Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

@misc{Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991,
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:bibtex_key: Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991
:bibtex_type: :misc

Citing records

There are 2500 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.

Site Sites (610)

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (1889)

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Mawangdui CG-0028 Charcoal NA Conventional 2150±95 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Xiawanggang GC-0083 Charcoal NA Conventional 5710±175 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Xiawanggang GC-0086 Charcoal NA Conventional 6020±175 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Xiawanggang GC-0088 Charcoal NA Conventional 4150±170 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Mancheng Han tomb GC-W1 Wood NA Conventional 2160±95 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Mawangdui GC-W8 Wood NA Conventional 2120±95 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Ceahlau Dirtu Ceahlau Dartu Gc-9415 charcoal NA NA 25450±4450 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Tianshan NB-0017 Charcoal NA Conventional 2170±60 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Zhaozhuang-guidun NB-0023 Charcoal pieces NA Conventional 4190±265 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Sidun NB-0030 Charcoal pieces NA Conventional 4150±200 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Liujiabang NB-0035 Bark NA Conventional 3220±95 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Fuguodun NTU-063 Shell NA Conventional 5470±320 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Fuguodun NTU-064 Shell NA Conventional 5810±340 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Fuguodun NTU-065 Shell NA Conventional 6320±370 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Taibei NTU-52 Shell NA Conventional 1940±190 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Taibei NTU-53 Shell NA Conventional 2390±200 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Taibei NTU-54 Shell NA Conventional 2010±200 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Taidong NTU-55 Charcoal NA Conventional 3060±280 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Nantou NTU-56 Charcoal NA Conventional 1630±160 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022
Nantou NTU-57 Charcoal NA Conventional 3840±380 BP Institute of Archaeology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.1991 Bird et al. 2022


Record created in XRONOS on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. Last updated on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. See changelog for details.
Contributors: XRONOS development team
