Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson.

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

@misc{Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson.,
{"bibtex_key":"Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson.","bibtex_type":"misc"}
:bibtex_key: Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central
  Hueco Bolson.
:bibtex_type: :misc

Citing records

There are 120 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.

Site Sites (25)

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (94)

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
FB07580 Beta-50094 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 1820±50 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB12069 Beta-50095 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 1390±70 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB12069 Beta-50096 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 1600±60 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB12069 Beta-50097 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 1720±60 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB12069 Beta-50098 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 1550±50 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB12072 Beta-50099 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 1640±50 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB12072 Beta-50100 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 1920±60 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB12072 Beta-50101 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 1890±60 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB12072 Beta-50102 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 1890±50 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB12100 Beta-50103 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 1150±50 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB12100 Beta-50104 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 1110±50 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB12100 Beta-50105 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 1010±60 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB12100 Beta-50106 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 1010±60 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB12100 Beta-50107 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 1110±50 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB12225 Beta-50108 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 2850±100 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB12225 Beta-50109 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 2920±60 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB12319 Beta-50110 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 1850±60 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB12330 Beta-50111 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 1400±50 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB12330 Beta-50112 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 2020±60 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB12330 Beta-50113 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 1520±60 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022


Record created in XRONOS on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. Last updated on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. See changelog for details.
Contributors: XRONOS development team
