Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18.

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

@misc{Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18.,
{"bibtex_key":"Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18.","bibtex_type":"misc"}
:bibtex_key: 'Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation
  during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A.
  Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African
  Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18.'
:bibtex_type: :misc

Citing records

There are 100 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.

Site Sites (18)

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (81)

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Dourou-boro ETH-33583 Straw NA NA 1570±45 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Dourou-boro ETH-33584 Leaves NA NA 1580±50 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Dourou-boro ETH-33585 Straw NA NA 1545±50 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Dourou-boro ETH-33586 Straw NA NA 1780±50 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Dourou-boro ETH-33587 Human bone Homo sapiens NA 1295±40 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Songona ETH-33588 Charcoal NA NA 2400±55 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Yawa dunes P66 ETH-33589 Charcoal NA NA 2465±55 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Pegue Grotte A ETH-34897 Straw NA NA 1970±50 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Pegue Grotte A ETH-34898 Straw NA NA 1970±50 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Pegue Grotte A ETH-34899 Straw NA NA 2015±60 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Pegue Grotte A ETH-34900 Straw NA NA 2030±60 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Pegue Grotte A ETH-34901 Straw NA NA 1910±60 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Pegue Grotte A ETH-34902 Straw NA NA 2275±60 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Pegue Grotte A ETH-34903 Straw NA NA 1570±55 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Yawa-vaches ETH-34904 Straw NA NA 755±55 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Dourou-boro ETH-39485 Human bone Homo sapiens NA 1290±40 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Sadia ETH-40323 Charcoal NA NA 900±30 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Sadia ETH-40324 Charcoal NA NA 970±30 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Sadia ETH-40325 Charcoal NA NA 995±30 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Sadia ETH-40326 Charcoal NA NA 1090±30 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022


Record created in XRONOS on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. Last updated on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. See changelog for details.
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