Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

  url = {},
  note = {Reingruber, A., and Thissen, L. (2017). The 14SEA Project: A 14C database for Southeast Europe and Anatolia (10,000–3000 calBC). Updated 2017-01-31.}
[{"bibtex_key":"14SEA","bibtex_type":"misc","url":"{}","note":"{Reingruber, A., and Thissen, L. (2017). The 14SEA Project: A 14C database for Southeast Europe and Anatolia (10,000–3000 calBC). Updated 2017-01-31.}"}]
- :bibtex_key: 14SEA
  :bibtex_type: :misc
  :url: "{}"
  :note: "{Reingruber, A., and Thissen, L. (2017). The 14SEA Project: A 14C database
    for Southeast Europe and Anatolia (10,000–3000 calBC). Updated 2017-01-31.}"

Citing records

There are 3025 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (3025)

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Parța Lv-2138 Level 6a, House 41 (S.9, c.16, -1.40–1.65m), eastern part Charcoal NA NA 6160±100 BP Mantu 1999–2000: 99, Lazarovici et al. 2007, Borić 2015: 211–2
Parța Lv-2140 Level 7c–6a, House 40 (S.9, -1.6m) Charcoal NA NA 6140±80 BP Mantu 1999–2000: 99, Lazarovici et al. 2007, Borić 2015: 211–2
Parța Lv-2144 Level 6a, House 41 (S.9, c.15, -1.6m) Grain NA NA 6100±80 BP Mantu 1999–2000: 99, Lazarovici et al. 2007, Borić 2015: 211–2
Parța Lv-2150 Level 6a, House 41 (S.9, c.15, -1.6m) Charcoal NA NA 6070±90 BP Mantu 1999–2000: 99, Lazarovici et al. 2007, Borić 2015: 211–2
Parța 2 GrN-28460 Pit house 1, trench II, square 5–7,▼380 cm Cervus elaphus, metatarsal NA NA 6860±60 BP Biagi et al. 2005: 46f.
Parța 2 GrN-28877 Trench 2, square 6,▼210 cm Quercus, Fraxinus and Ulmus NA NA 6800±50 BP Biagi et al. 2005: 46f.
Parța 2 GrN-28459 Trench II, square 5,▼290 cm Bos sp., ulna NA NA 6660±60 BP Biagi et al. 2005: 46f.
Perlez-Batka ‘C’ OxA-8605 Trench 2/1975, grave 1 Human tibia NA NA 7145±50 BP
Perlez-Batka ‘C’ OxA-8607+OxA-10146 Trench 2/1975, pit 2 Large mammal long bone NA NA 7090±35 BP
Perlez-Batka ‘C’ OxA-8596 Trench 2/1975, grave 2 Human femur NA NA 6975±75 BP Whittle et al. 2002: 114
Perlez-Batka ‘C’ OxA-8606 Excavation layer of pit dwelling 2/1976 Large mammal humerus NA NA 6970±50 BP Whittle et al. 2002: 114
Perlez-Batka ‘C’ OxA-8597 Trench 5/1975, grave 3 Human tibia NA NA 6935±70 BP Whittle et al. 2002: 114
Röszke-Lúdvár Deb-2730 NA NA 6972±59 BP Oross & Siklósi 2012: Table 3
Sajan-Domboš OxA-8566 Trench 2, pit with snails and shells Red deer antler tool NA NA 6815±55 BP Whittle et al. 2002: 114
Sajan-Domboš OxA-8567 Trench 3, pit 2 Large mammal, polished rib NA NA 6780±70 BP Whittle et al. 2002: 114
Sȃnandrei Poz-53389 S4, layer 5d NA NA 6100±40 BP Drașovean 2014: 168
Sȃnandrei Poz-45916 S4, layer 5d NA NA 6040±40 BP Drașovean 2014: 168
Sȃnandrei Poz-45670 S4, layer 5d NA NA 6020±20 BP Drașovean 2014: 168
Satchinez Deb-2579 Vinča A2; Pit 1 Charcoal NA NA 6270±40 BP Mantu 1999–2000: 98, Borić 2015: 211–2
Şeuşa-La Cărarea Morii GrN-28114 Bos sp., humerus sx NA NA 7070±60 BP Biagi et al. 2005: 46f.


Record created in XRONOS on 2022-12-02 00:40:38 UTC. Last updated on 2022-12-09 11:15:23 UTC. See changelog for details.
Contributors: XRONOS development team
