Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

  url = {},
  note = {Reingruber, A., and Thissen, L. (2017). The 14SEA Project: A 14C database for Southeast Europe and Anatolia (10,000–3000 calBC). Updated 2017-01-31.}
[{"bibtex_key":"14SEA","bibtex_type":"misc","url":"{}","note":"{Reingruber, A., and Thissen, L. (2017). The 14SEA Project: A 14C database for Southeast Europe and Anatolia (10,000–3000 calBC). Updated 2017-01-31.}"}]
- :bibtex_key: 14SEA
  :bibtex_type: :misc
  :url: "{}"
  :note: "{Reingruber, A., and Thissen, L. (2017). The 14SEA Project: A 14C database
    for Southeast Europe and Anatolia (10,000–3000 calBC). Updated 2017-01-31.}"

Citing records

There are 3025 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (3025)

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Varna Cemetery OxA-13692 Burial 44 Human bone Homo sapiens NA 5657±30 BP Higham et al. 2008: 95–114, Higham et al. 2007: 640–654, Reingruber 2015: Appendix
Varna Cemetery OxA-13693 Burial 225 Human bone Homo sapiens NA 5660±29 BP Higham et al. 2008: 95–114, Higham et al. 2007: 640–654, Reingruber 2015: Appendix
Varna Cemetery OxA-13686 Burial 11 Human bone Homo sapiens NA 5639±32 BP Higham et al. 2008: 95–114, Higham et al. 2007: 640–654, Reingruber 2015: Appendix
Varna Cemetery OxA-13250 Burial 94 Human bone Homo sapiens NA 5626±31 BP Higham et al. 2008: 95–114, Higham et al. 2007: 640–654, Reingruber 2015: Appendix
Varna Cemetery OxA-13687 Burial 10 Human bone Homo sapiens NA 5569±32 BP Higham et al. 2008: 95–114, Higham et al. 2007: 640–654, Reingruber 2015: Appendix
Varna Cemetery OxA-13811 Burial 117 Animal bone NA NA 5530±36 BP Higham et al. 2008: 95–114, Higham et al. 2007: 640–654, Reingruber 2015: Appendix
Varna Cemetery MAMS-15097 Burial 167 Human bone Homo sapiens NA 5508±27 BP Krauß et al. 2016: 283 Table 2
Varna Cemetery MAMS-15098 Burial 288 Human bone Homo sapiens NA 5472±28 BP Krauß et al. 2016: 283 Table 2
Varna Cemetery Poz-71452 Burial 209 Human bone Homo sapiens NA 5420±35 BP Krauß et al. 2016: 283 Table 2
Banjica GrN-1542 Charcoal NA NA 5710±90 BP Vogel & Waterbolk 1963: 184-5
Banjica GrN-1536 Charcoal NA NA 5670±120 BP Vogel & Waterbolk 1963: 184
Bapska Bln-346 Trench A/9-10, depth 1.80-2.00 m Charcoal (Ulmus sp.) NA NA 5955±80 BP Quitta & Kohl 1969: 232
Bapska Bln-348 Trench E-F/4-6, floor of house 2-A, depth of 1.40 m Charcoal (Ulmus sp.) NA NA 5820±80 BP Quitta & Kohl 1969: 232
Bapska Beta-241657a House 2 Charred Triticum dicoccum NA NA 5710±40 BP Burić 2015
Bapska OxA-23592 House 2 building level Unidentified animal bone NA NA 5714±31 BP Burić 2015
Bapska OxA-23593 Houses 1 and 2 building level Unidentified animal bone NA NA 5715±33 BP Burić 2015
Bapska Beta-333534 House 2 Charred grains NA NA 5700±40 BP Burić 2015
Bapska Beta-241657b House 1 Carbonised wheat grains NA NA 5690±40 BP Burić 2015
Bapska Beta-241659 House 2 building level Charred unidentified animal bone NA NA 5660±40 BP Burić 2015
Belovode OxA-14684 Trench 8, spit 23, burnt feature debris Bos sp. rib NA NA 6354±36 BP Borić 2009: 196 Table 2


Record created in XRONOS on 2022-12-02 00:40:38 UTC. Last updated on 2022-12-09 11:15:23 UTC. See changelog for details.
Contributors: XRONOS development team
