Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

  • Kneisel, J., Hinz, M., & Rinne, C. (2014). RADON-B – Radiocarbon Dates Online (Version 2014). Database for European 14C Dates for the Bronze and Early Iron Age [Data set]. [RADON-B]
  title = {RADON-B – Radiocarbon Dates Online (Version 2014).  Database for European 14C Dates for the Bronze and Early Iron Age},
  author = {Kneisel, Jutta and Hinz, Martin and Rinne, Christophe},
  date = {2014},
  url = {},
  abstract = {The database provides a quick overview of 14C dates from Europe. The time frame was limited to the Bronze and Early Iron Ages and covers the period from 2300 BC to 500 BC. The database can be searched by geographic or chronological factors, but also according to the nature of the sample material, the sites or features. The data and related information were taken from the literature cited in each case, and due to the timing of phases and culture assignment, are subject to change. We therefore assume no responsibility for the accuracy of source data.}
[{"bibtex_key":"RADON-B","bibtex_type":"dataset","title":"{RADON-B – Radiocarbon Dates Online (Version 2014).  Database for European 14C Dates for the Bronze and Early Iron Age}","author":"{Kneisel, Jutta and Hinz, Martin and Rinne, Christophe}","date":"{2014}","url":"{}","abstract":"{The database provides a quick overview of 14C dates from Europe. The time frame was limited to the Bronze and Early Iron Ages and covers the period from 2300 BC to 500 BC. The database can be searched by geographic or chronological factors, but also according to the nature of the sample material, the sites or features. The data and related information were taken from the literature cited in each case, and due to the timing of phases and culture assignment, are subject to change. We therefore assume no responsibility for the accuracy of source data.}"}]
- :bibtex_key: RADON-B
  :bibtex_type: :dataset
  :title: "{RADON-B – Radiocarbon Dates Online (Version 2014).  Database for European
    14C Dates for the Bronze and Early Iron Age}"
  :author: "{Kneisel, Jutta and Hinz, Martin and Rinne, Christophe}"
  :date: "{2014}"
  :url: "{}"
  :abstract: "{The database provides a quick overview of 14C dates from Europe. The
    time frame was limited to the Bronze and Early Iron Ages and covers the period
    from 2300 BC to 500 BC. The database can be searched by geographic or chronological
    factors, but also according to the nature of the sample material, the sites or
    features. The data and related information were taken from the literature cited
    in each case, and due to the timing of phases and culture assignment, are subject
    to change. We therefore assume no responsibility for the accuracy of source data.}"

Citing records

There are 11048 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (11048)

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Löddigsee, Parchim Bln-3827 charcoal NA NA 4460±61 BP 5300–4877 cal BP Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014
Löddigsee, Parchim Hd-15776 charcoal NA NA 4175±56 BP 4843–4532 cal BP Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014
Humberstone Elms Farm NZA-10237 collagen, bone cattle radius; 3069: Bronze Age ditch F5008 NA 3076±60 BP 3442–3080 cal BP Thomas 2011, 138 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014
Humberstone Manor Farm Poz-22738 miscellaneous carbonised residue; 130: Roundhouse 5 - ring gully fill, MF phase 4 NA 2135±35 BP 2300–1997 cal BP Thomas 2011, 138 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014
Humberstone Manor Farm Poz-22740 miscellaneous carbonised residue; 518: Roundhouse 13 - primary fill of recut 414; Area B NA 2150±30 BP 2300–2005 cal BP Thomas 2011, 138 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014
Humberstone Manor Farm Poz-22842 collagen, bone sheep/goat humerus; 53: Roundhouse 2 - ring gully fill; MF phase 4 NA 2165±30 BP 2305–2009 cal BP Thomas 2011, 138 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014
Humberstone Manor Farm Wk-16374 collagen, bone cattle humerus; 268: Enclosure C ditch 254 - primary fill; MF phase 3 NA 2186±35 BP 2323–2072 cal BP Thomas 2011, 138 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014
Humberstone Manor Farm Wk-16376 collagen, bone cattle metacarpal; 890: Roundhouse 13 - primary fill of 1st phase gully 415 NA 2259±37 BP 2345–2152 cal BP Thomas 2011, 138 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014
Podgaj GD-1684 Einzelgrab, annähernd quadratische Grube, darin Skelett: matur (40-50 Jahre), weiblich, linker Hocker collagen, bone Knochen der Bestattung NA 3840±50 BP 4411–4095 cal BP Furholt 2003, 186 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014
Qualitz, Bützow Bln-555 Kollektivgrab, Ganggrab unter Hügel charcoal am Nordende der Grabkammer im Füllboden 20cm über der Kammerdiele in gleicher Höhe wie die EGK-Beigaben NA 3830±120 BP 4570–3878 cal BP Furholt 2003, 243 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014
Quedlinburg, Hammwarte Bln-942 Einzelgrab, zerstörtes Brandgrab; rechteckige Grabgrube in den Sandstein eingetieft, Reste einer Steinpackung an den Rändern, ebenso Holzkohle und Hüttenlehm, Leichenbrand an drei Stellen gehäuft vorkommend charcoal offenbar aus der Grabkonstruktion stammende Holzkohle NA 4005±65 BP 4801–4250 cal BP Furholt 2003, 197f. Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014
Rances, Champ Vully Est Bln-3380 NA NA 3750±80 BP 4403–3897 cal BP Hafner/Suter 2003; Furholt 2003, 257 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014
Ripdorf Hv-18045 Grab 21; Hügel 53; Einzelgrab; Hügel, darunter 2 Gräber: 1.:verbrannte Holz-Lehmkonstruktion mit Kreisgraben; 2.:Obergrab in der Hügelfüllung, Steinpackung, ovale Steinsetzung charcoal Die Probe stammt von Brandspuren an der Hügelbasis NA 4010±95 BP 4823–4187 cal BP Furholt 2003, 231f. Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014
Samborzec Ki-7930 Grab 23; Einzelgrab; ovale Grabgrube; Nischengrab (?); 1 Skelett: matur, männlich, linker Rückenhocker collagen, bone Knochenmaterial der Bestattung NA 4080±50 BP 4814–4423 cal BP Furholt 2003, 176 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014
Sørbø T-10318 separate house remains at Sørbø house charcoal NA NA 1810±85 BP 1925–1532 cal BP Prøsch-Danielsen/Soltvedt 2011, 134 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014
Samborzec Ki-7931 Einzelgrab; Nischengrab (mit Steinblock verschlossen); ovale Grabgrube; 1 Skelett: matur, weiblich, linker Rückenhocker collagen, bone Knochenmaterial der Bestattung NA 4160±50 BP 4834–4531 cal BP Furholt 2003, 176 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014
Schönebeck KIA-34991 Los/Schnitt 2/IV collagen, bone Menschenknochen; 4,2 mg NA 3048±27 BP 3345–3174 cal BP Bogen/Leinthaler 2012, 144 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014
Schönebeck KIA-34992 Los/Schnitt: 2/IV collagen, bone Tierknochen; 4,0 mg NA 3664±32 BP 4085–3903 cal BP Bogen/Leinthaler 2012, 144 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014
Schönebeck KIA-34428 Los/Schnitt: 2/IV collagen, bone Tierknochen, Gelatine/Kollagen (4,3 mg/4,5 mg) NA 3663±29 BP 4085–3902 cal BP Bogen/Leinthaler 2012, 144 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014
Schönebeck KIA-34427 Los/Schnitt: 2/IV collagen, bone Tierknochen, Gelatine/Kollagen (4,0 mg/3,6 mg) NA 3647±31 BP 4084–3883 cal BP Bogen/Leinthaler 2012, 144 Kneisel, Hinz, and Rinne 2014


Record created in XRONOS on 2022-12-02 00:40:38 UTC. Last updated on 2023-09-07 06:46:27 UTC. See changelog for details.
Contributors: XRONOS development team, Joe Roe


@Misc{RADON-B, url = {}, note = {Jutta Kneisel, Martin Hinz, and Christoph Rinne. 2013. RADON-B – Database for European 14C dates for the Bronze and Early Iron Age.} } → @dataset{RADON-B, title = {{{RADON-B}} – {{Radiocarbon}} Dates Online (Version 2014). {{Database}} for {{European 14C}} Dates for the {{Bronze}} and {{Early Iron Age}}}, author = {Kneisel, Jutta and Hinz, Martin and Rinne, Christophe}, date = {2014}, url = {}, abstract = {The database provides a quick overview of 14C dates from Europe. The time frame was limited to the Bronze and Early Iron Ages and covers the period from 2300 BC to 500 BC. The database can be searched by geographic or chronological factors, but also according to the nature of the sample material, the sites or features. The data and related information were taken from the literature cited in each case, and due to the timing of phases and culture assignment, are subject to change. We therefore assume no responsibility for the accuracy of source data.} }