Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18.

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

@misc{Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18.,
{"bibtex_key":"Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18.","bibtex_type":"misc"}
:bibtex_key: 'Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation
  during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A.
  Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African
  Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18.'
:bibtex_type: :misc

Citing records

There are 100 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.

Site Sites (18)

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (81)

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Damatoumou ETH-18652 Charcoal NA NA 8300±70 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Damatoumou ETH-20213 Charcoal NA NA 8210±70 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Ravin du Hibou ETH-20214 Charcoal NA NA 8700±75 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Ravin de la Mouche ETH-23540 Charcoal NA NA 9590±70 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Orosogou ETH-24060 Charcoal NA NA 315±40 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Ravin de la Mouche ETH-27142 Charcoal NA NA 9500±75 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Ravin de la Mouche ETH-27143 Charcoal NA NA 9365±70 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Ravin de la Mouche ETH-27144 Charcoal NA NA 9150±70 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Ravin de la Mouche ETH-28745 Charcoal NA NA 9515±70 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Ravin de la Mouche ETH-28746 Charcoal NA NA 9785±70 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Ravin du Pont ETH-28754 Charcoal NA NA 1050±45 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Ravin de la Mouche ETH-31278 Charcoal NA NA 9610±70 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Ravin de la Mouche ETH-31279 Charcoal NA NA 9510±70 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Dourou-boro ETH-33576 Straw NA NA 1595±50 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Dourou-boro ETH-33577 Straw NA NA 1475±50 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Dourou-boro ETH-33578 Human bone Homo sapiens NA 1355±35 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Dourou-boro ETH-33579 Human bone Homo sapiens NA 1350±40 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Dourou-boro ETH-33580 Charcoal NA NA 555±55 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Dourou-boro ETH-33581 Charcoal NA NA 1560±50 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022
Dourou-boro ETH-33582 Wood NA NA 1390±50 BP Ozainne S. Mayor A. Huysecom E. (in press). Chronology of human occupation during the Holocene in West Africa: The Dogon Country radiocarbon record. In A. Mercuri C. D’Andrea R. Fornaciari A. Höhn (Eds.) Plants and People in the African Past: Progress in African Archaeobotany. Springer 1-18. Bird et al. 2022


Record created in XRONOS on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. Last updated on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. See changelog for details.
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