Ziota2007 Katsianis et al. 2020


Record created in XRONOS on 2022-12-02 00:40:38 UTC. Last updated on 2024-12-18 15:54:02 UTC. See changelog for details.
Contributors: XRONOS development team, Joe Roe


@Misc{Katsianis et al. 2020, url = {https://rdr.ucl.ac.uk/articles/dataset/Dataset_for_An_Aegean_history_and_archaeology_written_through_radiocarbon_dates/12489137/1}, note = {Katsianis, Markos; Bevan, Andrew; Styliaras, Giorgos; Maniatis, Yannis (2020): Dataset for: An Aegean history and archaeology written through radiocarbon dates. University College London. Dataset. https://doi.org/10.5522/04/12489137.v1 } } → @article{KatsianisEtAl2020, title = {An {{Aegean History}} and {{Archaeology Written}} through {{Radiocarbon Dates}}}, author = {Katsianis, Markos and Bevan, Andrew and Styliaras, Giorgos and Maniatis, Yannis}, year = {2020}, month = aug, journal = {Journal of Open Archaeology Data}, volume = {8}, number = {1}, issn = {2049-1565}, doi = {10.5334/joad.65}, abstract = {The Journal of Open Archaeology Data (JOAD) features peer reviewed data papers describing archaeology datasets with high reuse potential. We work with a number of specialist and institutional data repositories to ensure that the associated data are professionally archived, preserved, and openly available. Equally importantly, the data and the papers are citable, and reuse is tracked. JOAD data papers are relatively quick to create, and provide you with a peer-reviewed publication to gain credit for your data. Submit a paper today! JOAD is indexed by the following services: Web of Science~(Emerging Sources Citation Index), Scopus, European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences,~Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers,~Directory of Open Access Journals~(DOAJ),~Chronos,~Center for Open Science,~OpenAIRE,~ExLibris, academia.edu,~Journal TOCs,~CNKI,~sparrho,~~CrossRef,~JISC KB+,~SHERPA RoMEO, ~EBSCOHost,~Cengage Learning, ANVUR and Google Scholar.}, langid = {american} }