Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

@misc{Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991,
{"bibtex_key":"Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991","bibtex_type":"misc"}
:bibtex_key: Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991
:bibtex_type: :misc

Citing records

There are 2500 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (1889)

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Sanxingdui ZK-2330 Charcoal NA Conventional 4540±135 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Haimenkou ZK-2335 Wood NA NA 2520±75 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Keqiutou ZK-2336 Shell NA Conventional 4570±100 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Keqiutou ZK-2337 Shell NA Conventional 4610±90 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Keqiutou ZK-2338 Shell NA Conventional 4560±105 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Wangtun ZK-2339 Charcoal NA Conventional 2730±85 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Xinguang ZK-2340 Charcoal NA Conventional 2320±80 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Guanmashan ZK-2341 Human bones NA Conventional 1970±95 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Maoershan ZK-2342 Wood NA Conventional 1560±75 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Maoershan ZK-2343 Wood NA Conventional 1950±55 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Shuiquancun ZK-2344 Charcoal NA Conventional 6900±110 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Shuiquancun ZK-2345 Charcoal NA Conventional 7060±120 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Bianduishan ZK-2346 Charcoal NA Conventional 3960±250 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Dana Temple ZK-2351 Paper NA Conventional 810±70 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Xingcheng ZK-2352 Charcoal NA Conventional 4050±95 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Bozikelike Grottoes ZK-2354 Wheat straws NA NA 1240±50 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Bozikelike Grottoes ZK-2355 Wheat straws NA NA 860±70 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Bozikelike Grottoes ZK-2356 Wheat straws and wand NA NA 1090±70 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Bozikelike Grottoes ZK-2358 Wheat straws wand NA NA 1090±70 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Bozikelike Grottoes ZK-2360 Wheat straws wand NA NA 610±45 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022


Record created in XRONOS on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. Last updated on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. See changelog for details.
Contributors: XRONOS development team
