McEachern S. (2012).The Prehistory and early history of the northern Mandara Mountains and surrounding plains. In: Metals in Mandara Mountains' Society and Culture. Ed: David N. Africa World Press. 27-66pp

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

@misc{McEachern S. (2012).The Prehistory and early history of the northern Mandara Mountains and surrounding plains. In: Metals in Mandara Mountains' Society and Culture. Ed: David N. Africa World Press. 27-66pp,
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:bibtex_key: 'McEachern S. (2012).The Prehistory and early history of the northern
  Mandara Mountains and surrounding plains. In: Metals in Mandara Mountains'' Society
  and Culture. Ed: David N. Africa World Press. 27-66pp'
:bibtex_type: :misc

Citing records

There are 35 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.

Site Sites (10)

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (24)

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Aissa Dugjé Beta-116638 Charcoal NA NA 1100±60 BP McEachern S. (2012).The Prehistory and early history of the northern Mandara Mountains and surrounding plains. In: Metals in Mandara Mountains' Society and Culture. Ed: David N. Africa World Press. 27-66pp Bird et al. 2022
Aissa Dugjé Beta-116639 Charcoal NA NA 1030±60 BP McEachern S. (2012).The Prehistory and early history of the northern Mandara Mountains and surrounding plains. In: Metals in Mandara Mountains' Society and Culture. Ed: David N. Africa World Press. 27-66pp Bird et al. 2022
Aissa Dugjé Beta-116640 Charcoal NA NA 1460±90 BP McEachern S. (2012).The Prehistory and early history of the northern Mandara Mountains and surrounding plains. In: Metals in Mandara Mountains' Society and Culture. Ed: David N. Africa World Press. 27-66pp Bird et al. 2022
Aissa Dugjé Beta-116641 Charcoal NA NA 910±40 BP McEachern S. (2012).The Prehistory and early history of the northern Mandara Mountains and surrounding plains. In: Metals in Mandara Mountains' Society and Culture. Ed: David N. Africa World Press. 27-66pp Bird et al. 2022
Aissa Dugjé Beta-116642 Charcoal NA NA 1150±50 BP McEachern S. (2012).The Prehistory and early history of the northern Mandara Mountains and surrounding plains. In: Metals in Mandara Mountains' Society and Culture. Ed: David N. Africa World Press. 27-66pp Bird et al. 2022
Aissa Dugjé Beta-116643 Charcoal NA NA 1120±40 BP McEachern S. (2012).The Prehistory and early history of the northern Mandara Mountains and surrounding plains. In: Metals in Mandara Mountains' Society and Culture. Ed: David N. Africa World Press. 27-66pp Bird et al. 2022
Aissa Dugjé Beta-116644 Charcoal NA NA 1130±50 BP McEachern S. (2012).The Prehistory and early history of the northern Mandara Mountains and surrounding plains. In: Metals in Mandara Mountains' Society and Culture. Ed: David N. Africa World Press. 27-66pp Bird et al. 2022
Aissa Dugjé Beta-116645 Charcoal NA NA 1220±50 BP McEachern S. (2012).The Prehistory and early history of the northern Mandara Mountains and surrounding plains. In: Metals in Mandara Mountains' Society and Culture. Ed: David N. Africa World Press. 27-66pp Bird et al. 2022
Aissa Dugjé Beta-116646 Charcoal NA NA 1570±90 BP McEachern S. (2012).The Prehistory and early history of the northern Mandara Mountains and surrounding plains. In: Metals in Mandara Mountains' Society and Culture. Ed: David N. Africa World Press. 27-66pp Bird et al. 2022
Aissa Dugjé Beta-116647 Charcoal NA NA 1270±50 BP McEachern S. (2012).The Prehistory and early history of the northern Mandara Mountains and surrounding plains. In: Metals in Mandara Mountains' Society and Culture. Ed: David N. Africa World Press. 27-66pp Bird et al. 2022
Sukur Beta-64955 Charcoal NA NA 220±60 BP McEachern S. (2012).The Prehistory and early history of the northern Mandara Mountains and surrounding plains. In: Metals in Mandara Mountains' Society and Culture. Ed: David N. Africa World Press. 27-66pp Bird et al. 2022
Mehe Djiddere Ly-3817 Charcoal NA NA 790±100 BP McEachern S. (2012).The Prehistory and early history of the northern Mandara Mountains and surrounding plains. In: Metals in Mandara Mountains' Society and Culture. Ed: David N. Africa World Press. 27-66pp Bird et al. 2022
DGB-2 TO-11106 Charcoal NA NA 880±50 BP McEachern S. (2012).The Prehistory and early history of the northern Mandara Mountains and surrounding plains. In: Metals in Mandara Mountains' Society and Culture. Ed: David N. Africa World Press. 27-66pp Bird et al. 2022
DGB-2 TO-11107 Charcoal NA NA 460±50 BP McEachern S. (2012).The Prehistory and early history of the northern Mandara Mountains and surrounding plains. In: Metals in Mandara Mountains' Society and Culture. Ed: David N. Africa World Press. 27-66pp Bird et al. 2022
DGB-8 TO-11109 Charcoal NA NA 490±50 BP McEachern S. (2012).The Prehistory and early history of the northern Mandara Mountains and surrounding plains. In: Metals in Mandara Mountains' Society and Culture. Ed: David N. Africa World Press. 27-66pp Bird et al. 2022
DGB-8 TO-11110 Charcoal NA NA 490±50 BP McEachern S. (2012).The Prehistory and early history of the northern Mandara Mountains and surrounding plains. In: Metals in Mandara Mountains' Society and Culture. Ed: David N. Africa World Press. 27-66pp Bird et al. 2022
DGB-8 TO-11111 Charcoal NA NA 550±40 BP McEachern S. (2012).The Prehistory and early history of the northern Mandara Mountains and surrounding plains. In: Metals in Mandara Mountains' Society and Culture. Ed: David N. Africa World Press. 27-66pp Bird et al. 2022
Gréa Twin Peaks TO-4420 Charcoal NA NA 3410±50 BP McEachern S. (2012).The Prehistory and early history of the northern Mandara Mountains and surrounding plains. In: Metals in Mandara Mountains' Society and Culture. Ed: David N. Africa World Press. 27-66pp Bird et al. 2022
Ghwa Masogo TO-4423 Detrital Charcoal/bruned clay NA NA 2980±80 BP McEachern S. (2012).The Prehistory and early history of the northern Mandara Mountains and surrounding plains. In: Metals in Mandara Mountains' Society and Culture. Ed: David N. Africa World Press. 27-66pp Bird et al. 2022
Ngoye Kirawa TO-4425 Charcoal/burned soil NA NA 1120±50 BP McEachern S. (2012).The Prehistory and early history of the northern Mandara Mountains and surrounding plains. In: Metals in Mandara Mountains' Society and Culture. Ed: David N. Africa World Press. 27-66pp Bird et al. 2022


Record created in XRONOS on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. Last updated on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. See changelog for details.
Contributors: XRONOS development team
