Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson.

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

@misc{Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson.,
{"bibtex_key":"Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson.","bibtex_type":"misc"}
:bibtex_key: Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central
  Hueco Bolson.
:bibtex_type: :misc

Citing records

There are 120 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.

Site Sites (25)

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (94)

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
FB07510 Beta-47935 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 1500±60 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB07510 Beta-47936 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 1480±60 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB07580 Beta-47937 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 2860±60 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB07580 Beta-47938 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 2820±60 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB10411 Beta-47939 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 860±60 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB11299 Beta-47940 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 810±50 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB12069 Beta-47942 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 1460±70 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB12069 Beta-47943 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 1540±60 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB12316 Beta-47944 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 2410±70 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB12330 Beta-47945 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 1140±70 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB12330 Beta-47946 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 1290±70 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
Kupti Beta-50031 charcoal; charbon de bois NA NA 1210±50 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB06741 Beta-50086 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 4010±70 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB06741 Beta-50087 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 3950±80 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB07483 Beta-50088 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 1400±50 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB07483 Beta-50089 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 1500±50 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB07483 Beta-50090 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 2570±50 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB07483 Beta-50091 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 2730±70 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB07520 Beta-50092 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 5620±80 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022
FB07547 Beta-50093 CHARCOAL NA RADIOMETRIC 1420±60 BP Miller Jornada Database; Mauldin et al 1998 Small Sites in the Central Hueco Bolson. Bird et al. 2022


Record created in XRONOS on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. Last updated on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. See changelog for details.
Contributors: XRONOS development team
